Map Crashes with Bots


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
Hi, everyone.

I've recently begun mapping again and I've made a simple KOTH map to test out with bots. When alone, my game has absolutely no issues, I can cap as both teams and win just fine.

However, when bots are added, especially more than 10, the game tends to crash. It also crashes when the round ends, no matter who wins. I've had one other person test my map with the same results.

I've played with bots on other maps, including KOTH, without any issues before, only on this map have I had issues.

If you'd like to test yourself, I've attached the .bsp file.


  • koth_test.bsp
    374.5 KB · Views: 173
Oct 6, 2008
what's your ent count?

sv_cheats = 1

if over 1600 - or close to it your map will crash as soon as someone fires a shot or goes over 1600


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
Thanks for the response. I just tested it, it didn't above 200 before crashing, tested with 9 bots


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
No issues on my end. The map runs fine with 23 bots. I wouldn't worry about it for now. There's nothing in the map that could go wrong.

The networked entity (or 'edict') limit is actually 2048 not 1600, but you're at about 100.


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
No issues on my end. The map runs fine with 23 bots. I wouldn't worry about it for now. There's nothing in the map that could go wrong.

The networked entity (or 'edict') limit is actually 2048 not 1600, but you're at about 100.

Thanks for trying it out, perhaps its something on my end. I'll continue working on the map.

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
It's definitely not just you, I can confirm the issue did appear on my end after adding 22 bots, not sure what caused it. I checked my console.log after the crash (I always run TF2 with -condebug), but there was nothing that might indicate why the crash occurred.
Oct 6, 2008


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
Are you using any power 4 displacements? If you don't know what that is, then don't worry. If you are using some, remake them at power 3, as displacements with too dense vertices can cause the game to crash. Another thing which could cause the map to crash is bad entity logic; are you trying to do anything weird with logic?
Oct 6, 2008
Did you use the prefab Koth logic from the game type library? or do it yourself - I've never done one so if you did it yourself you could verify your logic vs that one.


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
Did you use the prefab Koth logic from the game type library? or do it yourself - I've never done one so if you did it yourself you could verify your logic vs that one.

I've used a Prefab for the KOTH logic. Just in case it may be needed, I've provided the logic that the game uses. The only other logic I have is for spawnroom door openings, but I've never had any issues with those so I haven't included them.


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
Are you using any power 4 displacements? If you don't know what that is, then don't worry. If you are using some, remake them at power 3, as displacements with too dense vertices can cause the game to crash. Another thing which could cause the map to crash is bad entity logic; are you trying to do anything weird with logic?

I've checked to make sure I have no displacements, and I don't have any. I've put the KOTH Logic in a reply to Kill_The_Bug, if you're curious about what logic I'm using.
Oct 6, 2008
Ok, did some stuff with your file here's what I found

A lot of blocks intersecting each other ie. walls through the floors - engine won't like that - so I fixed it. Same with spawn room ent - I moved it back to inside the spawn areas - it was touching the combat area.

Your player starts are almost touching the floor - so close in fact that when I did nav_generate I got

'No valid walkable seed positions. Cannot generate Navigation Mesh.' message - never seen it before looked it up and it's caused by the sentence above. Raised them of the floor - message went away and I got a nav mesh.

ran a cl_showents at round start - 69 ents, after combat joined (not the opening sequence) I ran it again it had jumped to 539 - so you can see how tha game will increase the numbers. I only ran 24 bots and this number was after half the bots were killed. Which is why I try to keep my ents down to <1200 on a really huge map.

Map still crashed and at the moment am tired and am going to bed. I'm really thinking that it has something do with the nav mesh. will look into it more.

In the meantime, clean up your rooom, er, map :)


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014

World brushes which intersect are split and their unseen faces culled. This is a standard function of VBSP and not a cause of crashes. At most, you might encounter a limit in the compile tools when your map contains thousands of brushes but this is a very small, basic map.

The networked entity limit has nothing to do with this crash. If it was the cause, the client and server would be crashing with the error "ed_alloc no free edicts." The limit is 2048.