

L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
the map was fun, i enjoyed demo on it a lot.

One main concern / complaint i had was this window shown below:

It has a peachy view of every single one of blue's exit doors...If this is intentional, cool. If not, blue needs a little cover from this window imo, either a slightly larger rock or moving 1-2 of the doors a little more off to the side so its not so easy to watch all of them at the same time. Other than that, i felt a little like red spawn kinda felt strange. It felt like it didnt really flow into the map having to run through the pillars by the laser or having to jump on the ramp where the tracks are felt kind of interrupting to the flow of traffic for red leaving spawn...not sure a possible fix but i'll leave it to your discretion / imagination. Those are my thoughts for now, other than that, good map. I enjoyed it

Cheers for the feedback. Next version Im really going to crack down on point by point respawn wave times to get it much more balanced, point 2 was too hard for red whilst point 3 was too hard for blue.

Im also altering the area leading up to cap 3 across the bridge because I realize that its a little open and uncovered for blue.

I see what you mean about red respawn area, and I will have a crack at fixing the flow there, perhaps getting rid of the poles or something?

Ill also probably change blue's initial start gates so they aren't all at fire from that window.


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Just being messing around with a bit of detailing and different themes.
(Loving hydro style atm :))




L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Well I have finished Alpha 7, will hopefully upload some up-to-date screenies for the front page- the ones there have been around since A3 :p
Aug 19, 2008
you should off-center the windows of your building, so it looks more individual and regular, atm their position looks a bit boring, vary the architecture on top of buildings, the windows, make them less square, or if you decide for square, then arrange them fancy way

keep going, looks great


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
you should off-center the windows of your building, so it looks more individual and regular, atm their position looks a bit boring, vary the architecture on top of buildings, the windows, make them less square, or if you decide for square, then arrange them fancy way

keep going, looks great

Thanks for the tips, I will definitely keep those points in mind.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
I noticed that you blocked off red's exit doors with another brush, but I could still hear the door opening when you got near it. You should just disable the trigger rather than block the passage.


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
I noticed that you blocked off red's exit doors with another brush, but I could still hear the door opening when you got near it. You should just disable the trigger rather than block the passage.

Cool I'll look into that.
Any other feedback from gameday?


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Bump for gameday. Hopefully get some good feedback :)


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Updated to alpha 8 :p
Some random screenies:







Last edited:


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
One of your spawns had the no entry hand texture on it, despite the fact that it worked and was a doorway you did need to use. I forgot to take a ss as i was anjoying playing your map too much, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.

Your first area was hard to get out of, but mostly because people seemed to hesitate pushing the cart. First round attacking we got out easily, second time around people knew what they were doing and we just floored the attackers. Third time around we did get stuck for a while, but i managed to push the cart single handedly past 3 sentry positions somehow hiding behind it and possibly this was the only reason we got out the third round, but i am unsure of what my team was actually doing at the time.

Crossing the bridge to get into the area before the pit was the most difficult position. Mostly because Blu had no cover what so ever. Provided the cart remained on the bridge, sentries and huntsman completely locked the area down. The alternative paths were too dangerous because they were so small/tight they focused spam, and the water way below was too easily flanked. Blu simply had no way to hold any ground.

I would also suggest not having so many windows. Snipers don't need windows to shoot from. A balcony/battlements is best. Windows just allow spies to monitor enemy progress and OP their infultration abality. IE your fourth image.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
I really enjoyed nucleus today in the gameday, this was my first time playing and its a great map. Love the custom payload model.

One bug i found is outside of red spawn their is a rock where you can rocket jump onto and you can look through walls and outside the map from up their, i think this area needs a re design as we say today that blu couldn't do much with red only having one sentry in a great spot. I dont think you need to remove being able to get up their, but fix the fact that you can see through walls and all sorts of stuff from up their.

I took a screen shot but accidentally had console open when i did so i hope you can still see what i am talking about.


Thanks i really enjoyed the map keep it up.


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
One of your spawns had the no entry hand texture on it, despite the fact that it worked and was a doorway you did need to use. I forgot to take a ss as i was anjoying playing your map too much, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.

Your first area was hard to get out of, but mostly because people seemed to hesitate pushing the cart. First round attacking we got out easily, second time around people knew what they were doing and we just floored the attackers. Third time around we did get stuck for a while, but i managed to push the cart single handedly past 3 sentry positions somehow hiding behind it and possibly this was the only reason we got out the third round, but i am unsure of what my team was actually doing at the time.

Crossing the bridge to get into the area before the pit was the most difficult position. Mostly because Blu had no cover what so ever. Provided the cart remained on the bridge, sentries and huntsman completely locked the area down. The alternative paths were too dangerous because they were so small/tight they focused spam, and the water way below was too easily flanked. Blu simply had no way to hold any ground.

I would also suggest not having so many windows. Snipers don't need windows to shoot from. A balcony/battlements is best. Windows just allow spies to monitor enemy progress and OP their infultration abality. IE your fourth image.

Thanks a heap for the feedback :)
I'm fixing most the spawn doors in the next alpha so its more clear which can be used.
In the first area, I think I am going to alter blues exits from spawn so they can't be locked down as easily. I may put some on an angle and widen most of them. That and a little tweaking to respawn times should help blue.

I'm a little uncertain with the open bridge area leading to 3rd cap, I am actually considering completely redesigning it as snipers have a huge advanatge, and as you said the bottom water section is at a massive hieght disadvantage.

Thanks for the advice on the windows, i will probably get rid of a few and put balconies/ battlements there. A lot of them seem underused anyhow.

@St.Sausage. The reason the nuclear smokestack brush gives a see-through appearance is because it is in the 3d skybox. I am not sure how to fix this yet and I am open to suggestions :) Also that rock is meant to be able to accessed.

Cheers for testing it guys, hope you all had fun.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
i like this map more with every next alpha. still it has some choke points up there
mah suggestions:
(mind that on 4th screenshot tracks are not going down,they go AROUND building)

will watch this map


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
i like this map more with every next alpha. still it has some choke points up there
mah suggestions:
(mind that on 4th screenshot tracks are not going down,they go AROUND building)

will watch this map

Thanks a heap for those screenies, they really help. Ill take it all in consideration :)


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
ok im glad you can still get up their, except hopefully that spot will not be so open and red friendly in the future. Sorry cant help you with the skybox but i dont no anything about mapping.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
grabed some more screens,now with issues.m mind first screen,same issue appears near final cap