guess who maps
maps again
void is maps
tell a friend
Here comes Hasselkoth!
No straight out copying or stealing content from other maps, official or otherwise. Inspiration and ideas are good, just make sure you built it yourself for this competition.
I guess props/models are allowed though? E.g., using the foundry cauldron for something, as long as you don't just copy-paste it with all of its surrounding elements (fire pit) ??
Why will the submission thread only be open for a week?
What if something comes up and I'm busy, or forget? If someone finishes (to the best of their ability) their map a few weeks before the deadline why shouldn't they be able to submit it early?
This is just a standard we have set. If you can not submit during that time, and need to submit before hand, because of a good reason, you can PM me, and I will submit it for you.
A bad reason is "I just don't want to forget," you must have a legitimate reason for not being able to submit on time. I will tell you in the PM if I will accept the reason or not.
Let's make a giant, outdoor map with lots of Rocket Jumping. STAR would love me.
Anyways is it possible for me and my friends to playtest the map, or getting some planning/balancing/etc help from them?
Q: How come multi-cp KotH is allowed but other variations are not?
A: Multiple capture points in KotH doesn't dramatically change the rules, and it's easy enough to grasp what is going on. However, as a fair warning: only attempt to incorporate additional control points in your design if you think it will improve the gameplay, you don't get any extra points just for trying it.