
PL Midwest rc1a

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-raised underpass area between A and B
-moved around the cover by the fence for the dropdown at A
-redid that wonky dropdown by B to make it not wonky
-added opening and closing doors to far building between B and C so red can't use it to flank blu as they attack C
-changed around D to try and make it less sentry friendly. Pushed back red spawn, widened the whole area up, widened open area bast the big door indo D and other things to try and make it suck so much less
-changed prop fence outside of D building to a brush based one and hid an occluder in it for optimization purposes
-added upper path above ramp hill area between B and C to try and help blu counter snipers there

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-moved around blu's dropdown at A to make A more defendable
-changed around paths by B to try and make B more defendable
-changed around doorways so red doesn't have to break their legs near their first spawn
-consolidated some routes in an attempt to make the map less Swiss cheesy
-moved around stuff at C
-remade blu's entrances into D so it's not all dropdowns and hopefully sucks less
-actually remembered to pack the particles for the reactor at last

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Feb 8, 2016
Hello there,
I see you remaking many areas of your map and this reminds me a lot of a map of mine which is cliffedge.
You see I was never happy with what I had, instead of trying to solve the problems the map had, I kept remaking the points again and again. It reached a point in which I had remade the same point like 4-5 times or so. And eventually I dropped the map. I was tired of it.
What I am trying to say is work on your map while following your own vision, there are maps in the game that I adore and others that I hate. Its better to make a map for a part of the community which will love it , instead of making a map for everyone which will be okay.
When following everything that others tell you, you become a slave to their critisism and make something to please them.

In my case I was looking forward to playing your map a lot. I had a lot of fun with it. Point B was alright, C was fun and last was alright not the best. I only really seemed to have a problem with A. Only by looking at the design of the map, not even having to play it I can identify how it will play out for the most part.

Anyways, I am looking forward to seeing what you can do with your projects, I love your work and your videos as well and I wish you good luck with them.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012

Thanks. I'm mostly trying to balance the map more than specifically make everyone like it. For a long time the maps been very defender focused with red winning most rounds. This was sort of done on purpose in an attempt to stop steam rolls from happening (which isn't fun for anyone)

In more recent version, Blu is doing much better but to the point that they are starting to steam roll the map, so I've got to balance the other way now.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-blocked sightline between blu last spawn building and the low entrance of D
-changed around some detailing between Blu first spawn and A to hide optimization techniques
-changed interior ramp between A and B to wrap around stairs
-changed around props by the cement blocks at B to be less repetitive and allow players or more classes to jump on top of them
-even more optimization :D

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A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Server I play on added b1 the day it was released. It seems like a really fun map, unfortunately it has crashed the server 2/3 times that we have played it. The first time was just after about a minute or so, and the second was halfway through the map. Only one time were we able to play it to completion. I'm not sure what the cause was, but maybe it couldn't handle the stress of a full 32 player server?


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Server I play on added b1 the day it was released. It seems like a really fun map, unfortunately it has crashed the server 2/3 times that we have played it. The first time was just after about a minute or so, and the second was halfway through the map. Only one time were we able to play it to completion. I'm not sure what the cause was, but maybe it couldn't handle the stress of a full 32 player server?
Did any kind of error log show up when it crashed? I noticed some people mentioning crashes when the map was tested the other on a tf2maps server as well but the server was acting up that day so I attributed it to that.

A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Unfortunately no, I can't help you there. I really like the map, but until that issue is fixed, the admins removed it from the rotation.


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
Could be the dog prop; wasn't that causing issues on Rush?

A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Are you reasonably confident that you were able to fix the crash issue with the b2 update? I'd love to get this map re-added to the server's rotation, but I'd hate to do so if it causes more crashes.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Are you reasonably confident that you were able to fix the crash issue with the b2 update? I'd love to get this map re-added to the server's rotation, but I'd hate to do so if it causes more crashes.
I had someone test it without any issues but to be super sure, you can wait till after it gets tested on a tf2maps server. I can post after that happens and say if I managed to fix the crashing or not.