
  1. Lampenpam

    Unoffical Frontline patch to save a lot of data space.

    Hello, folks. The Frontline pack is quite a big one: over 800MB worth of data. But I noticed that a couple of textures aren't compressed and that some have an unecessary alpchannel and so I thought that I might be able to reduce the file size of the pack without any visual downside. So I went...
  2. Yabayabayaba

    trench a1

    A trench themed frontline map, the second map I have ever made! I liked the layout, but it is plagued by messy brushwork, so now I am putting it up for testing, will it stay or will it go. This file has had little work done since I gave up on it months ago, so if I choose to work on it there...
  3. Premier 111

    Frontline help/How do you do the drop crate animation

    How do you do the drop crate animation
  4. Teleportato

    Perfect Landing 2017-08-07

    "Aw, now ya don't look like a happy camper." Frontline themed SFM done in blackvoid. Honestly, for the 1st 24 hours I had no idea what I was doing (probably should have planned ahead but whatever). Luckily I had a friend doing a frontline map suggested something involving a bombing run, but...
  5. LittleRedRobin

    koth_mountainbay_rc4 2017-08-07

    This is a king of the hill map created during a TF2 72HR Jam. The maps location is inside a secret submarine loading bay. This map uses some assets from the Frontline Asset Pack.
  6. Chap

    Dogfight Doubles 2017-08-06

    I've always been interested in early 20th century military aviation and I decided to mix that with my passion for TF2! Cosmetics are meant to look appropriate for early flying kit, along with the posing.
  7. Elia

    Koth Nightfall rontline theme V1.3

    This is the first version of my customized map entry. I really like the map Nightfall; But i always had the feeling that the second world off the map could be a Koth or ctf. So i started making it into a koth map. The map had some really old props ( I am looking at you 2fort crates). So i...
  8. Luther

    Foxtrot a3

    An A/D map where once you cap the point a tank will ride along! Made for The Summer 2017 72 Hour TF2 Jam! The tank and other frontline assets have been packed inside the map-file. Resources used: Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack Frontline!
  9. Elia

    Custom Frontline models and particles

    So, i normally only use the default tf2 models and particles. But this time i wanna make a frontline map for the 72 hour jam. Because that uses custom content was i trying if i could let the models and particalls work so if the 72 hour jam started i don't need to be searching hours online to...
  10. UltimentM

    Commune a2

    Made for the TF2maps's Mapper's vs Machines Contest by UltimentM ( and Gian ( The mercenaries and machines have engaged in an all-out war for a small island town. Its up to the mercs to stop the robot...
  11. eighttailedfox

    Mein Mines a5

    Mein Mines is a TugOWar payload map. Set on a small island, once used as a supply base for the Mercs. It's become a hotspot of war. Red vs Blu. Winner takes the supplies. Gamemode Entity work provided by fubar Custom Models from the Frontline Pack.
  12. Capp

    Pl_woodway B3

    War continues on a deserted european village, with the lighthouse still functional, BLU must destroy it to prevent red from advancing trought the continent, and RED needs to stop them before backup arrives.
  13. Viridian

    pl_bigmount a7

    It's a cold, winter morning. An upward battle to wipe out a communications array, sitting atop a hill, begins. Ignore the swapped team roles, as they will be swapped in the final version. Still quite WIP, and looking for feedback. This is my first map, and I hope I can improve this one as much...
  14. Thermite

    ultiduo_landing rc3

    A new Ultiduo map with assets from the Frontline asset pack. Ultiduo pairs fight over the middle control point and try to run down the time. When time runs out, the winning team will fire their guns at the other players ship and sink it. This map was made in less than 2 days.
  15. Punished Lawbringer

    Salburg A1

    Description This is my very first official map for Team Fortress 2 took place in a town setting. Frontline inspired me to take the time to go through a few scraps and projects to come across this one. While it isn't polished and definitely not perfect, I plan on taking the time to iron out most...
  16. AlexCookie

    Harvest Alpine v3b

    Original creator - Sean "Heyo" Cutino Open for detailing and optimization feedback!
  17. +200 pings

    koth_gravel_ground v1

    its still a work in progress map, some dev textures are still in the game and displacement is not in the game yet but try to test it out, ratings are greatly appreciated
  18. Bluemario2

    mvm_amf b7

    This is mvm map made for both the Frontline update, and the mvm contest. Apologies if it looks horrible, this is my first time trying to make a mvm map. Credit to all the creators of the stuff I used in my map. I need to go through and check, but there are a few that I can remember off the...
  19. w4r | barbaricpancake

    KOTH_Coastal A3

    Coastal is a King of the Hill map, that I have been working on off and on for the last few weeks. It currently does not have proper texturing, but I intend for it to have either a medieval or alpine theme. It consists of a basic Viaduct formula, a two entry spawn, small courtyard, with two...
  20. Da Living Bagel

    Frontline: CTF_Missile_Silo v 1.0

    A symmetrical Frontline themed map set in a missile base. Similar to turbine in layout, I'm still taking suggestions for improvements so feel free to send me critiques!