
CP cp_undercover a7


L3: Member
May 9, 2018
cp_undercover - A very small map

An Attack/Defense map.
The focus of this map is to have points that are quick to cap, and a small layout, thus making travels from a point to another less time consuming.
This map follows this mindset : if you loose time, you'll get rolled, no matter which side your on.
"3 Points, 1 Stage, 0 time to waste" is a good way to recap this map.
Please send feedback that is constructive, so this map can improve over time.

Q&A :
-Why so small ?
-It's a gameplay element that I thought is going to be fun

-It is competitively viable ?
-No, i'd rather not plan making it competitivly viable, sorry.

-Is it frontline ?

-Wow that water is cool !
-It's not mine, credits goes to Tumbolisu's water texture "water powerup"
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47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
Just based off the screenshots, That geometry looks really cool!

I'll get back to you on feedback.

Edit This map is very well done, and has a great sense of height variation! Though I'm not sure how all the accessible water will play.

Here's a little problem though, that beautiful water by turbo is a missing texture everywhere:

It would hep if the points got little tape things, so that you knew where the point was:

And finally; The last point feels a bit sudden and very enclosed. Especially as it is right next to a red spawn door, and doesn't have a very fast capping time. still, keep it the same until you've tested it with other players. maybe It does play well and I just don't know.

Anyway, this is a great looking map, that will most likely play quite well, just make sure you pack that water ;)


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L3: Member
May 9, 2018
I've noticed some gamebreaking issues like red not being to get out of the first spawn. oops. I'm trying to fix this asap


L3: Member
May 9, 2018
Stuff that should of gotten in the first update.
- Fixed REDs not being able to get out of their first spawn.
- Added cubemaps in RED spawn sewer
- Added a full health kit in a zone no one would get to anyway
- Fixed crates floating

The next update will probably improve last's visibility, and improve the capture time over all of the points.

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
May 9, 2018
I have already seen this tutorial many times myself, and i consider changing the number only when drastic changes will be made, not in every update, mostly because lt's face it, I always forget things here and there, remember, it's not set and stone and anyone can use the iteration strings the way they feel like.


47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
I understand, just wanted you to know since it can be slightly annoying to have several version of the same named file.


L2: Junior Member
Dec 23, 2012
Considered testing your map, because it looks interesting, but I think I'll wait until you have some signs in, arrows and point names. Yes I know the map is small but with several cosmetic or closed doors (didn't cap the points to test which) and flanking routes it still causes players unnecessary frustration learning the map. You don't have to have detail just arrows and names to give players direction and landmarks to learn the map easier.


L2: Junior Member
Dec 23, 2012
I have already seen this tutorial many times myself, and i consider changing the number only when drastic changes will be made, not in every update, mostly because lt's face it, I always forget things here and there, remember, it's not set and stone and anyone can use the iteration strings the way they feel like.

Just so you know as a server operator I must change a map's name to a unique one there is no choice. If a client already has a map named identically to a different map on your server and you switch to it they will get a version mismatch error and be disconnected. They'd have to manually delete the map they already have to get in. I've had this happen multiple times over the years and it always results in either losing players or having to talk people through the deletion. A while back pl_pier had a version that was floating around that borked my server nicely with half the players having different versions with the same name. Yes I can change the name but you doing it keeps it orderly, constant across multiple servers and easier for anyone who wants to test your map. Just a friendly FYI :) .

EDIT: If you don't think a new version has significant changes don't feel you have to upload it until you do. I've held off on testing several of my maps until I felt the changes justified bothering my players with a new download ;) .
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L3: Member
May 9, 2018
A lot of changes, to make the map more fun.
The map is still in gameplay theory, any help of ingame feedback is apreciated, a lot.
Changelog :
- Removed small kit in red's base entreance
- Improved the hazard stripes that represent the capture zone
- Changed the medium pack to a small health pack in blu sewers
- Opened a room leading to point A, also added a smal ammo pack in it
- Created a new area with a medium ammo pack leading to the previously useless area with the big healthpack.
- Change capture times :
- A to 5
- B to 7
- C to 5
- Added signs to help new players navigate throught the map
- Changes to point C (last) :
- Made all doors leading to point C airlocks
- Made the left door hight ground
- Revoved the wall in the middle room, made the airlock be in a 90° angle.
- Moved big packs in the middle room
- Added a door in underground that leads to "staircases"
- Underground door and left door are closed by default and open when A is captured, middle door is constently opened, right door still opens when B is captured

Hazard stripes are now brushes, and look, it's a custom texture ! By AsG_Alligator

Read the rest of this update entry...
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L3: Member
May 9, 2018
This map updates are fueled by feedback, get anyone you can to play the map, report bugs/problems/ideas
Because right now, I have no ideas how to improve this map.


