
KotH Hangar RC5B

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Oct 25, 2014
Baggage Carousel


400hu x 496hu x 96hu

Inspiration: The final carousel ideally would have the plated design of real carousel's, with a more rounded look and its own unique textures.



Big Plane



1536hu x 1600hu x 576hu

Inspiration: The plane is supposed to be a Martin 404, a popular regional liner from the 70s. (Yes I know its meant to load and unload from the rear, not the sides, creative license?)

EAL M404 N440A.jpg


Baggage Handler


~750hu x ~128hu x 96hu (Varies due to the snaking of the trailers)

Inspiration: Small baggage trains seen at small airports. They're cute, look fun to drive, and take up a reasonable amount of space for an invisible wall.


Doesn't he look like he's having fun?




No brushwork counterpart currently exists for the windsock, but theyre part of the airport identity. This model would be the most difficult to complete, requiring animation for the sock. A simple snaking and swaying would do, but ideally it could be wind-simmed with a little creativity to make this little piece of airport lovability just that little bit cooler.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Hi, Uncuepa.

Some thoughts on the images you posted to your Twitter.

The white cladding that covers most of the interior walls doesn't look clean enough to be in the lounge of a private airfield. I suggest smoothing out the blemishes/dirt and making the dividing lines a bit cleaner. Consider merging the two rectangular 'tiles' in to one square tile to make everything above the eyeline simpler and provide something different to the player's expectations since that material is used a lot. If you're worried about losing 'texture', then consider adding bolt holes in to each corner of the tile. Try to eradicate small tiles created by irregular wall widths.

The dark green tiles at the bottom of the walls look like they're designed to be wipe-clean in an area that gets dirty a lot. I suggest replacing them with something flat and solid. Perhaps carpet with a detail texture that makes it look like corduroy?

Toughened security glass on windows works in a place like a school, hospital or other secure facility but it lessens the premium feel in luxurious places. If you're worried about players getting confused about whether or not something is a window, think about alternative methods of marking the glass that fit with the style. Some examples are engraved dots, tinting, or decals. You can use a masking texture in the glass material to ensure those additions don't reflect anything, which will help them stand out and look more realistic.

The white floor tile texture looks too cheap, to me. I'd look at ways to make it look more expensive, such as doubling the size of the tiles, making them a bit shiny (but not disruptively so), softening the contrast between the base white-grey colour and the white splodges or increasing their density, or replacing the tiles with a kind of natural material such as granite or stone. You could also try converting the floor in to a prop and using phong shading for prettier, more sparkly reflections of lights rather than cubemaps which tend to make things look like a mirror, and can look ugly when a refraction texture is thrown in the mix.

The material on the balcony window that's not open for snipers looks mucky and doesn't match with the other windows. I understand you want to make it obvious that it's not accessible and that the other one is open so I suggest the following alternatives: If you used some decals on your other windows, use them here as well (e.g. A line going all the way around the edges), use a very reflective material for the exterior face of the glass, make the open window look inhabited or well-used by placing props near it (like a blanket over the broken shards of glass), convert it in to a prop and use the fresnel effect to alter its reflection the further away the player is (you'll have to experiment with that one).

Small stuff:
* The metal trim around the edges of the balcony parts looks too rough. I'm not sure why those balconies are accessible to guests anyway but hey it's a TF2 map.
* The interior trim of door frames uses a metal beam material which looks out of place in this environment.

Eddie himself

L1: Registered
Jun 19, 2019
Gnarly map! I can forgive the exterior of the plane, but the interior reminds me of a dream and it instills in me existential dread. Other than that good map 9/10.


Oct 25, 2014
Oops, 4 years on and I finally completed my artpass! But looks is not all that has changed...

  • Re-detailed mostly everything
  • Added new custom content including Crowbar's FANTASTIC Plane Model
  • Redesigned the baggage claim area to be a larger gameplay space
  • Rebalanced pickup kits to encourage flanking and retreating
  • Really it just looks pretty!
I really owe it to everyone who has helped me with the map, especially MaccyF and Crowbar for their awesome custom content!

Read the rest of this update entry...


