Is b8 newest than the one in the payload contest pack?
I did a special payload contest maps sunday on my TF2 server, your map has really been appreciated since its design is so refreshing, and it was a lot of fun till the end.
Great job
Yeah...pl_zig was really just pl_zig_b7. I gave the name finalization for the contest, which turned out to be a mistake. B8 fixes a lot of problems with bottle-necking and balance issues, as well as drastically reduced filesize (75 mb!), and better lightmap scaling.
B9--major revisions of the last few areas, as well as a new bombcart and some more custom content.
but for those interested, here's a bump on the progress of the cart:
*total polygons (triangles): 10156
The writing there reads, "take off every zig!" which is a slight reference to Zero Wing, which really has nothing to do with the map, but some have interpreted it that way. Hopefully when this cart gets in game it will be for "great justice".
For those interested: Yes, I am a noob at UV mapping. It's hard! And lightwave isn't very nice with UV mapping.