
PL Clifftop b3


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Here goes nothing...

This is my entry into the dynamic payload competition, titled clifftop. The map is set in a mountainous, decidous forest and features a steep uphill battle for blue to push their cart of the top of the cliff into the missile silo positioned beneath.

The map has two elevators, one under the first point and one under the third point. The run up to each point has one rollback zone. There are also forward spawns for both Red and Blue.

Full changelog.
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pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
We playtested this last night on playstuff, and whilst most people said they enjoyed it there were some fairly serious problems with the layout between points 1 and 2. I'm currently working on a revision that should address this, hopefully I'll be updating the thread in an hour or two...


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
It's just occurred to me that whilst building the new second and third points I forgot to put in a flank for second. I'll update to a2a when I get home. If there's anyone out there who was planning on playing this, don't go playing this version. :p


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
You can shoot down at blu's first spawn from the final cp.

I have no idea why that didn't occur to me. I'm such an idiot at times. Thank you for pointing out that blatant, yet shamefully overlooked fact.

I can't think of a neat way to fix it right now so it'll just be a block bullet brush for the meantime.
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pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Updated to a3.

New screens in the OP.

25/01/2012 - A3 released
+ fixed red being able to shoot into blue spawn
+ added a roll back zone and a building to the final cap
+ added a building to divide the final area in two
+ redesigned cp3 to be more porous
+ redesigned cp2 to add flanks for the attackers
+ reduced blue's respawn times between cp2 and cp3
+ moved red's forward spawn further back
+ swapped out some brushes for props in the first area
+ moved some doors and cover around in the final area to try and help the defence
+ other little things I've since forgotten


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I have no idea why that didn't occur to me. I'm such an idiot at times. Thank you for pointing out that blatant, yet shamefully overlooked fact.

I can't think of a neat way to fix it right now so it'll just be a block bullet brush for the meantime.

Heh, don't feel so bad. RED can shoot pipes and rockets into BLU's spawn during setup time on upward. You're not the only one to overlook such things.
Mar 23, 2010
the first 3 points were very much a roll by blu. the travel times between the points looked a bit low, maybe walk times or something (should plan where blu and red meet at each area).

the last point really stalemates and is always an upward push it seems. i think the white roof needs to be raised + clipped or maybe just part of it.


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Updated to A4:

+ removed red's alternate spawn at last point
+ adjusted building heights and clipping around last point
+ adjusted health and ammo placement around last point
+ added space and a flank around the last track corner
+ adjusted spawn timers, blue now start with slightly longer timers that are reduced at caps 1 and 2
+ added a little loop to the track just before cp_2
+ locked the high shortcut door for the flcnk at cp 2 until that point is capped
+ fixed people being able to get into the second area through a window

I'm contemplating completely redesigning the final cap point area to be an interior instead of an open area, that and moving the red spawn back from the point a bit.
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