
PL Vigil RC10

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Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
- Unclipped top of wall on third with "Crummy's Burgers" sign on it
- Added trigger_push to the top of the same wall to disallow people standing on it
- Added a shelf in B red house
- Unclipped top of shelf in room between B and C
- Fixed displacement bug on final
- Added no-build to out of bounds area on B to prevent engineers building up there
- Added small gap in skybox on second to allow for better visuals
- Added more hint brushes to hopefully improve framerates around second
- Minor detail improvements

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Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
I love that dome design. Is it a model or brush work?

A description from earlier in the thread:

I used blender, made a wireframe hemisphere, and thickened the edges to be actual solids. Then made another hemisphere, and deleted some areas of it, and solidified that to make it have both external and internal walls. Then made the opening, uv unwrapped the whole thing and painted it using photoshop. All the time I followed this tutorial by MaccyF, so big thanks to him.


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
- Added jump in first house to get to the upper area from the lower area
- Added rocks on first to allow players to jump up onto the raised areas from closer to the point
- Added cutout on 1st to allow red to spam first with a bit more cover
- Added rocks on first to decrease blu sniper's vision of red backing out of first forward hold
- Added collision on the window sills on first
- Added crates leading up to the second hill from first to give more cover around that area
- Changed hilltop structure on second, turning it into a house with a sloped roof and removing the wall
- Added wall on cliff structure
- Added railing along the back part of the second cliff
- Raised height of tunnel roof on second
- Added flank on third to allow blu flank to get into the third cap area easier in competitive matches
- Changed trigger push on top of the wall on third - now not so strong
- Added rock jump up to the third cliff from the large ammo pack
- Added railing on the flank cliff on last
- Increased height of sloped section of roof on the flank cliff of last
- Decreased size of doorway from last to the flank cliff
- Added area under sentry platform to give a possible decloak spot for blu spies
- Indented wall along the back area of last to give more room for players (especially blu spies) to move around
- Removed the force respawn for red after a point is capped
- Added some more details around the map including:
- Dome doors made by @MaccyF (they even open as the cart gets into the last area!)
- Telescope made by @Freyja
- Cloud scrolling textures in the deathpits made by myself​

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Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
This is the update intended to be used in UGC this season. Good luck to all teams who are playing!

- Added window on the outside of I.T.
- Added pipes around pit that can be used to walk around the edge
- Fixed some clipping
- Added HDR lighting
- Added some more detailing

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Feb 8, 2016
Personally i think the map is pretty good. i am not sure if you abandoned the map but if you did thats sad because in my opinion the map is pretty good and it plays good too so yea. maybe behind the scenes you are detailing the map or something but yea.
if you are willing to continue working on the map thats great! i could give my personal feedback about the map too if you wish.


Feb 8, 2016
so i would like to give you some feedback for your map. some of them are compalins others just some suggestions etc.

this area right here is great for attacking, but this building here serves almost no use.
what i mean is that, I go inside that building only to waste some seconds and maybe grab the packs and then be where i could end up if i went this small pathway. my suggestion is just to make the building more usefull.

i think this area over here is pretty good and well thought like the other points but, its too small to do some action and stuff. just make it bigger thats all.

there is a really small but cool underground/basement flank which you can suprice your enemies and stuff which is cool.
the only compain i got is that, to get up to the ledge you need to jump up these creates. this is not necessary a bad thing but on the other picture it looks kinda ugly in my opinion at least, and enemies can see you coming really easily.

here is that really big flank which you can take to suprice your enemies as well by going behind them. thats a cool idea and i did take some inspiration from that area for my map pl cliffedge but the problem i see is that, yea okay you can flank the enemies but you have to walk a lot and the packs are too small to make a difference/help you
for this basement here i am pretty sure you did take some inspiration from upward which is really cool but this basements doesnt help you that much to attack last point at all which is not that great for attackers. i suggest making it that you not only go to the other flank i talked previously but maybe add a new route for your new last you told me you are working on.


