- Jul 31, 2015
- 94
- 146
Puddy's Small Mapping Resource Pack - Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack Update?
like Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack
(Boojum) but with more useful/useless stuff.
Restart Hammer, Done!
If it doesn't work, go to hammer options... and find "Game Data files". remove all other .fgd and add tf-puddy.fgd
What's News?
More keyvalue and inputs to play with

like Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack

- How to Install?
Restart Hammer, Done!
If it doesn't work, go to hammer options... and find "Game Data files". remove all other .fgd and add tf-puddy.fgd

VScript Stuff
the pack is now compatible with the tf2 [vscript_test] beta branch- Added VScript entities
- Added "Bypass Ubercharge" spawnflag to point_hurt
- Added point_worldtext
- Updated more entity icons
- Updated func_nobuild
- Updated tf_logic_cp_timer
- Updated logic_eventlistener
- Removed Puddy_Mapping_Pack_TF_Tools.vpk
Soldier Statue
a little moar stuff
New Entities List
Blue Moon/Apirl Fools/Easter Update
New Year Update
New Entities List
Jungle Inferno Update
New Entities List
5th Update
Rework icon for base_boss
Rework icon for tf_logic_holiday and tf_logic_on_holiday
Rework icon for game_forcerespawn
New icon:
halloween_zapper (stoopid)
passtime_ball Are now Model
Red - RED
Halloween NPC - Halloween Bots
and the SetMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight
New Entities List.
Added new spawnflags for all item_
Attributes Update
Soldier Statue
- Added entity_soldier_statue
- Fixed some entities icon havin missing texture
a little moar stuff
New Entities List
- func_water
- func_weight_button
- item_armor
- target_changegravity
- npc_handgrenade
- npc_concussiongrenade
- merasmus_dancer
- tf_projectile_mechanicalarmorb
- New icon for halloween_souls_pack
- Updated icon for tf_logic_minigame
Blue Moon/Apirl Fools/Easter Update
- New Entities List
- tf_projectile_arrow
- tf_projectile_ball_ornament
- tf_projectile_balloffire
- tf_projectile_cleaver
- tf_projectile_energy_ball
- tf_projectile_energy_ring
- tf_projectile_flare
- tf_projectile_grapplinghook
- tf_projectile_healing_bolt
- tf_projectile_jar
- tf_projectile_jar_gas
- tf_projectile_jar_milk
- tf_projectile_pipe
- tf_projectile_pipe_remote
- tf_projectile_rocket
- tf_projectile_sentryrocket
- tf_projectile_spellbats
- tf_projectile_spellkartbats
- tf_projectile_spellkartorb
- tf_projectile_spellmirv
- tf_projectile_spellpumpkin
- tf_projectile_spellspawnboss
- tf_projectile_spellspawnhorde
- tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie
- tf_projectile_spelltransposeteleport
- tf_projectile_stun_ball
- tf_projectile_syringe
- tf_projectile_throwable
- tf_projectile_throwable_breadmonster
- tf_projectile_throwable_brick
- tf_projectile_throwable_repel
- New Stuff
- New icon for bot_action_point
- New icon for bot_controller
- New icon for bot_generator
- New icon for bot_proxy
- New icon for bot_roster
- Fixed filter_tf_class icon's showing filter_class's icon
- Update func_croc to match live tf2 (OnEat, Red, Blue)
- path_track now used Cone model instead of while box
New Year Update
New Entities List
- tank_destruction
- added "Only affect !activator" spawnflag to env_fade
- added new Outputs to all obj_*
- OnDamaged
- OnRepaired
- OnDisabled
- OnReenabled
- OnObjectHealthChanged
- rework tf_logic_holiday icon
- rework tf_logic_on_holiday icon
- rework tf_logic_medieval icon
- rework tf_logic_mannpower icon
- rework tf_logic_trainning icon
- rework tf_glow icon
Jungle Inferno Update
New Entities List
- entity_croc (The crocodile itself)
- ai_script_conditions
- ai_changehintgroup
- ai_changetarget
- ai_goal_assault
- assault_assaultpoint
- assault_rallypoint
- ai_goal_standoff
- ai_goal_injured_follow
- ai_goal_follow
- ai_goal_lead
- ai_ally_manager
- ai_relationship
- Added Teams to func_croc
- Added Inputs Enable,Disable to func_passtime_no_ball_zone
- Added Mercenary Park Soundscape to soundscape selection
- Rework icon for tf_logic_robot_destruction
- Rework icon for tf_logic_player_destruction
- Rework icon for tf_logic_mann_vs_machine
- Rework icon for base_boss
- Rework icon for filter_tf_condition
- Rework icon for env_screenoverlay
- New icon for filter_tf_damaged_by_weapon_in_slot
- New icon for filter_tf_bot_has_tag
- New icon for filter_tf_class
- New icon for point_populator_interface
- New icon for tf_point_nav_interface
- New icon for training_annotation
- More Holiday for tf_logic_holiday
- point_template now used official icon
5th Update
- New Entities List
- archer_proxy (insane arrow that will headshot players and bots)
- func_train ( train.. )
- env_viewpunch ( shake player screen with angles )
- env_sporeexplosion ( what? )
- env_muzzleflash ( hl2 muzzle sprite )
- env_entity_dissolver ( dissolve entities with cow mangler effect )
- env_detail_controller ( control detail sprites )
- env_movieexplosion ( bubble smoke??? )
- env_rockettrail ( hl2 rocket trail sprite )
- Fixed crash when select' func_breakable ( thanks to lunarpumpkin)
- Update condition to match the live tf2
- Added passtime_logic secret inputs
- Added SetModelScale to hightower_teleport_vortex
