TF2 Beta Suggestions


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 6, 2011
Guys please it's just a name for a gun that nobody cares about XD


That's a knife.

Anyway, back on topic:

The Eviction Notice
On hit: Knockback
20% slower swing rate

These changes, first and foremost, would address the illogical stats of the current weapon. In no situation would brass knuckles swing faster and do less damage than plain old fists. Secondly, the knockback effect would give the name of the weapon actual merit, in the sense that you evict the enemy from the local area. I am not suggesting, however, that the knockback be of the same degree as the Force-a-Nature, as that would be silly.
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L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
Reduce Scout health to 60.

Sandman = 50.
Sep 1, 2009
Isn't that one rocket and your dead?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Ninja capping wont fix map balances. Except maybe on dustbowl. But that's 1 map which is broken. No need to break every single map in existance for the sake of dustbowl.


L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
Spy weapon. Increases cap rate to 2x. Reduces health to 10%. And/Or removes cloaking. Discuss.
Removing the cloak feature would severely cripple the Spy class. Particularly with the Eternal Reward.

Also, there's a good reason why Scouts can cap quickly by default and Spies can't.
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Speaking of illogical stats, I would suggest upping the points awarded for flag captures in CTF mode. And/or awarding bonus points for successfully carrying it a certain distance toward your team's capture zone, the way payload awards extra capture points for pushing the cart a certain distance. I've heard that part of why CTF maps tend to devolve into deathmatches is that you get only twice as many points for successfully carrying the flag all the way from their base to yours compared to killing one dude, and people are idiots and only care about their score. I don't know if this is true or not, but it would certainly be more fair to the people who actually care to play the game right.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Speaking of illogical stats, I would suggest upping the points awarded for flag captures in CTF mode. And/or awarding bonus points for successfully carrying it a certain distance toward your team's capture zone, the way payload awards extra capture points for pushing the cart a certain distance. I've heard that part of why CTF maps tend to devolve into deathmatches is that you get only twice as many points for successfully carrying the flag all the way from their base to yours compared to killing one dude, and people are idiots and only care about their score. I don't know if this is true or not, but it would certainly be more fair to the people who actually care to play the game right.

You can control the points scored for a player with the flag, this is purely a mappers preference. I agree though, TFC awarded 10 points for a flag capture and since it's significantly harder to cap flags in TF2 because of the slower game mechanics it may even be worth throwing that up to 15 or 20.

That said, i have noticed that grabbing a flag, dying, then someone else capping the flag still awards you with a flag capture point in the stats. I havn't been able to figure out whether it awards assist points, full points or whether this is a passive SM mod, sometimes it doesn't award it and i can't figure out how it works either. It might be distance travelled, but there's nothing from stopping you running in a circle and farming points of the intel by grabbing it and dropping it for someone else.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Thank you. I was going to post that same video in my last post, but decided not to for whatever reason.
Go to 0:30 in. Watch him take out the dagger and remove his disguise. He only drops Aladdin because Abu bit him. He had every intention of stabbing Aladdin.

And that grammar STILL ISN'T RIGHT GODDAMNIT. You're is a contraction: YOU ARE. Remove the A and replace it with an apostrophe to shorten those two words to one: YOU'RE.
"Here's your reward boy, you're eternal reward."
"Here's your reward boy, you are eternal reward."
Now, tell me: would you say "You are eternal reward?"

You have it correct in the first independent clause of that sentence (which is a run-on, technically, since it has two independent clauses strung together with only a comma. Correct grammar would separate those words with a hyphen or ellipsis, not a comma): "Here's your reward, boy..."
The second independent clause mirrors the first, with the word "boy" dropped for redundancy (the person being spoken to has not changed) and the word "eternal" added in to provide another layer of meaning:
"...your eternal reward."
If I combined the parallel structuring into the second clause (The contraction "Here's", or "Here is", has been changed into its longer form for clarity):
"[Here is] your eternal reward."
Lastly, let's add in the unstated objective of the sentence, in case I can't make myself clear enough:
"[Here is] your eternal reward [for getting me the lamp]."
You would NOT say "Here is you are eternal reward for getting me the lamp," which is what "Here's you're eternal reward for getting me the lamp" amounts to if you add back in all the contractions.

My grandmother's an English teacher. I get to grade high school freshman essays all day long whenever I drop by to visit. I'm a Creative Writing minor, I've been reading since preschool, and I've written an (unpublished) novel and a (near-published) play being put on by a local high school in the spring.
You do NOT want to get into a debate with me about proper grammar. :p

Excuse me sir, but your wrong. He clearly says "Here's you're reward, boy. You're eternal reward."

I have a masters in English, wrote two published novels (one was on English), and co-wrote the Book of Mormon (the musical and the gospel.) So please, you shouldn't get into a debate with me.


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 6, 2011
I have a masters in English, wrote two published novels (one was on English), and co-wrote the Book of Mormon (the musical and the gospel.) So please, you shouldn't get into a debate with me.

Well I have a doctorate in Googling / Reading the Dictionary, and wrote seventeen novels (all in English). I'm joining and ending this debate at the same time because I'm a pro.

You're: You are

  1. of or relating to you or yourself or yourselves especially as possessors <your bodies>, agent or agents <your contributions> or object or objects of an action <your discharge>
  2. of or relating to one or oneself <when you face the north, east is at your right>
  3. used with little or no meaning almost as an equivalent to the definite article 'the' <your typical teenager>

Also, the Book of Mormon is a terrible piece of literature and is not something one should freely admit to writing :D

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
The topic.

Where has it gone.

Something needs to be done with the equalizer, It basically has replaced the shovel altogether.
Just remove the damage buff or in the least take it's ability to crit away.


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Pyro's new flamethrower

+40% Damage
No ignition
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Sep 1, 2009