I am so grateful, your the first person to go out of their way to help with this project. I'm bookmarking this. I'm glad you like the couch. I remade it because I only spent 15 minutes making the earlier version.I did think the couch looked a bit too cartoony before, I'm glad you toned it down a bit. Though the oven is also quite exaggerated.
I put together a gallery of mid-century furniture catalogs, you might get some use out of it: https://imgur.com/gallery/p3Ls3qD
although i still disagree with you, I can't do this project properly if I ignore constructive criticism. When I made my countertops I had the stove/oven in the project for size reference. I made them for eachother. Perhapse the FOV in the picture makes it look curvier than it is? IDK. I took another screenshot so you can see how they look fitted together. If you still feel this is too cartoony, well Ill probably change it slightly when I finish some of the other furniture. If TF2 is truely not as cartoonish as I believe it to be, I feel I might as well be porting over a bunch of furniture from the sims.You might be right about the fridge, but I can't see how I would fit that oven into a kitchen counter with the rounded edges it has.
From what I know Valve mostly based the art for tf2 off of the works of J.C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell, and Norman Rockwell, as well as vintage spy movies like James Bond. Personally I don't see it being defined much by cartoony shapes, but more by a painterly color palette and simple level of detail.
see, I knew I saw them somewhere. https://tf2maps.net/downloads/file-cabinets.576/Filing cabinets. You have no idea how useful some dang Filing cabinets would be.
Never a bad thing to have more options and types.see, I knew I saw them somewhere. https://tf2maps.net/downloads/file-cabinets.576/
Also another question. Should I delete bottom faces on furniture, things people normally wouldn't see, and save a couple polygons, or leave it in for SFM artists?
couldn't agree more. I'm going to work on texturing some other furniture for a while. maybe get some practice with easier things, then come back. If you know any must have resources for texturing im all earsAlways include the bottoms of props. You never know when people might want to turn it on its side or put it on a see through surface.
I also don't think you should rely on brush textures for the oven. They're meant to tile over walls and floors and imo they look pretty tacky when slapped onto a prop like that. They also make the oven look pretty dirty, which is nice, but I would prefer a clean variant as well.