KOTH Brine

KotH KOTH Brine a7


L2: Junior Member
Oct 18, 2018
KOTH Brine - Turn the wheel to lower the point.

Was testing some logic in regards to a moving point when I blacked out, and when I woke up it had turned into a full map.

Wonder how that happens.

Standing in the marked-out zone in the big room oon the upper flank will spin the big wheel and lower the point, making it easier to cap. Note that I said easier, as it can be capped by any class from the opposing flank at all times. But that's harder.


L2: Junior Member
Oct 18, 2018
Inverted the lifting point - it now raises when you spin the wheel, and is on the floor by defaut. The central route as well as the upper flank have seen major reworks, most directed at the former.

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 18, 2018
The wheel/point dynamic has been changed. Again.

Now, whichever team is holding the point can turn the wheel to raise the point, whereas the team that is not holding the point (a.k.a. attacking) can turn the wheel to lower it. If the attacking team captures the point, they become the holding team and thus can turn the wheel to raise the point.

It's not complicated, I swear.

Elsewhere, the spawnyards have been reworked (and now look pretty snazzy ngl) and some packs have been shuffled around. A... flank of sorts has been added to the wheel house with height advantage. A flank for a flank, not every day you see that, huh?

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Feb 7, 2008

make the crane look like this and make the wheels / ropes visible so the relationship between the two elements is very, very clear. i expect you'll probably need to do this in beta anyways but i think you need all the help you can get in alpha since the gamemode is new


L2: Junior Member
Oct 18, 2018
Probably the most minor update so far.
-After feedback from a5 gave me the epiphany that, yes, this is technically a new gamemode, I took the leap and made the wheel a full-on cap point. Well, technically. It has it's own, custom, HUD icon (DEAD chuffed I made that work) and caps like a control point would, though of course you don't change the timers by capping it. Also it still caps really quickly.
-Other than that, I've removed the signs in the hope that the gamemode should be intuitive enough now that you can understand it after 1 round or so.
-Also, the stickies now bunce off the point. No more floating stickies.
-The health pack in the wheel room got demoted to small after I recieved 2 complaints about how strong it was. Not sure about that though, might revert later.
-Deathcam changes. Not that anyone cares.
-A cable has been added to more clearly link the wheel to the crane mechanism over the main point.

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 18, 2018
Broke up the mid area a bit, added a death pit under the point that you can't see until it rises >:D, added a real flank route through the waterside hill, fixed bug wherein you can't win unless you have both points.

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