
CP Reckoner rc6

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Nov 6, 2011
• Heavily reduced size of shack in all axes (exposed a few key lines of sight while still keeping some additional cover that did not exist without them)
• Bent shack roof
• Added metal ramp from side-of-mid up to bridge again! It's wider than it used to be, as well.
• Shortened length of side-mid angled jut-out by 64?-ish units, a bit more point space now
• Shortened metal entryway from cargo (why haven't I done this already? it's like free space on mid)
• Expanded space within stairwell to under mid by 16u
• Added transparent grate hole to the centre of mid bridge – not as much visibility as a fully transparent bridge, but not as opaque as a fully covered one.
• Removed a couple problem detail brushes around shack that could catch players
• Adjusted clipping around single crates to provide easier crouch jump on top of them
• Closed up diagonal fence near forklift – harder to use it to get free visibility on tunnels

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Nov 6, 2011

• Remade toxic's choke into mid completely – this includes repositioning the entrance and the adjacent forward spawn. A brand new open-choke design is now present, alongside much nicer opportunities for jumps into mid and on crates from the new room.

• **MID IS NOW ON TOP OF THE BRIDGE.** Mid is no longer on the low ground. NOTE: This is not a change which is set in stone – I am testing out the idea to see if it encourages a more enjoyable playstyle on mid, alongside the new open choke.

• Widened main choke into mid from cargo.

• Crates on mid are now double-stacked to give better ground for soldiers, both on offence and defence. Scouts will now have a harder time getting onto crates, although there is a single lip that will allow them to jump up slowly. I can remove that lip if it proves still too good for scouts.

• ALL forward spawn doors are now non-windowed.

• Entrance from toxic to second has been enlarged.

• High ground in front of forward spawn on second is now jumpers-only.

• Upper door from lobby into second is a bit larger. Making it any larger than it is now will require a portion of lobby to be completely remade – will only undertake that if absolutely necessary.

• Cover entering from toxic is now much nicer for people attacking second, no sightline from upper lobby exit.

• Widened one of the doorframes from cargo to second slightly.

• Mast supports on mid are now angled differently to make double rocket jumping off them easier from the bridge-area: try it!

**Currently the entrances from mid to the second point are the most tentative areas of the map. I would like to see how these changes affect the map flow before going on an expedition to remake them – as it will require a lot of work to move them around. The optimisation here is pretty tight.

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Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 26, 2015
I do like the Modern Look of the greenhouse, it gives the map a clean and tidy atmosphere that isn't seen in many industrial maps. Here, we see a clean application of the industrial setting, while most other maps are based around grim, blue - collar workplaces that often revolve around dirty and unsanitary tasks. And instead, you took the idea of a clean and green environment and blended it with similar themes.

Overall, I think it's very different from other maps


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
At the end of the day, all anyone wants is more Badlandses.



Nov 6, 2011
Don't really want to argue about why I put the control point on the bridge - all I can say is that neither competitive leagues nor competitive players pressured me. It was entirely my decision from watching dozens of demos and coming to the conclusion on my own based on how people played the mid point. Doesn't play remotely like Badlands does. (Or Yukon, for that matter.)

The point being on the low ground was difficult to be played around and ended up being somewhat one-dimensional for people initiating the mid fight. It was a decision based on feedback and the fact that it simply wasn't promoting interesting gameplay. Take it from me, I wanted to keep it there as long as possible, but it was frustrating me and wasn't doing what I wanted it to do. So I changed it.

I also have a very hard time discerning who here is being serious and who is being facetious, but I can only assume it's a bit of both. Which is a bit frustrating, but what can I do.

The map's led an incredibly different life from the likes of Yukon and any similarity posed by the mid point change is merely coincidental. Hope y'all enjoy.


L1: Registered
Dec 10, 2017
I am really enjoying the new version of the map, the higher crates and the point being on the bridge as opposed to under it makes it play a bit better.

What I do think should change is the position of either the spawn doors on last or the cp as it is way too easy to defend while having your medic safely in spawn while the enemy has to uber way too early ususally.

Other than that amazing map, loving the look and play of it and am hoping they keep it in etf2l for the next season (honestly granary should not even exist.).


Nov 6, 2011
- Shortened length of the entire second point area by at least 128 units in all spots
- Moved greenhouse on second point area to a more centralised location
- Removed a building on the edge of the second point to provide a much better view to the beautiful skybox
- Removed second crates on mid
- Fixed clipping bug
- General polish and preparation for the future.

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Nov 6, 2011
- Fixed clipping issue on ramp on second
- Changed instances of the shutter door prop, made them easier to avoid interacting with
- Edited fence props on second slightly
- Removed fence in cargo
- Removed lip in new area on 2nd
- Removed pipe on greenhouse
- Edited some clipping

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50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
I know this is a small detail, and probably doesn't matter, but in some places its better not to have nodraw so easily seen in unclipped places, such as this:


Nov 6, 2011
The long-awaited new update is here! All sorts of polish and some important layout changes.


