
  1. zythe_

    times_cubic_72hr a7

    Special Thanks to FGD5 for making the custom cap point model NOTE: Filenames will from now on no longer include "72hr" because these versions are no longer made within the 72hr period. This is a remake of an old map of mine named koth_times_cubic made for the 2019 72hr jam! { Steam }
  2. F4NGS

    Maintenance Yard A7

    CP Maintenance Yard 5CP Map :D
  3. Kurpitsapuu

    help with train and player clipping

    (Warning: Graphic imagery) So as my very first map I decided to start off with something relatively simple, a koth map. I didn't want to make it too boring so I decided to slap the point on to a train. The problem is that if you stand on the train when it enters the tunnel, you get stuck in the...
  4. onra77

    loot_diamondmine a6

    This map is a prototype for my custom gamemode : loot. A mix between player destruction and neutral CTF. In Loot, your objective is to gather diamonds in the cave, and bring them to the train. The first team to 80 points wins.
  5. Asd417

    Redrapids a24

    Map adopted from @Paper_ -Layout on Grid -New Theme -New Layout -New Everything as of a16
  6. AsG_Alligator

    Hopper Traincar v1

    An open-top hopper car for transporting loose material. Comes with 2 skins, and no material inside. Use displacements to fill it with desired gravel/dirt/whatever other material you wish to use. I recommend creating a playerclip box around the traincar if used in gameplay space as those thin...
  7. Aapelikaeki

    Frostwire A13

    Frostwire is a snowy urban themed payload map made for the Payload Checklist contest. By @Aapelikaeki and @hamsterkins Blu mounted a bomb cart to tram tracks and try to push it trough a snowy city with cozy houses, a canal, large urban buildings and lots of trams. I the bomb doesn't collide...
  8. Aapelikaeki

    Shatteryard A1

    It's an autumny place. Blu arrived there by train and must now make their way trough the thick walls of the garden to capture the RED base. -Attack Defend map -Currently uses no custom stuff but that will change soon. thanks for reading i guess images coming soon edit: this map got tested...
  9. Freyja

    Covered Hopper Car v3

    ~~~~USAGE~~~~ Free to use for any non-commercial maps, or deriviatves such as videos, artwork, etc. If you submit a map using these assets to the TF2 Workshop, or any other workshop, please include appropriate credits. If the asset is used in a map officially included in TF2 must be correctly...
  10. Rissy

    Rail Cross β-1.3

    Made within 2 weeks just for practice. Industrial trainyard located on a shoreline is a best place to fight each other, isn`t it? So, now this map in open Beta testing, but I hope (if I have a freetime) will have finish it by the end of the year. Sounds pretty optimistic. Actually, it will be...
  11. zythe_

    Times Cubic a2

    [PROJECT ABANDONED] A KotH map themed around a city! Known problems: "mat_phong 0" turns the pickup props completely black
  12. AsG_Alligator

    train_tankcar02a v1.01

    Tankcar model with 4 skins and 2 LOD's. Feel free to use it but do remember to credit me for it.
  13. F4NGS

    cp_freightfortress a1

    A1 Hopefully the layout of this map makes sense and it's somewhat fun to play on. I need to think of a better name.
  14. theycallme

    koth_railline a1

    Hour 72 - Oh, cool! is doing a 72 hour map jam. I've made quite a few Minecraft custom maps in my day. How hard can this be? Hour 68 - Well, this map is horrible. May as well start over. I still have time. Hour 62 - Wow, this is a lot harder than I thought. Hour 58 - Time for sleep, I'll...
  15. mrgibs2010

    Koth_Up_Bridge 2018-07-29

    Hi, This is my first serious attempt at making a Team Fortress 2 map. The map features a moving control point on a bridge that moves vertically when the train arrives.
  16. zythe_

    Trainstation a1

    [PROJECT ABANDONED] A map based around a trainstation. this map is still in alpha.
  17. Random Heavy Main

    Are there any good urban train replacement textures?

    I'm planning to make a british underground map. Are there any texture replacements for trains?
  18. ISPuddy

    Well's Train 2018

    the fastest train in tf2 it will start moving every broken english between 35-55 second ( logic_timer ) put it some where in your vmf files folder not the prefab folder
  19. samjooma

    Snow Train a1

    An attack/defend map with 2 control points. Blue team is trying to take control of a train track in the middle of a snowy forest.
  20. XEnderFaceX

    Cactus Canyon Final Prefab 2018-03-31

    This is a Prefab for the Cactus Canyon Final Method, the one with the Train! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip-File includes: ----------------------- - train_prefab.vmf - train_prefab.bsp - train_prefab_particles.txt -...