

L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
NB: i'll be adding screenshot later when i can sit down with the map.

anyway. this is a new game mode that i've come up with.
Objective Defence & Destruction, or ODD.

in an ODD map, each team has an objective (be it an engine, a computer mainframe, a train, or something else).
the goal is to destroy the objective, before the other team destroys yours.
this is accomplished by ... well basically, shooting at it until it explodes.
the objectives have 4 levels of health, and explode when brought below the threshold of each level. when brought to zero health the explosion completely destroys the objective and the round is over.

this game mode has an advantage over CTF and 5point CP when it comes to a turtling team, as any damage done to the objective is permanent (so even if you die before killing the objective, you still have brought yoru team a little closer to victory), thus a team that only defends will always lose.
there is also a sudden death if the timer runs out, where both objectives are set to 25% health + everyone has one life, as in a standard suddendeath/stalemate situation.

control points are used to demonstrate graphically on the UI what health level each objective is at.
(ideally the UI would give information on exactly how much %-wise, but that's a UI thing, which i don't think i can do anythign about)

current limitations:
- announcements aren't team specific (as in everyone will hear the same sounds when an objective is underattack)
- pyro flames do not hurt the objective
- demoman primary fire doesn't explode on impact with the objective
- spy sappers don't function on the objective
- the objective cannot be repaired within one level of health as was desired.
- i had originally intended to have a meter/bar in the objective rooms to give a more accurate reading of the health of both of them, but i wasn't able to get a counter+func_breakable to communicate correctly how much damage had been done :(
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Dec 5, 2007
I shouldn't need to say this: download with out pics?!? :O you should already have your pictures ready before you add the download


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
... cos a pic is something that will show the map's gameplay?

i mean yeh i'm putting pics on right now, but still, this is a mapping community, so i thought people would be interested in the technical side of it, which pics don't help convey.

so yeh, pics are now added.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
updated to alpha3.

now has skybox, couple of details on the map, and a few gameplay tweaks...oh and a floating arrow that points at the objective.
Aug 19, 2008
pics are neccessary to keep up the good standard, once submissions slip in without screens, it might become a bad habit.
it boils down to the simple "i want to see it before i buy it" :)

other than that, the idea and concept of stopping the engiturtle sounds very promising
what´s the health of the mainframes?
as spy/scout/medic, it´s gonna be hard to be the goalgetter (spycap ftw) because of the small amount of damage you deal out


L3: Member
Jul 10, 2008
Maybe you could install respawning dispensers in your map, that, if destroyed, lock down an area, forcing the defenders to walk a longer way to their mainframe. When the Dispenser respawns after a Minute, the passages will be unlocked. So even Spies have something to hit with their zappers and thus can influence their team's run on the mainframe. I like the idea of this gamemode and will probably have a look on your interpretation of it ;)


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
Maybe you could install respawning dispensers in your map, that, if destroyed, lock down an area, forcing the defenders to walk a longer way to their mainframe. When the Dispenser respawns after a Minute, the passages will be unlocked. So even Spies have something to hit with their zappers and thus can influence their team's run on the mainframe. I like the idea of this gamemode and will probably have a look on your interpretation of it ;)

well as this is a new game mode, i decided that the map itself should be as simple and straight forward as possible. but the conditional doors based on sapping is a potential idea for the future. *will have to check if obj_dispenser can send outputs when "onsapped"*

other than that, the idea and concept of stopping the engiturtle sounds very promising
what´s the health of the mainframes?
as spy/scout/medic, it´s gonna be hard to be the goalgetter (spycap ftw) because of the small amount of damage you deal out

scouts and medics actually find quite a bit of use on the map.
an uber'd team mate in the other teams mainframe room can do serious damage unless a pyro is around to compression blast them (or a scout with sandman).
and as a result, spys and scouts are paramount in preventing medics getting there in the 1st place, or forcing an early uber.

scouts are able to do ok amounts of damage to the mainframes, but they really shine at being able to be annoying. specifically, a scout can set off the the alert of the computer being damaged, which can make would be attackers double back only to find the scouts already gone.

overall, i'd label the pyro as most useless because his primary weapon doesn't hurt the mainframes at the moment (and possible ever, since flames use a different system for damaging). still, a pyro in the field or on defense can be very helplful at preventing the team from losing.

nonetheless, if your class has a lower damage output on your gun, you can also go melee on the mainframes ;) (just be aware you'll be exploded if you're too near it when it loses a health level)

some of the class limitations are also partially related to the map layout itself. e.g. there are very few places a sniper can be effective on this map, but that's due to the map layout, rather than the gameplay mechanics.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Looks fun and gives me idea's. Reminds me of an under rated map from TFC even. So under rated i forget its name.. :/

edit: Do sg's attack the objective?


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
Looks fun and gives me idea's. Reminds me of an under rated map from TFC even. So under rated i forget its name.. :/

edit: Do sg's attack the objective?

sentrys do not attack the objective, but if their missiles/bullets happen to hit the non-friendly objective it does take damage.
personally i don't want sentrys to target the objective, a: it'd mean if an engie manages to set up in the enemy base, it'll quickly chew up a lot of health off it.
b: engies themselves might feel annoyed as a sentry continues to shoot at a target as long as it's in range and alive, ignoring all others. c: it just seems right to me that a sentry shouldn't shoot it, and i assume others would also naturally assume that a sentry will not shoot something that isn't an enemy player.