Greetings everyone


L1: Registered
Mar 12, 2018
You can call me X and I am a starter at tf2 map making, though i think i can make great things. I come from Croatia and i really love cats. I have been starting making my own tf2 maps three days ago by following Crash's tutorial on Youtube. It helped me a lot, but I can still use some learning to make my maps fully functional.

My current project is a Medieval themed payload map where the defenders (Red) try to stop the attackers (Blu) from escorting the King's personal payload so that the local temple won't be destroyed.

Was nice meeting you and I hope we see each other again.
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L1: Registered
Mar 12, 2018
Nice to see someone new not starting off with a koth map (although making koth is helpful). Welcome
Thanks. While it is fun making koth maps, I wanted to try doing other game modes aswell, and my payload map is basically finished, I just need to figure out how to do all the different spawns on cap, doing the visualizers right and also the spawn doors.
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L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Welcome to the site! Your map idea sounds pretty good: I'm a big fan of medieval, so I'm glad to see more maps for the mode.


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
Welcome to the site! If you need help, you can check the Tutorials and Resources section, and the group Discord is always open! (This thread for more information on that as well as getting your maps tested)