
CTF Toucan Final2


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna submitted a new resource:

Toucan - Featuring zero (0) toucans!

Nuclide.... 2 (twoclide)


So what's changed between Nuclide and Toucan?
  • Capture count reduced from 3 to 1
  • Capture is no longer instant, instead it works like sd_doomsday
  • Time limit removed
  • It is now clearly communicated to the player who has the flag, that they have the flag
  • Lots of logic cleanup
  • Time before flag activates is now properly counted as setup time

What will change in future...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Okay, actual feedback now (First impressions, gameplay theory made)

- I really, really do not like that the flag explodes after a given time. I understand that, yes, you want to prevent griefing, but griefing is just a core issue of the flag objective that you cannot solve without making some very invasive (pun unintended) decisions in normal gameplay, which makes the game less fun. It is very frustrating that you simultaneously encourage teams to coordinate by having the flag be a dispenser (idk how I feel about this in general so w/e) but you also punish teams for trying to coordinate by making their flag carrier explode after a set amount of time and it is just an intrinsic issue with that mechanic. It's frustrating to play with because you cannot predict how teams will function together; Some teams just need to play it a bit more slow and methodical to get that real push energy working. The exploding flag also comes into conflict with this next thing...
- The capture time on the Control Point is just too long. It takes 21 seconds (I timed it) just with one person standing on the point and pressing up against the actual cap zone aggressively to win the round. This runs into a major conflict of interest, as, in a fresh gamestate scenario, this means:
90 Seconds - Perfect 40 seconds to get uber - 21 seconds cap time = 39 Seconds for teams to be able to group up, get ready to push, actually make it to the cap zone, and then win that fight. Expecting teams to be able to win under those conditions is like playing Dustbowl 3-B. There is also no overtime on the flag (not that there should be, since there should be no explosive) that addresses when teams are desperately holding on while at the enemy team's base and are on the cap zone; It just doesn't exist, so you are again punished for playing the objective.

I think this spawn area needs a lot less walls. Right now it really feels like a maze and that is not fun to navigate around when you're actually trying to play the game.
- The rotate times and abilities for defenders are really inferior to attackers; There's no way to go directly to the cap zone to stop it, and all of the defenders are walled off into one insular area instead of being able to spread out; This will directly lead to spawncaming being prevalent enough for it to become an actual strategy play that teams can use. I don't think I need to tell you that spawncamping isn't very fun, for either side.


Consider putting a transitional room between the Capture Zone and BLU spawn.
- You should really make the flag the aussie briefcase while you don't have a unique model for it. The current model fucks up team recognition a bit.


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

Up and away!

  • Reworked capzone areas
I wasn't very happy with how these areas played, the gameplay space was uninteresting and it could be difficult to determine your capture progress without turning around to look at the gate. I've now changed it to be an elevator, similar to doomsday.

  • Shortened spawns
It could take a bit too long to exit spawn, so it has been squished a bit to reduce walk time, and a third exit has also been added to...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

Oh look there's only a couple days left

  • Slowed down lift climb speed
Previously, I had thought that the speed of which the lift raised was the same as doomsday. This was not the case! It was in fact 70% faster. I've slowed the speed back down to its initial value, which feels a lot more defendable.

  • Added new ledge to the side of the lift
Defending the lift could be a bit of a challenge sometimes, as once it reaches a certain height you are required to get onto the nearby rooftop, which could...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

Surprise update!

I had a look at the previous demo, and realised that the main cause of the stalemating was not entirely a layout issue - but that defenders were spawning far too quickly.
I wanted it so that if you were alive when the enemy boarded your elevator, you would respawn before they finished capping. However getting to the elevator proved to be a lot more challenging in this version that in previous iterations, so most of the offense would be wiped before even being able to touch it. Why? Attacker...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

Big changes in an RC update? No way!

  • Added round timer
This was something I was trying to avoid doing, but there's been a habit of rounds taking far too long for teams that are evenly matched so although rounds are supposed to end prior to this timer concluding, this is there just in case.

  • Dynamized spawn times
Another step to making rounds go faster is making the spawn times more dynamic. There are now a few "sets" of spawn times for the map. The longer the round goes on, the longer the...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Can you please make a Traditional Invade 3-Flag/No Timer/No Flag Detonation version of Toucan? I like the layout of the map a lot but I personally really dislike the direction the map is going with the current gamemode, and I'd like to enjoy the map more. I understand it's a bit selfish to ask but the option to choose would be really nice! You could even bring back the original capture zone for the map, if possible! Honestly you've perfectly set it up because my proposed version of the map could be "ctf_toucan" whereas the current would remain "sd_toucan." Doesn't have to be on the workshop btw, don't wanna compete with the "real" Toucan.
Last edited:


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

Getting there...

  • Shifted balance over time mechanics into lift speed rather than respawn time
Respawn times ended up being too long to still be fun, so I've reverted them to values closer to the previous version. Instead, the lifts now raise faster the longer the round has lasted. Initially, it rises at a rate of 40Hu a second - the same as doomsday. After 2.5 minutes, that is increased to 70Hu a second. Finally, after another 3.5 minutes, it reaches the maximum speed of 100Hu a second...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

Last one!... Unless it's broken

  • Removed round timer
Adding the timer only really invited stalemates, and introduced a few issues with the logic setup, so it's been removed for the sake of simplicity.

  • Removed ramp to lift - replaced with jumppad
This ramp was always inadequate, and felt awkward to use. This jumppad is still a bit awkward, but at least it should feel epic and make a leap to the lift be much more consistent.

  • Minor decoration improvements
  • Increased speed of...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Surely it's just coincidence...
(I have memed about this for like four different maps now, surely I'll hit one eventually)


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Toucan with a new update entry:

The Sky... it's different!

  • Major Decoration and Lighting changes
I felt the map didn't quite hit how I wanted it to, and felt a bit unpolished in areas. I did a general pass at improving the decoration where I could, focusing on making the two sides feel more distinct. It's still a bit rough in spots, but I hope you like it!

  • Removed some unnecessary sightline blockers
I have made the decision to let snipers exist. These blockers include the fences on the rooves and the fences at...

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