
KotH koth_mazata a11


L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
- Removed ammo room under point
- Removed the middle window in the sniper house
- Lowered the valley under the catwalk to the point and made it longer and added a small ammo pack
- Simplified the catwalk leading to the point
- Made the control point area wider
- Added windows to the point which one of them can be entered
- Removed the house/flank with a big healthpack and added a cliff like structure that provides health, ammo and highground
- Moved the health and ammo in the 2nd courtyard to be easier reached by defenders without giving up too much ground, also changed the ammo from medium to full
- Fixed some sightlines
- Added small ledges to sniper windows to be easier to jump inside the sniper house

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Feb 7, 2008
I was trying to get this into the feedback system but players hit rtv so quickly I couldn't type it all out.


This route can be annoying to push with because the enemy team can use it to attack you from behind. A single demoknight was able to cancel our kritz push because nobody checked the stairwell. It feels cheap and makes that route much less useful than it feels like it should be, so I would advise removing it.


L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
I was trying to get this into the feedback system but players hit rtv so quickly I couldn't type it all out.


This route can be annoying to push with because the enemy team can use it to attack you from behind. A single demoknight was able to cancel our kritz push because nobody checked the stairwell. It feels cheap and makes that route much less useful than it feels like it should be, so I would advise removing it.

Alright, thanks for the feedback, do you suggest removing it all together or find a way to make it work?


Feb 7, 2008
I would suggest removing the high ground. If you want to keep it, I would suggest making it only accessible through mid.


L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
I would suggest removing the high ground. If you want to keep it, I would suggest making it only accessible through mid.

I feel like I have to keep some highground as that was the primary complaint in the previous verision


L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
a3b instead of a4 because it contains few changes that dont deserve a a4 update alone

- Moved the health and ammo in the underground tunnel
- Made the roof of the point higher to avoid the confusion of players not knowing if you could stand up there or not
- Added capture zone indications
- Moved the health and ammo in the 2nd courtyard slightly

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L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
- Removed the ledges to the windows on the colrol point house for easier acces via the prop jump
- Removed walkway going over the 2nd couryard leading to the sniper house
- Reworked the route closest to the shack leading to the point
- Added slight cover outside the shack
- Added rooftops to buildings to give a sence of an actual enviorment instead of just a box

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L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
- Remade the side building on mid
- Removed dropdown from middle route and replaced it with a simple walkway going down
- Added a new room/corridor
- Made the walkways to the point bigger
- Made the crates outside of the point house easier to use

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L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
This update features smaller changes that arent show in the pictures

- Changed health sizes on multiple locations of the map
- Removed the small wall in the sniper room
- Removed 1 pice of metal on on red's right/blu's left route
- Smoothened displacements
- Made the doorway to the point wider comming from red's left/blu's right route

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L3: Member
Sep 26, 2014
- Reduced the ammount of health on red's left/blu's right route
- Changed the health kit in the side room on mid from medium to small
- Added hazard stripes to certain ledges to show that they can't be accessed by crouch-jumping

Changes no included in screenshots

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