Jump Pad Prefabs

Jump Pad Prefabs a1


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
Jump Pad Prefabs - Particles Included!

In order to make it easier for mappers to create jump pads for their maps, as well as to provide some consistency between them and their visual language, I have created a set of particles and prefabs to use.

jumppad_64a - 64x64 base, blueish steam
jumppad_64b - 64x64 base, brownish dust
jumppad_2_64a - 2 64x64 bases side-by-side, blueish steam
jumppad_2_64b - 2 64x64 bases side-by-side, brownish dust
jumppad_96a - 96x96base, blueish steam
jumppad_96b - 96x96 base, brownish dust
jumppad_128a - 128x128 base, blueish steam
jumppad_128b - 128x128 base, brownish dust

Installation Instructions

Drag the contents of the zip folder into your Team Fortress 2/, this should merge the tf/ and bin/ folders with the prefab ones.

Usage Instructions
Use the entity tool and select the Jump Pad Prefabs.
Place the prefab you want to use into your map.
The info_target defines the point the pad will launch you towards, adjust this as needed.
The trigger_catapult contains additional settings such as Player Speed that can be tweaked as necessary.

Remember to include a particle manifest! Put a text file named "yourmapname_particles.txt" in your map folder containing the following:
    file    "particles/fx_jumppad.pcf"

The 96x96 prefab was made for a specific custom model and so uses a brushwork placeholder. I recommend you do not use this brushwork vent in your map (past alpha at least).
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L1: Registered
Sep 16, 2023
Hi! I noticed that there doesn't seem to be any sort of license listed here, so I was wondering about permissions. Like, if I were to upload a map using these onto the Steam Workshop, would you want me to credit you? That kind of thing.


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
I would Like to be credited but I also don't want that to get in the way of their use.

For free usage, credit is preferred but not required.
If it's making money tho, please credit appropriately.