
PL Extinction RC3

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Probably last Alpha. This update features some more room in areas it needed it.

A14 updates include:

  • First blue spawn room area made smaller on left side facing the cart. Opening pulled back closer to spawn to make first paths take longer to get to A. More open are leading up to buildings by ~250 units. Glass windows changed so you cannot see in from Red's side
  • ~128 units added to A's open area in length, same with cart path
  • Added new large geysers to A, to allow for...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


We said this last release, probably the last alpha. Beta to come next week.

A15 update includes:
  • Sound scapes added to map
  • Red final spawn 128 units closer to C and D
  • Point C cart path moved 8 units further, D now 8 units shorter
  • More detail across map but focus on C
  • Fixed random displacements not sewn
  • No longer able to spam stickies over building from C to large rib cage area
  • Fixed floating props
  • More optimization

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Beta still coming next week. Found a few key issues that needed to be fixed quickly. A16 includes:
  • 1 additional second was added to Red respawn on D. 1 second was added to red respawn time for round C
  • Fixed clipping on the roof above C industrial, other clipping places added to issue spots
  • The deck on house coming into D reworked shed moved closer to Red
  • Unsewn displacements fixed
  • Point B moved 8 units close to A's point, making the cart path shorter for B, and 8 units...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:

pl_extinction_b1 - Officially Beta!

Finally made the jump to Beta. Map has a lot of new detailing packed into it and better optimizations.

Updates include:
  • Most of C now detailed
  • More optimization map-wide, reductions in levels of detail for water, and custom model
  • Health and ammo altered slightly in places on C and D to help promote different routes
  • Improved clipping
  • Slightly more cover from snipers on C
  • Triceratops skull complete, Triceratops mega skull updated from placeholder on C, few more...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Found a few issues with B1, so updating to B2. Major updates include:
  • Sun position and shadows of lights
  • A clipping issue on C roof and inside building
  • Hint brush issue
  • Fixed floating and stuck-in-ground props in areas
  • Lighting brightness in industrial building, 2nd floor on C

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


More detailing progress, optimization, and fixes. Update includes:
  • Additional detailing added to first blue spawn, area being glass with large t-rex model now complete
  • More detailing completed on C, small detailing changes across the map
  • Red engi nest on C next to point made larger, bigger doorways, easier for defense, more room in places
  • Sun position moved 10 degrees, player shadows changed, and some interior lighting changes
  • Deeper optimizations map wide with point A...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Major change to D with new path. Lots of other changes included in the list below with more detail on D's changes:
  • New tunnel on D, lower route closed up, geysers added to path (always on) to add additional path for Blue. Work as a one-way path only
  • Final defending building on D raised, more cover given, and a new, slightly longer path for Blue to get into the building
  • Point C is 48 units shorter to capture, D is now 48 units shorter as a result
  • Sniper lines cut down on...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


The goal of this update was to make A and C more defendable and clean up small issues. Updates include:
  • Major changes to A: A longer by 192 units, cart track now 208 units longer due to this and a slight shift back on start. Major wood building on A reworked next to geyser to make it easier to defend. Lower ceiling higher with more room to breath. Small area added to better shelter teleporters. Small heath and med ammo added to Concreate drive next to large concreate wall Slight...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Detailing pass and changes to D. Small changes to A. Game balancing is almost complete. The map will be posted on the TF2 workshop in the next two weeks, which will include a fully detailed version. Thanks for checking it out.

Updates include:
  • Point D: Far cave path removed, new lava tube added to the back side of the point for new hazard, stairs turned, building behind point changed, and detailed first pass (more to come)
  • A: New rock obstruction on the left side leaving blue...

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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
This map is looking amazing, and I can only imagine where it will go from here. You've definitely come a long way with this! I think literally my only problem with this map is the first point; A. The first point is a bit of a tight squeeze, and I'm surprised consider the rest of the map doesn't seem to have that issue. I imagine this could be solved by adding another flank, or maybe even just leaving the door on the right side leading up to A open instead of having it be closed until the point is captured.

