CSF Capture


Sep 11, 2013
Mar 20, 2012
Well, let's hope that Valve isn't lazy and that's not the case.

I enjoyed this map, although we didn't really have enough people on the server to really give it a proper server test. I feel it's about the right size for this game mode and a lot of the geometry is pretty fun to play around.

I think you're going to have an identity crises with Kong_King, though. Ignoring the fact that you are using the same style (which is perfectly fine), you use a lot of the props in similar geometric positions to koth_king:


(This one cracks me because both pictures even have the red sign around the same spot)

Some of the play areas I found kinda cluttered. I think it would probably be better if you removed these pillars in this spot:
Whenever I got into a fight with someone down there, we'd be bumping into them a lot instead of actively using them as cover. The distance is just too small.

And this shit is really cramped. I'm kind of impressed that heavy can even fit through this:

I would make a lot of your signs non-solid. I got stuck on them like the whole match.

Hopefully they resolve the entity-based server crashes. I look forward to future updates.
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Sep 11, 2013
I haven't checked what sign you left an annotation on, but they are all purposefully solid to stop jumpers from taking control too easily (ie, the large sign at C). No promises, but if we make A2 I promise to think about changing that/removing them. As for similar areas, well, wow. Prestige did it.
Mar 23, 2010
better than koth_king I M O (it was heavily inspired by koth_king and i saw that the theme would probably work well for the gamemode)

i agree middle thing under mid should probably be combined to just maybe one pillar if any...
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Mar 23, 2010
im gonna go ahead and say the gameplay can only get marginally better and the map is about as good as its gonna get. i think the upper route is a bit OP @ mid and shouldnt be as direct or something but idk. also B seems to be pretty dang hard to defend, thats a pretty simple fix that just takes testing. gonna probably change the areas opposite of the street as well, and add some more cover probably.

should i make mid caves or a subway? I like how the caves gives a nice break from the city life but subways might be cool. I hope to finish this map within a month or two so YA!
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