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Oh hey, welcome back! I never did finish those airline logos for you. Ended up changing my mind about Red's side; how's "Cardinal Air" grab you? Complete with a logo of a cardinal's head on the tailfin.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Always liked this map, here's some feedback:
-This area behind the baggage claim is super empty
-the baggage claim carousels could use more angles and a better texture. The blue metal just doesn't work and it really doesn't look like it moves
-Most if not all of these double doors don't fully close when shut. It works OK for out of bounds areas but in the playspace when they have the open and close sound effects, the close one doesn't make sense since it still sounds like they fully shut
20200619171933_1.jpg 20200619172039_1.jpg
-the sightlines through these double doors is ridiculous. If someone holds the door open a sniper can see all the way to the other teams, if both doors are open, a sniper can see all the way to the other side of the map! I'd suggest pushing out the point area to fully block sight through the doorways
-A lot of these suitcases don't have any collision which makes it easy to hide stickies in them
-This kind of railing is used a lot in the map and it's super chunky which makes the fact that it's made out of brushes very obvious. I don't think you'd need a model for them, just thin em out
-Floating prop
-I really dislike how bright white many of the indoor spaces are. It's kind of blinding and this spot behind the metal detectors is probably the worst example of it
-These square lights look odd. Idk if something like this exists or not, but it just looks weird to me
-I find myself getting caught up on the walls inside the plane here, probably would be a good idea to clip the walls flat opposed to curved. I like curves but source always gives you that thing where if you walk up against it players will very slowly begin to ascend up them.
-The delivery truck in the background of red spawn is easily viable through the windows but the hearse is not. Why a hearse is at an airport is another question but since it can't really be seen, you might as well remove it to reduce the file size.20200619171403_1.jpg
-While I do like the plane model, I can't help but feel that it should be better detailed for how prominent it is featured in the map. It's pixelated textures and pointy curves would work fine back out of bounds but just look bad up close20200619171332_1.jpg
-I get what you're going for with these crates but I can't help but feel that a tall fence or something would do the same thing but better. Due to how low they are, it feels janky not being able to jump on or over them, especially since the portable stairs that are nearby are taller than they are. I get it's supposed to be cargo for the plane but it doesn't work well as a boundary in my opinion20200619172703_1.jpg20200619171211_1.jpg
-The way this map is lit and the textures it uses make it almost blinding at times. All the white reflects the lighting to an extreme and can cause geometry to kind of blend together. it's just not great to look at.
-I don't think sacks of quicklime really fit an airport theme. Why would they even be here?
-Could use a patch under this ammo I guess
-love the slanted windows in this map
-detailing behind this gate is fine I suppose but I feel like the map could benefit from some asymmetrical detailing for them. It's kind of odd that the airport has 2 of the exact same stores on opposite sides of it.

-hanger's skybox and main out of bounds area leave a LOT to be desired. The street floor texture repeats way to often for how much of it is viewable and the pine tree skycards are extremely obvious. Skycards work best when the transition to them is well hidden and it overall doesn't feel like the skybox has a horizon, but instead just stops existing.
-this building could use some detail. I know it's in the skybox but it's a bit too bland for how big and easy to see it is20200619171322_1.jpg
-personally I've always disliked this truck model, just doesn't feel very TF2 to me, but that's just me

That's all for now, hope at least some of it helps.


Back from the dead (again)
Apr 25, 2009
Reflecting what MegapipemanPHD said in the previous post, you could easily replace the crates on the sides of the plane with luggage truck/carts, which would totally make sense for being next to the plane and still define the play area boundry well

EDIT: Seems like I can't read and it's your intention to have one anyway
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Dec 19, 2015
While I do like the plane model, I can't help but feel that it should be better detailed for how prominent it is featured in the map. It's pixelated textures and pointy curves would work fine back out of bounds but just look bad up close
I felt that way too at times (well, back two years ago when I did that) but I didn't see much of a way around it because the plane texture is already 2048×1024 and it has to accommodate *a lot* of surface area.

Nowadays I think I would have distorted the main fuselage UV (which is continuous, up to symmetry, and maintains density throughout) to give *lots* of pixels to the nose and very little to the tail…

All in all, my bad. I don't even know if I have the source files these days! By the way, I think this critique would have arisen sooner had it not been for the sheer fact that it's a model of a freaking airplane as a gameplay area. ;)
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Oct 25, 2014
The new baggage area has proven too big, its a large side area which lead to many fights in there not really impacting on the game, so I hoped to reduce its area to help push players back towards the objective. I also redid all the glass to fit a clean with trim style.

- Reduced Baggage Claim room size, brought north wall down ~368hu
- Redid upper mid connectors to better flow onto point
- Added sight-line blocking objects beneath plane to prevent pixel snipes
- Adjusted many decorative plant props to simplify geometry
- Adjusted clipping around trim for better rocket jumping
- Retextured all windows to fit consistent theme, light clear glass accented with a dark stripe to indicate it is within the play space but solid. Fully dark glass represents OOB areas.
- Adjusted pickups near point, health inside the ATC, ammo in upper connector
- 3D skybox improvements, flattening terrain, added sky fog, adjusted tree cards and hangar
- Additional minor details and overlays

hangar overview rc2.png

Read the rest of this update entry...


Oct 25, 2014
Actually, I'd like to get in on and help you with the baggage area when I have the time. I'm not too great with textures but the model and base colours I can get nailed down.

I'd love some help with the baggage area! Once I have the shape nailed down of the baggage carousel I would like a model of these kind of rubber plates to run around it, as the brush geometry and texture of it just isn't right - and as many other have said yeah a baggage cart would be awesome - I'm willing to pay a little to a modeller to make those happen



Oct 25, 2014
- Changed skybox from hydro to trainyard
- Adjusted out of bounds detailing to look more like a large airport
- Removed large pillar-like protrusion from terminal building
- Adjusted minor details like decals and lights
- Enlarged the capture point and replaced crates with fences


Read the rest of this update entry...


Oct 25, 2014
- Redesigned 3D skybox (again)
- 3D skybox now includes a blimp AND a plane (with flyby sounds!)
- Expanded and improved out of bounds detail
- Added airport announcement jingle to point unlocking
- Fixed missing lights in gate terminals
- Added dustmotes to skylight in gate terminal
- Added Paradise travel poster (self referential!)
- Attempted to add loading screen images and failed! (having some issues packing, will try again some time)


Read the rest of this update entry...