
PL Rust final1

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Jul 27, 2009
Sorry to hijack your thread Fr0Z3n, but:

The tracks in ABS's prefab pack and Valve's tracks have both wooden and metal tracks. Is there a way to make them of uniform colour?

Select the track model and open the properties (alt + enter). There is a key called "skin". When the value of this is 0 the tracks will be tinted red, when the value is 1 the tracks will be tinted blue.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I'll be starting to do custom textures for this soon (weee biggish project)... expect something maybe looking like this:

As a regular follower of UrbEx photo galleries... I'm digging this idea.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Yea, I was thinking about that area...

I might do that, and then put blu's forward for after cp2 in the yard area right after cp1... Not sure if I want a blu forward for after 2, I'll probably just lower spawn times by 1-2 seconds... red will get a lower spawn time on cap of cp3 and then blu gets a normal one on cap of 3 and they get the forward...

I think that'll work.
May 2, 2009
Noooo, you have removed my favorite sentry and teleporter position :( What will now happen to my little sentry.

Yesterday when we tested this and blu was about to capture the second last point I felt the map was big. All battles occured casualy and I didn't feel the pressure. Blu couldn't keep the pressure and battles happened near second and third cp. Althought this might be because map isn't familiar to everyone and there weren't many players or I just was blind.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Alright, well, I just had an a6 test of this, and it went pretty well, but it shows that after cp 2 there needs to be a little less metal. The new cp2 area though is playing rather well overall and the spawn times for the final seemed to be pretty good. I'd like maybe 1 or 2 more tests of this, then I'll go to a7, and then probably start the de-urbanization project.

... fallback is pipeline theme.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Alright, so a6a had some... issues.

I realized on of the problems was that reds respawn after the base of the hill was capped was was set to 5... So that it why there was an outpouring of red. I have re-adjusted it to 8 (from 9 pre-cap)

I will also add this route after cp 2 is capped (image says 3, I screwed up) thoughts?