Does a "Hammer Lite" exist?


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I've been using a relative's computer recently in lieu of my own. Unfortunately, I developed a mapping itch a few days ago. I don't want to download the ~15 GB of files needed to run Steam and Team Fortress just so I can use Hammer, so I'm looking for a standalone version.

I don't need to run maps, I just need to make and edit VMF files. I've already looked at Hamr Online and VMFSketch, but these are "prototyping" tools. I would prefer the full Hammer experience, or at least as close to it as I can get, without needing to download nearly 20 GB as a prerequisite. If it comes with TF2 content, even if it's only the most commonly used textures and models, then that's all the better.

If one doesn't exist, how difficult would it be to create one?


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
Wouldn't that be like trying to bake a cake without using any flour? If you take out the core ingredients, you can't make anything.

You need to have textures and models. Now I kinda agree you maybe wouldn't need to have every single model and texture that's out there, but you still need to have something.

Plus, how would you test the map once you compile it? You'd still need to run it in game, which means downloading the game your testing it in.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Plus, how would you test the map once you compile it? You'd still need to run it in game, which means downloading the game your testing it in.

Good point. It might need to come with an extremely light version of TF2, with only the bare necessities, so you can playtest the map.

Would a modified version of the 2007 build of the game work for that? I'd have to download Steam, in the end, but 2007 TF2 is a much smaller game than 2018 TF2.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Not if you wanted to use the newer mechanics.

The newer gamemodes, along with any changes to the base gamemodes/classes could be backported with luck/enough work.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Merry Christmas, everyone!

Been thinking about this lately, especially since winter break started. The idea is pretty barebones, so I'm going to take the next couple of days to get a project outline out. Nothing fancy, just a list of things to include or leave out and such.

First things first though, it needs to be visually distinct from Hammer itself, starting with an icon.


While I was making this, I was also thinking about how it should look, UI-wise. I'm thinking something dark grey in color, but with the option to switch to the classic coloring, like how Discord has both a light and dark theme.


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
Make the UI fully customizable, like Blender

I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
If you could build CompilePal into it somehow (with permission I guess) that would be amazing


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 26, 2015
There's a standalone 'source' editor called J.A.C.K, which works the same way as normal hammer and will work without any setup but you must supply your own .WAD files to get textures working and it only works with GoldSource games.

What I would suggest you to do is find some .wad texture files ( and then use those to make up your level. Then, import the .vmf files into normal hammer and work on the actual texturing.

Of course, if you want to use this level editor for Half Life mapping you'd need to consult the manual but this should work for your needs

It also has the same User Interface as hammer (J.A.C.K)


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I hope I don't seem rude here, but what is the point of this? By stripping it down you wouldn't be able to use most of the models and textures, or even playtest the map, right?

The idea came from me wanting to make a map on a computer without the Steam/TF2, but not wanting to download the ~15 GB to do so. The missing features and assets are supposed to help lower the file size, as well as show that this isn't supposed to be the full Hammer experience.