
  1. half

    Malcano A3

    2cp attack/defend map that i've been working on for the past week or so. hoping to develop this past early alpha cause i like the look & design i have going so far. comments & criticism welcome also the name comes from a fusion of volcano and the show malcolm in the middle, which i watched...
  2. Rickedy Split

    koth_sheldon_a5a a5a

    A Koth map which I've worked on for a bit, I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to leave any feedback, I need it to improve the map (please be specific when pointing out bugs or issues, and if you can, supply coordinates of any bugs you find, thank you!) Note: This map is shit, and isn't...
  3. Muenster Monster

    Hothead a3

    EDIT AT THE TIME OF POSTING THIS: The hale's spawn is far too close to the middle, given the fact it's the only option for reds to go to. An update will be made shortly to address this problem. A revival of an old map concept of mine (in the form of koth_lavafactory), I've repurposed the open...
  4. Lokk iz a skul

    How do I make a block emit light?

    I'm making a lava pit in a map that I'm working on. However, I can't for the life of me find out a way to make the lava itself emit light. (The lava being a block with a lava texture) How can I/can I make it emit light without using a separate light source?
  5. Yosh

    Eruption A1

    It's a payload race map that takes place inside a volcano. the track goes over a rickety bridge at the beginning and spirals down below itself into the pit of lava in the center for the finale
  6. JViktor

    Lavaflood B1

    The Lava will rise Randomly, dealing damage to player and blocking certain paths. But players are still able to move to the objective. Custom content used:- Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack by A -Boojum Snark -Map Start-up Prefab by Fr0z3n -Frontline Asset Pack -Swamp Asset Pack -Hi-res...
  7. virtualconnor4

    Lavaflow Alpha 04

    basic gameplay elements are working
  8. ComradeRoffel

    pl_fryground A7

    Blu team has discovered a secret Red base, holding a mysterious weapon. The facility has multiple lava pools. Why? No idea, but it is blu's task to blow up the weapon, no matter what the cost. One of my first maps, made using maritime, frontline and koth_hangar props, I want to finish it but I...
  9. 200

    Lavafall 1.0

    This is a very simple vertically falling lava texture. Basically, it is just this tutorial with nature/underworld_lava002 texture. Packed with a simple map where you can check this out and see a usage example. A gif of a texture in action. Feel free to credit me if you want, I do not require...
  10. GooGuGajoob

    Lava Texture and Bridge Prop for Arena Volcano!

    Greetings kind reader, I'm after a hand in two aspects of Arena Volcano. You will be credited for your help and maybe even help out with further work on the map if you wish :) 1. Lava Texture: It's not secret my lava texture is very poor, but unfortunately it won't get much better if I were to...
  11. GooGuGajoob

    Arena Volcano B4c

    In the fiery pits of a volcano comes the ultimate arena for a show-down! Arena Volcano features no control point, and instead features rising lava. Instead of a cap_enabler, the lava instead pushes players to one of two sides of a bridge a-top the Volcano where they must fight to the death in...
  12. Oatmeal

    Floor is Lava rc2

    Made in a week for the April Fools Contest 2016. A 5cp map with lava on the floor. Optimized for competitive platforming in a magma based environment. Workshop Using (probably forgetting some stuff, sorry for that): pd_watergate props and artstyle by Egan & Bakscratch and various modelers...
  13. Fb||Ninja

    koth_barnbrawl 2016-03-08

    Fight with BLU or RED while trying to CAP the point on a farm. Try dodging sawblades and don't step in the lava! First Map So Don't HATE! ;)