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koth_railline a1

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koth_railline a1

A koth map on a rain line.

Hour 72 - Oh, cool! is doing a 72 hour map jam. I've made quite a few Minecraft custom maps in my day. How hard can this be?
Hour 68 - Well, this map is horrible. May as well start over. I still have time.
Hour 62 - Wow, this is a lot harder than I thought.
Hour 58 - Time for sleep, I'll have time tomorrow.
Hour 47 - Off to work, I'll have plenty of time to map when I get off.
Hour 23 - Sh*t.

koth_railyard is a king of the hill map set in (what is suppossed to resemble) a rail yard. I've never played a king of the hill map with a train in it, so that was basically then entire inspiration.

This is the first map I've ever finished for TF2. As much as the 72 hour limit sucked, I would have never bothered to finish a map without it. (So, thanks?) This map is absolute garbage, but hopefully I can make better maps in the future from this experience.

Thanks to:
takabuschik for the train tutorial
UEAKCrash for the general tutorials
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