Personally i firmly believe that, your map is almost there and it has a bright future. i even played it with bots and i enjoyed it a lot. ( its the contrast between real players - bots) i do advise you to improve first point a bit , third too and redo last point which you already said that you are going to do anyway. about last take some inspiration from other maps such as borneo and try to see what you can improve and avoid. i really liked the map and i hope one day we will see it in game.

one more thing. when do you think you will have the next version finished? and is it going to be b6 or rc1?


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
Thanks for the feedback!

The house between first and second serves to give Blu some height over the top of the hill, in case red are holding aggressively up there. I'm not sure what could be changed about it, although I'll have a look into it.

The main area of third is quite small, although I want to encourage pushes from the higher cliffs rather than from the low ground. I also worry that if I make te area too big, snipers will become too powerful (which especially is a problem in comp).

As for the underground flank on third, I have to make that I crate jump. When I initially put that flank in, I had stairs leading up to the exit, and that resulted in third being really easy for blu to push, as the combo of blu could just walk through that area and be in a strong position almost immediately. Having a crate jump there gives that route a risk for the massive reward that it gives for getting through that area.

For last I'm caught between a rock and a hard place practically. The inside has been complained about being too small, and the outer flank has been complained about being too long. Increasing the size on last would make that flank longer, and decreasing the size of the flank would also make last smaller. Hopefully the changes I'm making to last will help with that.

The basement flank on last is designed to allow blu to quickly rotate out to the cliff route, while also giving a place for flanking classes on both teams to get some health and ammo. It is already used quite a bit on the community server that runs this map, and although I have thought about adding a new route from the basement to elsewhere, I do not know where this route could surface. Once again, I'll have another look into this though.

The next version of the map will be b6, and should hopefully be out in a few weeks to a few months, depending on comp feedback and how much time I get to work on it around uni.


Feb 8, 2016
great! i am very excited to see what you are going to do with your map and i am really looking forward to playing it someday.
also because i would like to make my map also a comp one how am i able to do exactly that?


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
First get your map up to a state where you think it plays well. This includes getting testing from TF2Maps and, if you can, from other community servers.
After that, you may want to do a simple detail pass, as people tend to be more engaged with even simply detailed maps compared to dev textured maps.

Once you're happy with it, post it on competitive forums and try to get the attention of players to get tests on it. You can also ask admins to get it into some cups (for Vigil I was able to get it into an ETF2L highlander preseason cup), all the while actively asking for feedback.

Then act on the feedback you get, rinse and repeat. It's a long and involved process, but I think it's worth it to see people enjoying your map.


Feb 8, 2016
ok cool thats really good to know.
one last thing which tf2 comp/highlander site do you recoment me to try to put my map there for testing?


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
- Raised rock formation on first to disallow snipers from standing on it.
- Changed climbable rocks to a log to make it easier to get up.
- Added slight outcrop on second to give spies another possible decloak spot.
- Removed climbable invisible ledge on last - players now need to use the pipes to get up the drop-down cliff.
- Re-added a skill jump from final tunnel exit to the upper flank cliff that was accidentally removed in the last version.
- Remade the flank area of last.
- Moved final pit closer to the flank - there is now more space on the walkway below the sentry platform.
- Reduced the cart speed from 90 to 80. The modifier on third's rollback area is not 55% (up from 50%). This now makes the cart's speed 44 on the ramp (down from 45). The modifier on last's rollback is still 50%. This now makes the cart's speed 40 while on the ramp (down from 45).
- Reduced Red's respawn wave time while defending second from 10 seconds to 9 seconds.
- Some small clipping improvements.

- Overhauled most lighting (including environment lighting) - some work on certain lights is still needed.
- Added more detail all over the map.
- Added some ducks and bread.

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Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
Gameplay Changes:
- Reduced time added after A, B and C caps by 30 seconds.
- Reduced time for cart to rollback after last being touched by BLU to 25 seconds for all of the track except for just after the last rollback ramp, where it is now 21 seconds (down from 30 seconds).
- Adjusted clipping

Detailing Changes:
- More detailing around last.
- Better blended bottom of cliffs into the clouds.
- Added custom skybox and added env_sun to align the sun angle with the environment lighting angle.
- Adjusted ducks - each of the 9 ducks randomise position at the start of each round, each changing between 3 possible places.

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