Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack

Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack 2014-11-06


L1: Registered
Jan 14, 2012
Hi, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I'm trying to access the visgroup section of the resource pack, but nothing shows up when I try to access them via following the instructions provided on this thread. I follow the directions that say to go to view > screen elements > filter control and i can see that I am toggling the visgroups panel on and off. looking at the graphic that was provided in the relevant section of the thread, there are things there that aren't showing up in my visgroup panel. I uninstalled and reinstalled the map pack. any ideas? am I missing something simple?

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Visgroups are per-map things, you have to open up the library VMF first. It should be installed to the default location and visible at/near the top of the folder when you bring up the open dialog.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 28, 2012
For some reason I am unable to copy/paste the gamemode that I want into the map that I already started making. The problem is frustrating because it seems outlandishly simple, but I am having trouble nonetheless. Any advice from more advanced copy/pasters?


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 28, 2012
I figured out what the problem was; Hammer doesn't allow stuff to be copied across windows (I had two instances of hammer running at once) and it wasn't working. By a stroke of luck I found out about the windows in Hammer, and it worked.

If more people have that problem maybe it would be better to mention it in the FAQs

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
=== January 29 2012 ===

--- Prop Library ---
• Split library into two parts due to severe stability issues
-- Part B contains Huge Props, Building Prefabs, 3D Sky, and Nature
-- Part A contains the rest
• Added props from Uber, Scream Fortress, and Australian Christmas updates
-- 1 Doors & Frames
-- 5 Supports & Framing
-- 1 Windows & Friends
-- 7 Railings, Stairs & Balconies
-- 13 Fences & Walls
-- 4 Patch Panels
-- 3 Light Fixtures
-- 1 Gameplay
-- 1 Traintrack
-- 1 Pipes & Vents
-- 6 Industrial
-- 3 Nature
-- 7 Huge Props & Friends
-- 1 Building Prefabs
-- 4 3D Sky
-- 16 Everything Else

--- FGD ---
• Added trigger-type outputs to func_respawnroom
• Fixed halloween setting on item_healthkit_medium
• New entity functions:
-- game_forcerespawn - ForceTeamRespawn
-- filter_tf_damaged_by_weapon_in_slot - more options
-- trigger_capture_area - minimum capper keys (appears not functional)
-- team_train_watcher - custom recession time

--- Prefabs ---
• Added small animated doors using the new prop

--- Other ---
• Fixed an issue causing blends with my tool textures to render improperly in viewports
• Added proper blend images for the barnblitz blends
• Added an editor-only instance of overlays/no_entry that renders properly in Texture Shaded mode

This will likely be my final update, for the most part. The only thing I'll update is the FGD, in the case that Valve updates theirs and mine is blocking new features as a result. Aside from that... given the trend of updates to the game, I will no longer be touching the prop library as the amount of malleable props being added isn't worth the effort. There may be exceptions is something particularly significant occurs, but I don't see that happening.

There will not be a non-split version of the library available, as I was rather serious about "server" stability issues. Trying to add these last bunches of props would result in unpredictable crashing constantly when moving the camera or selecting props. I should note this still occurred after closing one half and opening the others. Stuff seems to stay cached in Hammer during the session, so take heed and remember to save often if you plan to attempt using them both in one instance.

Sorry if the noted rendering issue related to blends caused confusion and hair pulling to anyone in the past, I only noticed it when making the barnblitz ones as the metal made it quite obvious.

and I guess the no_entry thing is my last hurrah of eliminating pesky little annoyances :p
Last edited:

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
I'm not sure if that is even necessary, for the same reason I'm considering it to be done. The past two years or so the props have not been very flexible or generic. The idea of the library was to lay out similar types and sizes of props, so when you want a "medium sized rural prop" or a "small spytech widget" you could just take a peek and see them all at a glance.

All that has been filled out now, as evidenced by the fact the majority of the props I added in this update from the past three major updates are things like the foundry vat, multi-sectioned fence pieces from barnblitz, ghost and glowing doorways... stuff that if you want you know what you want, and can either just search directly in the browser, or open a decompile and snag it. These later (and future) additions just don't have the same utility as the original library provided.

I think a telling bit of evidence is the fact I went 11 months without updating, through six major game updates, three which had mapping content, and I didn't get anyone asking when I would update the library.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Between that and the fact that the prop library is getting so big that it's starting to cause Hammer crashes, perhaps a stripped-down version that has the medieval, manor, and other easy-to-find props taken out would be in order. Perhaps I should do this. Updating it should be pretty easy since the wiki lists all the added and changed files every time there's a patch.

Wreckin Ya

L1: Registered
Feb 4, 2012
My carts won't move, is there something I have to do to them to get them to work?

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Alright, do you have the proper path_tracks set up? did you copy/paste them in too?

You will need to check the train watcher entity to make sure that the train is being teleported to the proper starting track. And then make sure that your tracks are placed after that so that it moves along.

Wreckin Ya

L1: Registered
Feb 4, 2012
Alright, do you have the proper path_tracks set up? did you copy/paste them in too?

You will need to check the train watcher entity to make sure that the train is being teleported to the proper starting track. And then make sure that your tracks are placed after that so that it moves along.

Nevermind, for some odd reason it worked all of a sudden.