
  1. Spipper

    Well_event rc4

    After 4 years, the Halloween makeover of one of TF2's oldest maps - cp_well - is finally complete! Welcome... to Hotel Hell! In addition to the usual Halloween gimmicks, such as exploding pumpkin bombs and spellbooks, the layout itself has been heavily altered in order to open up new movement...
  2. vanSulli

    Multi Stage Chemplant a14d

    This is a remake of an older map from scratch, which fixes some critical scaling issues. Known issues: Lighting in last is dismal; going to open up more windows so it won't have to rely on fill lighting as much. Signage is confusing. My guess is it's more the routes.
  3. Suna

    koth_shipment_remake B1

    IT'S BIGGER IT'S BADDER LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IT'S TOO MUCH FOR MR. INCREDIBLE! Anyway, shipment is a pretty shit map. This takes what was good about it and expands on it. Enjoy. Current version: BETA Very little changes to geometry will be made, expect changes to fix bugs, do detailing, and...
  4. BiedroN

    Soldier refreshment. 2018-07-30

    I decided to remake one of the mercenaries from the game. The model has been remeshed and also retextured from zero giving a brand new high detailed looking. Model can be even given to the game and actually playable, but I don't have time to writing some .qc files and stuff! I will not...
  5. Suna

    ES_Hunted [OPEN] (BETA)

    I mostly worked on this as practice, was hoping I could complete it but it takes up too much time for me to iron out all the problems porting this map over from TFC so now it's open to all. Do what you like with it. Since it's originally made by valve, while I would appreciate credit; it's not...
  6. <2F F> | PJX

    Newbine rc1

    "Welcome to the Hale River Nuclear Power Plant! The safest plant in the world!" May I introduce you to Newbine! A complete rework of Turbine made from scratch. Featuring a new theme, improved sightlines, a completly remade mid section, less camp-/ and spamable areas, flankroutes and much more...
  7. SnickerPuffs

    Synchronicity a3

    Synchronicity is a remake of my earlier map Cruise, which was a remake of an abandoned map named Framecow. I like to remake maps. Sue me. --- Planned to be set in space.
  8. AlexCookie

    Harvest Alpine v3b

    Original creator - Sean "Heyo" Cutino Open for detailing and optimization feedback!
  9. Duck-Joke

    Got some problems while making a remake...

    So right now i'm trying to make a remake of harvest with a frontline and mann vs machine theme, but i have an issue. I can't really use the decompiled version of harvest, because it automaticly causes bugs and leaks when you alter it, so how do you remake it then? I know, that other people, that...
  10. SnickerPuffs

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Decloak a4a

    This is a remake of my first map, sd_cloak. Sd_cloak was a remake of an unreleased map I made that I also named sd_cloak. That sd_cloak was a combination of "cloak" and "cp_cloak", both of which were Valve made maps. Lost? Good. Me too. ------ Out in Midwest America, deep in an unnamed...
  11. NotSoHoriz

    pl_flatlands afinal Reupload

    "Here's a touchin' story, Once upon a time" I joined TF2maps. I was new to everything I didn't know how everything worked. This group had many events that tested everyone's maps and contributed to TF2 and the Steam Community, and it was great. So I decided to make my first map, a payload...
  12. NotSoHoriz

    ctf_2fort_reverse a1fix

    Welcome to 2fort. This map is basically a remix of Valve's ctf_2fort with a twist. Your team must go to your basement, and grab an explosive device and bring it to the enemy's basement and prevent the enemy from doing the same. That's all the basics. Notes: Screenshots coming in soon! Need some...
  13. SSX

    Heatwave Alpha 1

    Finally have screenies, holy crap. This map has been in redesign for nearly 2 years. With tons of redesigns on the layout, retakes for extra efforts and more to come in the future after testings. The map's layout will be somewhat familiar and at the same time, not so familiar as the previous...
  14. Werewolf

    Model Alternate skin for 'models/props_2fort/tank001.mdl'

    It's a nice large prop that only has one skin - red. It would be nice to at least have a blue version, but a neutral skin or a yellow toxic waste (similar to design for models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl ) would be good.
  15. biskuu

    cp_badlands_pro B1

    I'm not sure if I'll keep the Alpine theme of the map yet, but it looks pretty nice and clean. It also boosts framerate as some lights, detail props, rocks and grass has been removed. Also not sure about the changes to last point's cap time but we'll see. Badlands has a lot of stupid stuff that...