Splendid map for its intended setting (Competitive), however the map does not play nearly as well in standard 12v12. This isn't NECESSARILY a bad thing, however I am of the opinion that most maps should try to be versatile in their application, which Vigil is lacking in my opinion. I mainly say this because of all the games I have played in casual Vigil, RED tends to lose 80-20 unless teams are hugely stacked in their favour. Now, this definitely seems by design, as having 20-minute half-games on Vigil per comp match would make the map miserably boring (what nobody wants in comp), however again it does take away from the versatility of the map.
If TF2 were exclusively the comp portion, I would give this a 10/10. However, due to comp being a small fraction of the overall playerbase, I can't really say I'd give Vigil something more than a 7/10. It's a fantastic map for its intended audience, but its wide reach outside of that audience drags the map down for me.