- Mid is back under the bridge, baby!
---- Alongside this, the two small healthkits on mid have been moved to the stairwell areas, rather than on the grass.
- Toxic has been completely redone!
---- It now comes out in the old location, but with a much nicer route to push through.
---- WAY higher ceilings
---- Side area for dodging spam
---- The forward spawn had to move, so it's got a new area
---- There's a little ledge in front of the forward to stand on now
---- Medium ammo moved to little nook beneath forward
- New route added between Lobby and Second!
---- This has been much-requested, should be good
---- Nice big doors too
- Doors from cargo into second have been embiggened
- Dropdown has been removed
- Last has been moved forward a bit.
---- Can still move spawns back if necessary, but it'll be a lot of work, so might have to happen at a later date
- Dead zone near second moved in a little
- Redundant pickups in lobby removed
- Lighting changes all around

Hope y'all have fun, let me know if anything's broken and I'll get a fix out shortly.

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Nov 6, 2011
• Added blockbullet to greenhouses next to second to fix collision bugs

• Removed duplicate ammobox on mid

• Adjusted yellow barrels on upper-last area and shortened doorway into said area by 8u to cover unruly sightline

• Removed boxes on mid, and shaped doors carefully in cargo to avoid sightline through said room

• Reduced size of flowerboxes where boxes were on mid

• Added blockbullets to windows near flowerboxes that could potentially eat splash

• Textured visible nodraw in bottom of toxic

• Moved forward-mid spawn into toxic on low ground

• Clipped off area where said spawn used to be

• Decreased spawn times for forward-mid spawn slightly to accompany the movement back

• Fixed red forward spawn door on second clipping through brush above it when opening

• Textured nodraw behind boxes in cargo

• Changed window + table textures in a building near 2nd

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L1: Registered
May 31, 2020
Feedback from the recent RGL map test event:
Every part of the map feels great except for the transition between mid and 2nd. This is mainly because the 3 routes are slightly too isolated from each other. This makes rotating between routes very difficult, covering all entrances difficult, and promotes hiding/wrapping slightly more than it should be. If 2 of the routes were more interconnected it would alleviate this problem. Each route and entrance location as they currently are do serve a good purpose and are interesting with their terrain and pushing opportunities, so the solution I'm proposing will try to maintain that as much as possible.

The idea:
Adjust the side route next to the forward spawn so that it connects to the underpass. This will centralize a lot of the pushing, make it easier to rotate/cover between all routes, and also provide more traffic in the underpass area which is currently criminally underused.


In order to prevent this from creating too much chaos in the map by adding a 4th viable route, you could compensate by deleting the stairway in this connector, turning it into a ledge drop off instead. This could be a very unique feature of the map, and introduce an interesting layer of risk/reward to this area (being the closest entrance to directly push in/out of the point but requiring a huge commitment to go down there).

Hope it helps, gl


L1: Registered
Jun 7, 2020
Congrats on Reckoner getting added officially! I had a ton of fun playing it. Here's a few minor visual things that could be quickly fixed that i noticed:

This garage on both red and blu sides has an overlay that doesn't go quite to the garage door and has a sharp cutoff
Red coords -506 -1938 321
Blue coords 477 1914 321

This doorway to red's second point has some kinda blocky lightmaps (blu doesn't have this issue due to the sun's angle
coords 1698 2275 385

These windows above the connector between mid and the next points are clipping into one another (kinda hard to see in this screenshot)
Red coords 1640 100 590
Blu coords 1640 -80 590

The left fan above Red's last point seem to be duplicated? hard to see in the screenshot but its pretty noticeable ingame.
The vent prop to the right of the fans also seems to kinda weirdly clip through that grate texture and the ceiling beneath it. This one happens on both sides, not just Red's
Red coords 2400 3900 750
Blu coords -2400 -3900 750


Nov 6, 2011
Reckoner — official-version changelog
Play the map now in the new update!

• Moved capture zone on last point away from the raised ledge near spawn to avoid capping while standing on ledge

• Various clipping fixes/polishes, including a couple unintended perch spots

• Minor in-bounds geometry change in corner of second

• Fixed displacement bug at far end of mid

• Redone hinting across the map, should make performance even more consistent

• Redone / reworked various pieces of custom content to be higher quality

• Polished/tweaked many bits of lighting on map, including adding additional lights, changing brightness values, etc.

• Lightmap and sun spread changes for extra shadow detail

• Exchanged prop collision of sheet metal in route next to mid for blockbullets

• Fixed displacement texture mismatch in OoB area in corner of second

• Minor detail changes/additions in various areas

• Added blocklight brushes to shutter doors to prevent light leaking through

• Various brushsides/tjunct optimisations