
  1. Milza.3

    Coolthing a1

    First map :3
  2. Lesbian Mommy

    Shapes b2

    My first map, a 5cp map, with some main goals in mind from the very start of the design process: 1: Use interesting shapes to create varied gameplay patterns that are different from standard fences, boxes, cliffs and displacements. 2: Focus on 12v12 gameplay over 6v6. 3: Make sure no sentry can...
  3. ThirdEye

    koth_needles v1

    Story The weather has been changing into the cold season for a while now, both of the teams are shivering, and the heating is getting worse as the budget decreases for both of the teams, due to inflation!!! The only way these idiots know how to get warm is to get outside and kill some bastards...
  4. HoloGraphic

    72hr Jam 2023 Kylskada 1.02.1

    Kylskada is a very hard-to-spell King of the Hill map located in a cold tundra park in Sweden! I have not play-tested this map, please leave constructive feedback. I made this map in about 25-30 hours. It features a large control point area. A connected Café that both the Red and Blue teams...
  5. Weed Cat

    koth_ramps a2

    This is my first TF2 map and my first use of hammer. Enjoy my janky little world.
  6. Kiglirs

    Kaelir a13a

    My 1st attempt at doing a map that is good in competitive and in pub, and in a V shape. I'll see how it goes! Also includes hot water and a cliff over the sea I'm still not good at description, i'll change it later, i promise
  7. 24Boi

    The TF2 Smissmas 2021 experience! 2021-12-20

    View: Holiday Punch and gun into Smissmas Casual! First time into the 72Hour Jam! Decided to do a gameplay video of Smissmas 2021 Casual. This is why I still play TF2, A timeless classic Enjoy! Music used: -Dota 2 Frostivus Theme Song -Dance of the...
  8. Gluten

    Dataremake A6

    I tried to do a fun koth map, one of my first experience with hammer. The name contain "remake" because it was meant to be a remake I tried to do a while ago but in the end I kept nothing from the original one. Anyways, that's my first upload here and I hope you'll enjoy the map.
  9. bajablink

    koth_bump A2 as bsp

    I tried to make the most casual map possible. It succeeded greatly.
  10. SB379

    Newtron a2a

    Casual KOTH map with a safe flank and no man's land mid. There are plenty of safe spaces for engineers, open spaces and ramps for jumpers, power positions. It's my attempt to make a fun map that is tight for chaotic battles, but still with enough safe spaces to not be over chaotic.
  11. NTMonsty

    Fruitland 2 B4

    In a city that combines the architectural styles of New York, London, Hong Kong, and Lego City, an Urban mall has been the target of an attack from the crate-making companies, leading to RED and BLU discovering the potential for city-wide domination in just this one mildly vandalized urban...
  12. cooljpeg

    Vineland A1

    A King of the Hill map based in a grove of redwood trees that has become home to a timber-inspired feud between two notorious subsidiaries of TF Industries. With the Capture Point placed atop the stump of a redwood, this map is designed around the idea of (quite literally) fighting an uphill...
  13. SilviaFox

    Foxtrot A2

    This map is really early in development, all feedback is appreciated! So, basically this is a 5cp map where the last 2 points on either side are around the same area so that the action is very quick and jam packed. I just really wanted to make something casual and fun rather than competitive...
  14. x d d d d d d d

    koth_albrucke A1

    Fight for the control of the BLU and RED facilities that are in the middle of the Albrucke Forest. Rollout with your team. Capture the point inside the warehouse that's in the middle of the map, hold it for 4 minutes to win. Flank your enemies through the BLU and RED facilities surrounding...
  15. MrFlovi

    ctf_depot b1

    A Capture the Flag map I am making with the goal to make it fun but not too stalemate prone and maybe competitively viable?... This map was previously called ctf_office_test_v2 I'll write a cool description later. :p Also if you like to follow my progress on this map (which you probably don't)...
  16. disckord

    cp_playground b1

    A castle themed symmetrical 3cp map. The red and blu sides are competing for ownership over old castle land. The red side with their down to earth preservative practices, and the blu side, with their industrial, business orientated commercial practices. Who will take ownership? (as of beta 1...
  17. Not Big Surprise

    Small Factory (KOTH) A1

    Featuring everything that my other map, "cp Big Factory" (until alpha 3) but with the King Of The Hill gamemode.
  18. Masier_koniak

    casual a1

    Map not meant for players. It's here for suggestions only, so thanks for one
  19. Not Big Surprise

    Big Factory (temporary name) A3

    Before judging, this is my first map. I don't want to sound childish, but everyone has to start somewhere. I tried to make it so every class has at least one specific role. For example, the middle point is great for jumping classes, yet it can be reached by any other class. Central control...
  20. FishyUberMuffin

    How Do You Play Casual Mode?

    How do you play casual mode? I play casual very casual, if i see the team is losing that I am on. I head off to go into a new game until I get into a game where we are not losing. I always see playing casual should be nice and peaceful and not stressful. Why should I stay in a game where we are...