
ARENA Suijin RC2

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010
Noo! That was a feature! D:
That was actually pretty neat though, cause you could jump off the balcony and disappear into the murky depths under the deck like a ninja.

Its neat but bad, its so dark there that one can ever see you which means people will abuse it so much, which in course will make the game play around that area rather than the entire map. If you do keep is maybe make an area behind it like a cave (sorta like this


L1: Registered
Sep 4, 2013
To be honest this is a gorgeous map - the small details, water, cherry blossoms, and sense of place - all of it. This map is currently serving as an inspiration for my KotH map layout (currently hoping it will not come out too similar). The custom models, too, are excellent - maybe I'll pitch in a request some time for the highlands/alpine theme I'm working on down the road.

If there had to be any bits of constructive criticism, I noticed that the side bridges leading to the point (the ones with the stairs immediately before the center tower) appears a little awkward to enter. What I mean are those stairs - it seems like there should be a little "landing" between the bridge and stairs so players aren't running up the side of the stairs to get into the point room. A nitpick, I know, but that was the only thing that stood out. If through testing it wasn't a problem, then so be it - this is mostly a visual thing as I'm sure players can enter the stairs regardless.

Great work, looking forward to playing on it (I'd love to see a KotH version, but I digress).

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Jul 31, 2009
That is a valid concern but honestly, I'm not sure how to fix it without making the stairs steeper (They are already pretty steep), making the bridge shorter (all 3 bridges use the same model so that'd be difficult too..) or making the pagoda shorter (pls no). It's a minor thing so it's easier to just settle with it at this point :p


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2013
Please please please pleaseeeee make it so that the little ridge on top of the roofs doesn't block sliding on the roof. The way they are right now, you can't do slides off the roofs, which makes me very very sad...


Jul 31, 2009
rc2 released!

This is pretty much just a update to fix the very few things left over in rc1, as long as this version's not broken I imagine it will be the last.


L1: Registered
Feb 16, 2012
I've got a few nitpicks ;) I noticed that most of the wooden crates you have (usually a group of 3 in a corner) aren't stacked too well...they often interpenetrate each other. And in the screenshot below, a rock is poking into the wall.


In this next screenshot, the windows near the control point are reflecting the lower half of the room. Seems a bit weird to see the banner reflections. Probably wouldn't hurt to make the resolution a bit higher on the env_cubemap too...or maybe not, I dunno, blurry relections might look better.


Lastly, I'm not too fond how the cherry blossom petals hit the floor and roll...looks strange to me. The particles should probably just fade and die once they hit the ground...and then perhaps use that pink petal overlay texture more around the ground area of the trees.

Overall, I love the look of the map though...great aesthetics and attention to detail! :p


Jul 31, 2009
I'm not sure it's even possible with the source particle system to trigger a "fade out" when it hits something. It's either "kill instantly" or "collide", which is what they do now where they sit around for a bit.

Thanks for the other things. Kind of wish you had pointed them out before rc2 though... :p They're too small to warrant compiling rc3, so go find some more stuff broken for me! :)


Sep 23, 2011
I really like this map, it is fun to play and has a beautiful style.


Jul 31, 2009
I will release a koth version eventually, if not soon, it will be with the content pack...which will be soon(tm)
Sep 19, 2010
I will release a koth version eventually, if not soon, it will be with the content pack...which will be soon(tm)
Man, some of these Tale of Two Skillsets maps would look really cool with some cherry blossoms. *hint hint nudge nudge*


L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
Absolutely love it. So beautiful in color and design. My only issue with this map, is that I can't find servers that play it. I know that isn't your fault, but I would love to play a game with others on this map.