Okay, actual feedback now (First impressions, gameplay theory made)
- I really,
really do not like that the flag explodes after a given time. I understand that, yes, you want to prevent griefing, but griefing is just a core issue of the flag objective that you cannot solve without making some very invasive (pun unintended) decisions in normal gameplay, which makes the game less fun. It is very frustrating that you simultaneously encourage teams to coordinate by having the flag be a dispenser (idk how I feel about this in general so w/e) but you also punish teams for trying to coordinate by making their flag carrier explode after a set amount of time and it is just an intrinsic issue with that mechanic. It's frustrating to play with because you cannot predict how teams will function together; Some teams just need to play it a bit more slow and methodical to get that real push energy working. The exploding flag also comes into conflict with this next thing...
- The capture time on the Control Point is just too long. It takes 21 seconds (I timed it) just with one person standing on the point and pressing up against the actual cap zone aggressively to win the round. This runs into a major conflict of interest, as, in a fresh gamestate scenario, this means:
90 Seconds - Perfect 40 seconds to get uber - 21 seconds cap time = 39 Seconds for teams to be able to group up, get ready to push, actually make it to the cap zone, and then win that fight. Expecting teams to be able to win under those conditions is like playing Dustbowl 3-B. There is also no overtime on the flag (not that there should be, since there should be no explosive) that addresses when teams are desperately holding on while at the enemy team's base and are on the cap zone; It just doesn't exist, so you are again punished for playing the objective.
I think this spawn area needs a lot less walls. Right now it really feels like a maze and that is not fun to navigate around when you're actually trying to play the game.
- The rotate times and abilities for defenders are really inferior to attackers; There's no way to go directly to the cap zone to stop it, and all of the defenders are walled off into one insular area instead of being able to spread out; This will directly lead to spawncaming being prevalent enough for it to become an actual strategy play that teams can use. I don't think I need to tell you that spawncamping isn't very fun, for either side.
Consider putting a transitional room between the Capture Zone and BLU spawn.
- You should really make the flag the aussie briefcase while you don't have a unique model for it. The current model fucks up team recognition a bit.