a2 test notes:
-despite my best efforts, blue still spawns in the forward spawn randomly. great!
-removing the interior route from A towards blue spawn definitely helped make the point more fun. however, it is still kinda difficult to establish a forward hold... blue might want a route that gets them high that also isn't the building, since that's basically just a sniper spot.
-what if the main route to A had a shutter?? might encourage people to fold forward more, on both teams. but also shutters are bad i guess
-might move blue spawn forward so they can more easily push into the outdoors area proper
-new basement functioned a lot better. the route that leads directly to the point could use some working to be more effective to push in from.
-people still get a bit lost when leaving red spawn for the first time. the flank route is weird but I'm not sure what to do with it yet. there's not a lot that can be done with it considering how tightly packed the layout is at the moment.
-chin hates the consoles. i think i do too. cover is fine, cover that's annoying to navigate around isn't.
-the way you can jump from red spawn to the upper area (and vice versa) works basically as intended... but might just not be a good idea. the upper area might want to be more covered.
-spies complain about this map a lot. need to address this somehow, but not entirely sure how. will hopefully shake itself out as the map improves overall. likely going to rescale/shift geo for attacking A that makes it a bit more open/approachable.
a3 preview:
-removed half of consoles on final to make the area more open
-adjusted stairs opposite of final spawn to make the small flank to final more covered and hopefully more useful
-changed small health at final to medium