[Contest Entry] pl_zig

Armadillo of Doom

Group Founder, Lover of Pie
Oct 25, 2007
This looks pretty badass so far. The crystal and grey metal pics are very cool, lot of ambience. Same goes for those first 3 w/ the bright blue temple stuff. But those middle pics w/ plain wood are really boring in comparison. And in all pics, I notice a distinct lack of models and posters. If you can make these environments flow together, it could be a cool map. Add it to our next gameday roster :)


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Detail is the next step for me. Also, from play tests I've found that it's very hard to take the second point. I'll move the cap back some and then add some side tunnel/s in the cave. I also need to add player clipping. Maybe when I'm not so lazy.


L3: Member
Oct 27, 2008
Very cool map, nice work. I ran through it a bit, players can get stuck in the first tunnel if they stand on top of the cart.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
That's another issue I am working on. I have tried making a shell out of player clip, and toggling no physics collision and no hull collision on the displacements, but it's just not the same. I noticed this way, players could hide sticky bomb in the places where the displacement came above the player clip shell. I'm thinking I could just place a plane of player clip in that downward slope area in the cavern, that way, players will not be allowed to ride for that little section. It keeps them from getting stuck, and no one will notice the difference, except for those few complainers. But without the physics collision on the displacements, it's just not the same thing.

And another thing for that same section is to add 1 or 2 side tunnels for players to subvert the enemy. Hopefully that goes well, I've almost maxed my # of facelights for this map. ;(


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
DL: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=875

I've uploaded a beta 2 of pl_zig. There's been a lot of work done, mostly balancing and detail. I'll get some screenshots up later, it's pretty late here.

Change Log:

*added player clipping
*added detail, custom decals, props, stock decals
*added more areaportals for better optimization
*pushed back Cap B for better team balance.
*added 2 side tunnels to the cavern for better balance.

TODO for Beta 3:

*Push back Cap B MORE
*Solve problem of players getting stuck when riding ontop of the cart in the cavern.
*More optimization
*More detail
*Adjust time advancement for capping points (needs more I think, after playtesting Beta 2 for an hour with some people).
*More custom materials, possibly a custom model or two (not really needed, but hey!)
*Intro video (might not get there until Beta 4 or final version...)
*Map info (anyone want to clue me in on that?)
*Adjust slightly the respawn times for each team.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
overall, the map puts me in mind of the old lemmings game in terms of it's terrain.
yeh, i think it's pretty cool in that regard


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
I have uploaded the beta 3. I know they come pretty fast, but the playtesting is good. I've got some dedicated regulars from my community helping.



Change log from beta 2:

*added player clipping
*added detail, custom decals, props, stock decals
*added more areaportals for better optimization
*pushed back Cap B for better team balance.
*added 2 side tunnels to the cavern for better balance.

Change log from beta 3:

*Pushed back Cap B for balancing
*Solved problem of players getting stuck when riding ontop of the cart in the cavern.
*More optimization
*More detail
*More custom materials
*Map info

TODO for beta 4:

*add 3-D skybox (if I feel it needs it)
*Intro video
*Slight balance issue to be determined by further playtesting (and YOUR feedback!)
*custom models?


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 15, 2008
I must admit that I'm weak for maps like this, great description on FPSB by the way!


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008

Right now I'm trying to appeal a bad assessment from a guy who didn't even download the map--even rated it poorly because it was large in file size. What kind of assessment is that? Lame.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Beta 4 uploaded today, we'll play it tomorrow. Here's the change log:

Change log for beta 4:

*Slightly reduced red respawn time for cap A (balance)
*COMPLETE REVISION of the cave section (BRAND NEW), now twice as wide and tall, with better features and lighting, as well as better for team balance. See new screenshot
*Increased the spawn area for purple spawn (exploit fix)
*Changed spawn areas, purple spawn is now used by both teams, the tunnel from red spawn to cap B is obsolete and has been removed
*Fixed red and blu spawn orientation issues
*Fixed displacement issues in the cap C section
*Added pop-up signs! Players should not get lost now!
*Added large glass doors that open on captures. Also keeps players from going the wrong direction
*Reduced # of reflective textures (subtlety, I am working on it...)
*Fixed "No entry" hand for blu spawn 2/red spawn 1. Should be gone by the time blu owns the spawn
*Fixed blu spawn 2 ownership issue (no more suicide when changing class)
*Fixed some texture inconsistencies
*Added player clipping to ALL metal door frames (smoother for players)
*Overall "white" lighting added to colored areas to reduce team identity confusion.
*REDUCED FILESIZE (on request) and I'm working to make it smaller!




The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Lol, it was withheld because I use the phrase, "I've got bad news for you Joe, you're not going to like this map," and this guy named Joe is freaking out because he thinks I'm attacking him directly. Seriously, what kind of crap is that? The intro was the same in the b3 too, BOTH maps were withheld. Lame.

They want me to change it so it doesn't say Joe. But if I change it to Jack, what's stopping someone named jack from flipping out over it and having my map suspended?

Now it's got a shitty-ass rating. Good luck getting people to look at it, lol. D:
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L420: High Member
Aug 10, 2008
Re-release the map as a b5 with a few, minor improvements. This will prevent the lame-ass ratings, and you can put a disclaimer as well. Also, you can mark certain ratings for removal.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Re-release the map as a b5 with a few, minor improvements. This will prevent the lame-ass ratings, and you can put a disclaimer as well. Also, you can mark certain ratings for removal.

Beta 5 is going to have twice the fps than beta 4. Beta 4 was sluggish when you climb above 15 players. Now those of you with monster computers will do even better.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 15, 2008
Hahahaha are you kidding me?! Hahahaha this is so absurd!


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
The Shadows players cast on the walls look like cloaked spies. Can't pinpoint why but many players told me this and I did notice it too.

The first area feels too small, a single (blue) uber can (if timed right) run through the whole red defence and with some luck others followed the uber and now red is toast.
Red has great SGs and pyros that airblast ubers away. Blue cannot win since red spawns too close to the capturepoint.

I think it needs some major layout changes in the first 'section'. moving spawns and capture points, and make it bigger overall. Notice how the starting area of both goldrush and badwater are huge? Its because 24 (usually) players will be in the area when the gates open, and there's gotta be room for all of em.

And the last point: red snipers blend in with the background too well. They can stay hidden in plain sight.

EDIT; adding some more:

Inside the crystal cave its very hard to tell which team a player belongs to. Everything is blue.

The trippy tunnel area (the red one with transparant floor) is really a chokepoint and the exit can be locked down by 1 or 2 engineers really easy. There needs to be an alternative path. atm blue is forced into a predictable uphill battle.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
One of the reasons no one here is big on fpsb. I'm not big on maps like this either but i do love your cave's with those crystal's.

A shame you didn't stick more with the TF2 theme, but that said, if you managed to get custom material for the models too, it would probably look better the less like TF2 it is. A proper "fun style" map.

P.S. the fact that you don't have me shooting down the map for it's lack of TF2 theme is really something.

I hope to see what you come up with next, and that it is more in keeping with the game.