
CP ancient b4


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Feb 20, 2018
ancient - greek ruins themed map designed for comp 6s

comp map lmao


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Feb 20, 2018
What's New?
  • extended forward spawn balcony
  • extended wall on mid structure
  • added platform on mid structure
  • added extra cover on mid
  • made lobby more centralized
  • made balcony lower
  • moved health-pack into the center of lobby
  • lowered beam over point to make hiding stickies in the hologram possible
  • made window climbable
  • made wall on side route taller
  • connected tunnel to upper route
  • blocked sightline to spawn exit from main entrance
  • made last less wide
  • removed resupply cabinets from all forward spawns
  • minor changes
Special thanks to @b4nny for reviewing this map on his stream!

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Feb 20, 2018
What's New?
  • clipped doorframe on spawn with block bullets
  • moved ramp connecting side route and tunnel into side route instead of being separate
  • added small health-pack on side route in lobby for rollouts
  • raised platform next to point and added doorway through the extended wall
Special thanks to @b4nny once again for reviewing this map on his livestream!

Some changes that b4nny suggested were not implemented yet because they would involve ripping apart big chunks of geometry and i want to have it properly played first before making any large geometry changes like that

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Feb 20, 2018
Whats new?
  • added ramps to last to allow more fluid rotation between low and high-ground
  • compressed second, im not good at rocketjumping, but reaching the window from the main entrance should be possible now
  • improved clipping around the map
  • minor changes
The size of last has still not been adjusted, this is not because im not listening to feedback, its because i want the map to be properly playtested before making any large changes like that.

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Feb 20, 2018
Whats New?
  • made the roof over mid sloped
  • turned the main route into mid into a ruin, allowing for soldiers to jump out behind cover
  • moved health and ammo into this new ruin area
  • reduced the hight of the ruins on second
  • added a balcony to the window area, and turned one of the windows into a door
  • expanded a side route into last
  • blocked off the far right route into last
  • +any other changes i forgot to write down
Thanks to all the comp playtesters!

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Lem Mem

L3: Member
Nov 1, 2020
I'm calling it, this is the next big 6s map. Keep it up!


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Feb 20, 2018
what's new?
  • raised up the entirety of last to be flush with the plateau, this way the attacking team doesn't have automatic high-ground over everything
  • added my ocs, you should do the same to your map
  • removed the doorways on "tetris" on mid
  • i don't remember a lot of the changes i did because this version has just kinda been sitting around so uhhh....
  • minor changes?
thanks to all the comp playtesters!

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Feb 20, 2018
whats new?
  • adjusted pickup placements around mid and second
  • fixed clipping mistake above rollout
  • increased respawn time on all points
  • added more team color
  • clipping improvements
  • shortened mid by 256hu on each side (512hu total)
  • made pillars on last inaccessible to heavy
  • made roof on mid inaccessible to heavy
  • fixed a wallbug spot on last
  • added a small wall next to lower into second
  • added a catwalk in lobby that connects to the new door position on catwalk
  • changed light_enviourment and skybox texture to that of goldrush so the map is cast in less shadow
  • minor adjustments
thanks to all the playtesters!
special thanks to @b4nny for providing in depth feedback and hosting playtests on it!

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May 25, 2014
In general, you put high ground at the bottom of a hill and ramp up displacements as you move away from the high ground. Its a bit opposite on mid, but you can use the building height/entrances as the "low" ground. I would recommend expanding or moving those building entrances to the right of the screenshot to allow it to connect up with the high ground. You really want to give more power to people around the outside of mid since the arch above point is so strong.



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Feb 20, 2018
In general, you put high ground at the bottom of a hill and ramp up displacements as you move away from the high ground. Its a bit opposite on mid, but you can use the building height/entrances as the "low" ground. I would recommend expanding or moving those building entrances to the right of the screenshot to allow it to connect up with the high ground. You really want to give more power to people around the outside of mid since the arch above point is so strong.

thank you! i will put this into my list of potential changes and take it into consideration!