That platform indoors overlooking the point can easily have a Sentry Gun plopped down there with it able to watch anywhere Blue could potentially push from. That's my only gripe honestly! Feel free to take my word as grain of salt though, especially if you have a certain vision in mind with that point. Keep up the great work! If you need any elaboration/screenshots of what I'm talking about, give me a shout!


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Most likely last update before this goes live on the TF2 workshop. Small changes to A, C, and D to help with gameplay. Continuing to make A and C more defendable. More custom content also included. Worked to update Spawn room on D so it cannot be spawn camped as easily.

Major updates include:
  • Red spawn room and points raised up 32 units on the final point, room slightly reconstructed to detour spawn camping on final, arrows added to help direct red to point better. Red spawns on...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


Found an issue in spawn, so included a few more fixes and updates. More dinos!

Going to the workshop sometime this week. Thanks for playing
  • New Raptor, bronto, and parasaur bones model added, additional custom signs added, additional community easter eggs have been added
  • Small amout of details updates, a few prop changes out to fit better areas
  • How bomb cart falls in hole on D has been updated
  • Fixed last respawn room, not being able to respawn in certain areas and build...

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


We are now live on the tf2 workshop. If you like the map, check it out and give us a thumbs up there, we appreciate your support. Huge thanks to everyone at tf2maps for the community and everything you do

B10 updates include:
  • A few new small customs assets added
  • Final geyser holes are raised so they cannot be crouched jumped on. Same with a platform on B that could be jumped on from the small geyser
  • More optimizations throughout, heavy focus on making D as optimized as...

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2015
This rock is non-solid, you can stand inside of it.

Can build in forward spawn.

Nitpick, but this is awful close to an out of map.


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:


B11 focused on cleaning up optimization and lingering issues found in B10. This same file was updated to the workshop. Note: changing the file name will break the particle effects in-game (geyser steams, lava, explosion)

B11 updates include:
  • Optimization improvements across all of the map, frame rate improvements
  • Slanted rock on C now more slanted so it can be walked up. Space behind yellow pipe inside of C building filled so it does not feel like you can shoot through it...

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Here's some feedback:
-might be hard to see but there's a seam between the wall displacements on the hill in the oob area
-lighting on these pipes changes drastically in strange ways here
-why is the deep water sign on the side of the dam without water?
--areas like these throughout the map feel unfinished. They could use some beamwork to feel less basic
-the towel holder being over the sign doesn't make sense. There's plenty of space on that wall where it could be and not cover anything
-water uses concrete bullet decals o_O
-this hole is very, very square
-This building is very basic and could use more detail. Maybe something like the sheds with health in them from harvest?
-building is very basic and it's textures don't line up. Could use some beamwork and a doorframe
-misaligned texture on the wall. There's surprisingly a lot of these in the map.
-texture on this arch feels very scrunched. Smooth it out so it feels more natural
-weird decal on the floor
-those tall towers are a bit too simple for how close to playspace they are. They look fine at a distance but not this close
-Another thing that happens a lot in this map are dark corner lines. Smooth them out so they look less like lines and feel more natural
-The rooves on blu spawn feel off for how it goes from flat to angled with that large empty concrete wall. Also the texture on the roof on the left is misaligned
-This ladder feels out of place. It doesn't really go anywhere and doesn't seem low enough to the ground to be usable
-try vertex lighting on this tank so the lighting's not all strange
-not only is the fire extinguisher very high up on the wall, the texture behind it is overly reflective. Change it to something duller or use the fire extinguisher cabinet prop
-like with the other pipes, the lighting on these ones is all over the place. Maybe use info_lighting to make them uniform
-The long dark shadows in this area don't look great and the walls don't transition into the ceiling all that well. Maybe just have the ceiling be wood and up the lighting here

That's all for now. Enjoy a lot of the map but it could use a bit more love in some spots.


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 19, 2009
heyyou updated Extinction with a new update entry:

pl_extinction_rc1 - Officially RC

Map officially moved into RC. Very polished/refined version. Small but impactful changes to gameplay included and some detailing additions. A ton of small visual and optimization updates are packed into this release:
  • New custom shelves were added to the area of C with personal callouts. Model Details updated across remaining custom models with low LODs
  • Cart path slightly turned coming into A point to help relieve any bunkering issues going into the hallway
  • Reduced max off...

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