
Watergate 2015-10-12

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Feb 14, 2010
by Egan & Bakscratch

Currently: Release Candidate

The map is set in a beer factory and its neighbouring buildings under the siege of an alien invasion. With aliens attacking our merc teams sink back to their bars during the worldwide apocalypse, but with science they find aliens don't enjoy drinking beer! They concoct a plan of action and put it to use..

Pick up beer from fallen enemies and deposit these into the UFO tractor beam to score points (to get the UFO drunk). Whoever has the most amount of beer on each team dispenses health and ammo to nearby teammates.

Thanks to:
MvA Prop Makers - UFO model
FissionMetroid - UFO particles
BulletCrops Pack - boat model, fish barrel model, horizon texture
Neodement - watergate model
Evil Knevil - van model, bottle model
Nassimo - sign textures, model textures
Wgooch - map plugin
A Boojum Snark - player association entity base

FissionMetroid's particles for larger UFO stuff
FissionMetroid's particles for watergate
Neodement's watergate model
Watergate Content Pack

pd_watergate on the map workshop
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Feb 14, 2010
Things I'm looking out for / changing into a2, from the a1 gameday test:
- I wasn't having fun on the map. I think I'll need to either open some buildings around the point so the action spreads out a bit more - maybe add an easier / safer route to the apartments, could also move the point somewhere else as some feedback suggested but I like how the tower draws attention - and its also where the UFO drops people off.
- The UFO, while cool, wasn't really useful. I may increase it's suction lift-speed, and increase how fast it moves across. I may also increase how often it shows up, maybe each time the point is taken, or just even less time between arrivals.
- Going to add some overhang from the windows above the canal, I wanted to jump down to them easier from the top of the tower.
- Some people mentioned the core spawner on the point was annoying to deal with, I too felt it a bit annoying. I think I may make it have a visible timer when the cores are coming, and disperse them out in waves of 3-per-spawn, and time them out accordingly. It was annoying having to stand there nigh-constantly since it was a good thing for my team, but I also wanted to play around the map.
- Some people mentioned that being a sniper at the bridge across the canal was really difficult since you were being hit by people from the tower - way up / out of your line of sight. I may counter this by including the apartments more in combat around mid - do something that puts the bridge snipers at more even odds with the tower snipers. Otherwise I could add more cover but that doesn't sound like fun..
- I didn't really like spawn, but I'll keep it about the same as it is for A2 since it wasn't that important.

The map also seemed to the make the server stutter a bit, this may be because the server was only just recently brung back up from the dead, or it could be because of the ridiculous amount of IO being fired off from the map which I may have to cut down on a bit; I could take out the powercore model scale shifter thing since that makes up for 1/5 of the spam by itself. Otherwise I could, if necessary, simplify the gamemode by making cores appear for only one team member and not be produced by the robots - have them just lock onto the player so the team gets points (be deathmatch + the koth point for bonus income).
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Feb 14, 2010
Things I'm looking out for / changing into a3, from the a2 impromptu test:
- Map was more fun than a1, but still a bit lame. Felt like playing those single player games where you take a look at the map and go "uhh so much work", because the gamemode takes a lot of time to go through - it's tedious. Talking to the players in-game they mentioned having the max points be set somewhat dynamically, like more players / more max points. I'll experiment on this and see if it's possible.
- The spawns need some work - should face the map instead of being sideways probably (thanks doom), can be closer inwards since the front seems like wasted space - no one goes out there (thanks Matty), may add windows to the front so people in set up time can see outwards (thanks ONP).
- ONP suggested spreading out the cores that spawn on the point, I did that and added them to a func_door_rotating, so that should be cool.
- Doom says the map feels first-map-y because of not having much subtle height differences, and mostly only dealing with extremes. I can see what he means since I use those extremes everywhere, but on the other hand I really enjoy playing on those height differences. I'll experiment a bit with this maybe. He also says there's a lot of jumping, and I assume that he means it was annoying - I agree somewhat, there are lots of annoying jumps, I'll try to simplify some of it / ease up on some routes with clipping.
- ONP says the core kill amount is confusing - I may make that more clear by putting "Cores: " in front of the number, but that might take up too much screen-space, so I'm not sure. I'll test it out.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Is it still RD if you're not destroying robots?


Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010









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Mar 23, 2010
I dig that

Coding Ethan

L2: Junior Member
Oct 12, 2014
How did you go about making players drop power cores on death? I had a similar idea a while back, but I didn't know how to execute it. I'd love to know as it might help me with similar concepts.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Not sure if anyone said it, but the map caused the server (or maybe just me?) to crash. Are you perhaps going over the entity limit?


Feb 14, 2010
Not sure if anyone said it, but the map caused the server (or maybe just me?) to crash. Are you perhaps going over the entity limit?

No I'm not, the crashes were caused by me TestActivator-ing players to check what team they were on on a delay, meaning if the player disconnected before the end of the 0.15 delay (when checked in the filter) the server would crash. the 0.15 delay also happened every 0.5 seconds to all people in spawn, so it was essentially 1/3 chance someone disconnecting in spawn would crash the server. I've fixed that just by instead having the effects of the TestActivator be on a delay, instead of the TestActivator.

How did you go about making players drop power cores on death? I had a similar idea a while back, but I didn't know how to execute it. I'd love to know as it might help me with similar concepts.

I was going to make a video explanation of the entity set up after the contest, but it's done using logic_measure_movement.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Yes. Textures please.

But about the map: I really do like it. I think it could be really fun (although we haven't tested it with a full server in a long time). My one complaint though is that it is really hard to get up to the point, which is the most desirable part of the map since you get a height advantage over everyone else and its a perfect lookout onto the lower parts of the map.

Combine the narrow hallway ramps with the blind 90 degree turn you have to make (or alternatively the difficult jump-barrel section) and it makes it nearly impossible to reclaim without rocket jumping up top and getting a lucky crit. 9 times out of 10 there is a sentry and dispenser up there along with about 3 other people and it becomes very hard to even get close. A demoman can just roll grenades down the ramps and there isn't a spot you can attack it from up high.

I really hope after you continue to work on it after the contest. I realize that this gamemode is a pain to get working properly and you were on a time limit. This really is a cool map, I just never have much fun playing on it.