
Smiw A12

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Smiw A12

Angled, not tilted. A small KotH map.

Smiw is a KoTH map.
It is intended to be:
  • small - Harvest/Suijin-sized
  • NOT comforming with the "Viaduct formula"
  • Diamond Layout(tm) - wide around the central point but getting narrower closer to spawns, but still with distinguishable team territories unlike Nucleus
  • unusual angles (15, 30 and 60 degrees)
  • themed around an urban construction site somewhere in England
  • open spawnrooms

It's pronounced "smeeve".
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

More downloads from Pawlakov

Latest updates

  1. Update to version A12

    Major changes: radical reduction of pick-ups added 2 more trees on the control point because why not removed last traces of the one-way gates shrank the tree yard realigned the entrance to the bar from the right yard cut off a part of the left...
  2. Update to version A11a

    Changes: added an additional dumpster to serve as cover for people exiting from the basement into the left field moved the bulldozer slightly closer to the point slightly moved the pick-ups in the basement to make them more visible added nobuild...
  3. Update to version A11

    Changes: added some obstancles to make sniping people exiting the spawn less convenient reopened the flank (but the only entrance is throught the basement) changed the layout of the stairs at the point to make entering the bar less convenient...