Jun 15, 2013


L3: Member
May 9, 2018
A new update. Havn't done on for a bit, but I did not knew what to do. Then I looked at the big flaws the map has :
-It is small
-It is chokepointy-ish
-Maybe not fun
So I made a bit of changes to help the problems.
-Improved details in Blus first spawn
-Added slight lights over every packs to make the more visible
-Changed last left door to no longer be high ground
-Seperated last left door and Reds finale highground door
-Added a medium ammo pack and a small health pack near the last left door.
-Widthened B's open area, added a new room with a medium health pack and a small ammo pack
-Sped up last capture time from 3 to 2
-Added a small room from the point B open area to the upper sewer room, with a one way drop down
-Changed the corner hole of the sewers to be smaller
-Changed the door leading to the garage to be able to see throught.
New iteration string : a4
I will have to test the map.

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
May 9, 2018
When this map was tested, multiple things made the map unpleasant and not fun, they include :
-Map is too colorful
-Last too close to spawn
-Colorful lights, "it looks like Flux is on" (i find that quote funny but true)
-A door didn,t opened right
-Big sightlines
-Map too hard to navigate
-Respawn timers
-Tight corridoors
-Lack of cubemap
-VERY big sightlines
So to be honest, i do not know in any ways how to fix the respawn timers, if you know how to, hook me up.
Anyways, here is the long changelog :
-Added cover to cover most of the sightlines
-Changed round sewers to square ones to improve navigation and visbility
-Added a seperation in the water with barriers and player clips
-Removed town underground sewer entrance
-Opened up a bit the town underground
-Made all lights white
-Chnged RED's base "main entrance" to no longer be highground, stairs are now inside
-Added cover in front of BLU's spawn and in the town
-Added a new path with a medium health pack, is a one way door that is avaible after the first point is capped next to the "main entrance"
-Changed the way you go to the lowerground garage
-Added cubemaps throughout the entire map
-Changed the skybox to be sunnier and less colored
-Added a one way door from the "main entrance" to the open area
-Added a little brush to go from the left side to the second point
-Added "closed" overlays to door that don't open
-Made so you don't crush your bones when going throught the hole to the garage
-Added a slope from sewer exit to the left flank
-Added a submarine in the water
-Added signs to differenciate each airlocks
-Improved the room from the open area to the room with sewers on lowerground, also added in the same room an extension to go down with a full health pack
-Added a new small room from crate room to the stairs from underground to near last point
-Made first from 4 to 5
-Heavily changes RED's last spawn to be pushed back from the point, going underground isn't a drop down anymore
-Heavily changed BLU's original spawn to be more backed off and added details
-Added a 3D skybox to make it like a real world (3D skybox only used to improve the visuals of the map, still WIP and may be bugged, it's the first time i've done one)
-Added a tank that explode a wall after the 1rst point is capped (original prefab by Midlou, can be found here )
Map is now frontline, I decided to actually support the community update, this map will never be finished in time if valve makes it official, but hey, now I can awser the question "Is it frontline ?" with "Yes"

New iteration string : a5

Oh and btw, please share this map, it took me time to make the map and i've tried not to rush it, and I hope you like it.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
Wow, this map just keeps getting better!
The only thing I really have to say is 1: the blu boat is a nice addition to the blu spawn, but its shadows are a bit extreme. still, wadya gonna do? also, maybe add some kinda of fence so that people know to not jump in the water. 2: the waters can be a bit difficult to navigate. maybe add more ramps/ways to get to the main floor or at least some kind of sign that the water will put them at a disatvantage.


L3: Member
May 9, 2018
I plan on making stuff where the water is near BLU spawn, i just don't know how to do it, i thought maybe houses to improve the "undercover bunker inside town", but i don't know how it would play if you could get inside them.