Idolon submitted a new resource:
idostack - Four-for-one deal! Act now!
idostack - Four-for-one deal! Act now!
Read more about this resource...Splinter is a KotH inspired by territorial control. One of four different interconnected points is selected at random each round. While there is no "campaign" element to the map like Hydro, Splinter is driven by the same "more map per map" mentality.
This is an entry to the Stack the Deck contest and fulfills gameplay cards 1, 2, 3, 6 (ish), 7, 11, and 15. Splinter fulfills detailing cards 4 and 5, and maybe 7 depending on how you feel about waterfalls.
The indoor stage was designed and co-detailed by @zythe_, with soundscapes by @pont.
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