Every Game Mode

Every Game Mode (2024-07-20)


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry submitted a new resource:

Every Game Mode - Every single game mode in TF2!

This is a collection of all the official game modes. And I mean ALL of them.

If there is a mistake, please let me know, I worked with a lot of files and it's easy to make a mistake.

-.vmf of all the game modes​
-.txt with the game modes descriptions (for the one that uses a different one)​
-materiales files for the custom elements of the game modes​
-A list with all the game modes and a small description about...​

Read more about this resource...


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Oh dear, for a second I thought it was a map with all game modes at once. It would be fun.

Thx for the resource
It would be possible, but not very practical (it's one of the reasons i don't like the ABS so much).

And thank you!


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry updated Every Game Mode with a new update entry:

Scream Fortress XV

-Updated Control Point (Centralized) HUD to match the one Steel uses now​
-Updated the materials to look better (mostly the HUD icons)​
-Updated the layout of some cp maps to match better the HUD​
-Added a missing sound in pl_1s_4cp_chew​
-Added countdown lines in pd_example​
-Updated pd_example text, now it's shorter​
-Added the missing txt files in the VSH folder + Goal...​

Read the rest of this update entry...


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
You're missing Arena: Perks :(
Like I already said, I don't count this a sub-game mode, its just fake arena, only done for the gimmick of the map.

Besides, is not like anyone cares about this prefab or any of my prefabs, I dont even know why i keep updating them in the first place...
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Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016

Do you think it would be possible to credit me and Netmuck when redistributing all of the zombie infection assets? I could see people grabbing this submission and not realizing those require credits, similarly to VSH which is also uncredited.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019

Do you think it would be possible to credit me and Netmuck when redistributing all of the zombie infection assets? I could see people grabbing this submission and not realizing those require credits, similarly to VSH which is also uncredited.
Sure, in the next version I'll add a txt with the people to credit, I also have to include Sarexicus for the VScript of Sulfur, which is included in this pack, althought I'm not sure if I also have to include Egan for PD, I checked some workshop maps and it doesn't get credited in those.

Also since you made ZI would you mind trying it out the version of my pack? I think it got updates and I haven't checked those yet, besides that it might not be perfect, I'm not too familiar with vscript, so I could very easily messed something up.

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
I'm not sure if I also have to include Egan for PD, I checked some workshop maps and it doesn't get credited in those.

Egan doesn't need credit for PD maps, don't worry, the code is made by Valve

Sure, in the next version I'll add a txt with the people to credit, I also have to include Sarexicus for the VScript of Sulfur, which is included in this pack, althought I'm not sure if I also have to include Egan for PD, I checked some workshop maps and it doesn't get credited in those.

Also since you made ZI would you mind trying it out the version of my pack? I think it got updates and I haven't checked those yet, besides that it might not be perfect, I'm not too familiar with vscript, so I could very easily messed something up.

Chances are it's outdated, but that's fine- I'm going to be working after this weekend to get an up-to-date download of all the scripts, which your prefab can point to!


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Egan doesn't need credit for PD maps, don't worry, the code is made by Valve

Chances are it's outdated, but that's fine- I'm going to be working after this weekend to get an up-to-date download of all the scripts, which your prefab can point to!
Ok, tho I won't be updating this prefab until the smissmas update comes, I don't want to update it now and then having to update a few weeks later if they add a new mode.

But it's nice if the creators release their modes or can check this one, I dont know whenever they update something, as minor as it is. Recently the steel type got update to change the HUD and I only knew about that cause it was a big deal getting an update in Steel after so long.
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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Hey there! I've got a couple of concerns about the use of my TC prefab in this pack.

Firstly, (and this is just a silly nitpick) you've misspelled my name everywhere in the pack; there are no capital letters in my username. My name should be 14bit, not 14Bit.

Secondly and more importantly, none of information in this pack correctly capture the crediting I've requested for the TC prefab. On the page for my prefab it is stated:
This prefab is free to use without credit, though if you use the provided generic tc_logic_template.vmt without any edits credit is required. If you customize/modify the tc_logic_template.vmt to your map, credit is not required.
This information is not included anywhere in this pack, and I would request that you update the pack to include this information.

Additionally, a large part of the usefulness of my TC prefab is the information I researched and reverse-engineered about how the Round Overview works. I included as part of the download thread, and this pack fails to direct mappers to the large portion of the work I did to make my TC prefab. Please include a link to my download thread in the pack so people can find the information intended to accompany the files: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/14bits-improved-territorial-control-prefab.14774/ Please do not bundle this information directly into your pack; you do not have permission to redistribute my writing.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019