
CP cruff a7


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Current version: a7


cp_cruff is a 3 stage sequential CP map in the dustbowl vein. It takes inspiration from dustbowl (durr), goldrush and gorge (amongst others). I'm trying to build a map that plays like a blend of all three of these, with a bit of high-tech Red mountain base thrown into the mix for good measure.

Originally this map had blue defending much like cp_bloodstained, having been old by loads of people that this is a bad idea I've caved and coverted it back to normal (i.e. blue attacking).

We've done a fair bit of testing of this over at and I think I've managed to fix up most of the glaring layout issues with this release. As such this release is starting to approach the final layout in my mind. Obviously there will be tweaking to do but hopefully I won't have any more stage redesigns to do as I'm starting to feel quite happy with how it plays. With that in mind any testing that's possible would be really useful as I need to know of any remaining issues before moving onto detailing.

Original thread.

Known issues:
- Probably in need of cap time and respawn wave timing adjustment.
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Jun 9, 2009
Why isn't this construction themed what is wrong with you


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
Is this going to be a contest entry? :O

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I just ran through it. I really like it.

though, for the second stage first point blue has a side flank basically underneath everything that leads right up behind the point, I can see this as an effective flank, but I think it might be too effective, and that would draw away from the rest of that part of the stage. (also, the fences right behind that point need to be clipped)

Also, a Demoman can sticky jump right over the building at the beginning of s3 and land straight on the point with no problem. I don't think this would be an issue for 1 demo, but get a couple and it might be a little tough on the defenders.

Overall, like I said, I really like it. The final point in s3 looks really good, and when its detail it should look even more spectacular.


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Why isn't this construction themed what is wrong with you

I started making it before the construction theme so it was never intended to use the theme. There will be areas that use some of the assets though. :)

Is this going to be a contest entry? :O


Thanks Fr0zen, testing has shown that that low flank on cp_2a is perilous to try and take, since defenders tend to hang around on the waterfall side of the point a lot. I'll keep an eye on it and if that point seems too easy to cap I'll change it. As for the building at cp_3a, I'm undecided if it should be clipped off or not. In previous versions it was clipped and it was fairly easy to defend that point, besides it's equally easy for the defender to use that area too, we'll see after some more testing I guess. Either way thanks for the input. :)


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
OK hopefully I'll have addressed the problems with the last release and also made the second stage a lot prettier. :3

Here's the changes I've made since a5:

a5a released
+ fixed broken shorcut door from red spawn to cp_3a
+ fixed visible nodraw brushes in the underground route to cp_3b

a6 released
+ added another spawn exit and route to the point at to red's first spawn
+ lowered and angled roof at cp_2a
+ added another route for attackers to take left high ground at cp_2a
+ raised and clipped off upper roof at cp_2b
+ raised floor and removed roof of building in front of cp_3a
+ added some covered areas for spies and snipers at cp_3b
+ lowered the raised walkway at cp_3b so all classes can use it
+ playerclipped some roofs around cp_1b that should've been clipped before
+ removed a walkway, moved a door and moved some cover at cp_2b to make it more defendable

a6a released
+ fixed several lighting errors
+ lowered the floor of the building opposite cp_3a
+ sorted out the shortcut door in red's final spawn
+ replaced raised walkway at cp_3b with a much lower one
+ fixed a few clipping issues, floating props and general mistakes


Jun 9, 2009
I demand a pontoon at the very top of that cascade and someone foolhardy enough to ride in it.
Sep 1, 2009
Are you volunteering?

I think he is :3
- There are too many choke points a sentry can hold down too easily though for normal players , it is fine.
-The final point should be an EXPLOSION !
-I got a new hat on the map I am very pleased.

Overall My only real consern is that sentries can hold down alot of areas to easily due and causes problems


Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
I really dislike first stage red spawn.

One exit can be easily spawn camped once blue pushes to the hallway and other one is pretty far away from point itself, 3rd spawn exit to that side hallway next to point would be good idea so it isn't as easily camped.

Also, the last point could use some sniper cover, me and blob could pretty easily hide in corner of the big room with point and red nucleus prop and have overview of almost all of the doorways to the area.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Your map is very wide and open which made it kinda easy to get disorientated and didn't really define flanks beyond having one patha little higher on a ledge (which just made for increased soldier spam and over-encourage sniper play (see the cave where BLU exit the spawn). There were cases of one player flanking another, only to get flanked himself, and then that player in turn flanked. There was no way for players to really hold any ground when progressing forwards (more true for BLU as red obviously had there defensive positions around health and ammo).

Since many of your CP's aren't visible from your spawn exit points it's important to have signage and/or make the signage more obvious.

Try and reduce the openess with more buildings and walls, the more linear paths will then make progression more obvious and imply routes more naturally (player wont be looking all around, there will be an obvious "forwards and backwards"). Utilise the overlay dirt paths to help players understand flow through the map. Players like to follow lines.
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pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Godslayer, I've only observed two areas that have been locked down by sentries, I've already tried to address one, I'll take a look at the demo and try and identify some others. I know of one that you mentioned to me directly and I think I can fix it easily.

Wilson, the spawn is meant to be quite far from the point, think how far away the spawn is from the point on the second point of dustbowl. I'll take a look at making the second spawn exit less campable and adding more cover for the exits at the last point though.

Grazr, one of the aims when laying this out was to make it feel much less claustrophobic than dustbowl, so in one respect it's succeeded I guess. On the other hand definition of routes and general signage is definitely something that needs some work. To be honest those are both things that I'm not too great at, I'm thinking that some sort of guide on the subject could be quite helpful.

All useful feedback peeps, please keep it coming.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I'll see what i can do. Though when i think about it it's a subject that's indirectly covered by my scale, A/D layout tutorials when considering cover and primary/secondary paths.

Also because Source allows you to create very unique environments of an infinite variety of design possibilities (ingame performance issues withstanding) it's hard to say what will and will not work. If you take the for and after locations, these may determine the success of an open area; for example badwater staging-area>CP1.