- tf-puddy.fgd Release (For Meet Your Match)
- Icon Update!
- Added icon for tf_logic_training_mode
- tf_logic_minigame,tf_halloween_minigame,tf_halloween_minigame_falling_platforms,tf_base_minigame
- Added icon for tf_logic_mannpower
- Fixed tf_logic_multiple_escort icon not show up
- Update func_passtime_goal
- TFTools are now use different vpk (Puddy_Mapping_Pack_TF_Tools.vpk)
Rework icon for base_boss
Rework icon for tf_logic_holiday and tf_logic_on_holiday
Rework icon for game_forcerespawn
New icon:
halloween_zapper (stoopid)
passtime_ball Are now Model
Red - RED
Halloween NPC - Halloween Bots
and the SetMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight
New Entities List.
- tf_logic_bonusround (not sure what this does.)
- item_sodacan (an error that give 1 hp from hl1)
- item_powerup_rune_temp (powerups base?)
- tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie (skull that spawn SKELETONS)
- tf_projectile_spellfireball (nice looking teamcolor fire)
- halloween_souls_pack (give it to moorasmus)
- entity_carrier (skybox tank carrier)
- entity_rocket (skybox grocket)
- entity_saucer (skybox ufo)
- entity_sign (invasion poster)
- bot_npc_archer (npc sniper?)
- bot_npc_decoy (npc spy?)
Added new spawnflags for all item_
- OnTouch Kill
- 6: Player Destruction (the pd beer)
- Halloween Souls
- func_physbox_multiplayer
- OnTruceStart
- OnTruceEnd
Attributes Update
- New Attributes List.
505 : "+medigun fire resist passive"
506 : "+medigun bullet resist deployed"
507 : "+medigun blast resist deployed"
508 : "+medigun fire resist deployed"
509 : "+medigun crit bullet percent bar deplete"
510 : "+medigun crit blast percent bar deplete"
511 : "+medigun crit fire percent bar deplete"
512 : "+throwable fire speed"
513 : "+throwable damage"
514 : "+throwable healing"
515 : "=throwable particle trail only"
516 : "-SET BONUS: dmg taken from bullets increased"
517 : "+SET BONUS: max health additive bonus"
518 : "+scattergun knockback mult"
519 : "+particle effect vertical offset"
520 : "+particle effect use head origin"
521 : "+use large smoke explosion"
522 : "+damage causes airblast"
524 : "+increased jump height from weapon"
525 : "-damage force increase"
526 : "+healing received bonus"
527 : "+afterburn immunity"
528 : "+decoded by itemdefindex"
532 : "-hype decays over time"
533 : "+SET BONUS: custom taunt particle attr"
534 : "-airblast vulnerability multiplier hidden"
535 : "-damage force increase hidden"
536 : "-damage force increase text"
537 : "+SET BONUS: calling card on kill"
538 : "=righthand pose parameter"
539 : "=set throwable type"
540 : "+add head on hit"
542 : "=item style override"
543 : "=paint decal enum"
544 : "=show paint description"
545 : "=bot medic uber health threshold"
546 : "=bot medic uber deploy delay duration"
547 : "+single wep deploy time decreased"
548 : "+halloween reload time decreased"
549 : "+halloween fire rate bonus"
550 : "+halloween increased jump height"
551 : "+special taunt"
554 : "+revive"
556 : "+taunt attack name"
557 : "+taunt attack time"
600 : "+taunt force move forward"
602 : "+taunt mimic"
606 : "+taunt success sound"
607 : "+taunt success sound offset"
608 : "+taunt success sound loop"
609 : "+taunt success sound loop offset"
610 : "+increased air control"
612 : "+rocket launch impulse"
613 : "+minicritboost on kill"
614 : "-no metal from dispensers while active"
615 : "+projectile entity name"
616 : "+is throwable primable"
617 : "+throwable detonation time"
618 : "+throwable recharge time"
619 : "+closerange backattack minicrits"
620 : "-torso scale"
621 : "+rocketjump attackrate bonus"
622 : "+is throwable chargeable"
630 : "+back headshot"
632 : "+rj air bombardment"
633 : "+projectile particle name"
634 : "+air jump on attack"
636 : "+sniper crit no scope"
637 : "+sniper independent zoom DISPLAY ONLY"
638 : "+axtinguisher properties"
639 : "+full charge turn control"
640 : "+parachute attribute"
641 : "+taunt force weapon slot"
642 : "+mini rockets"
643 : "+rocket jump damage reduction HIDDEN"
644 : "+clipsize increase on kill"
645 : "+breadgloves properties"
646 : "+taunt turn speed"
647 : "-sniper fires tracer HIDDEN"
651 : "+fire rate bonus with reduced health"
661 : "+tag__summer2014"
662 : "+crate generation code"
669 : "-stickybomb fizzle time"
670 : "+stickybomb charge rate"
671 : "+grenade no bounce"
674 : "+class select override vcd"
675 : "+custom projectile model"
676 : "-lose demo charge on damage when charging"
681 : "+grenade no spin"
684 : "-grenade detonation damage penalty"
687 : "+taunt turn acceleration time"
688 : "+taunt move acceleration time"
689 : "+taunt move speed"
690 : "+shuffle crate item def min"
691 : "+shuffle crate item def max"
692 : "=limited quantity item"
693 : "+SET BONUS: alien isolation xeno bonus pos"
694 : "-SET BONUS: alien isolation xeno bonus neg"
695 : "+SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus pos"
696 : "-SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus neg"
698 : "-disable weapon switch"
699 : "-hand scale"
700 : "+display duck leaderboard"
701 : "+duck rating"
702 : "+duck badge level"
703 : "+tag__eotlearlysupport"
704 : "+unlimited quantity hidden"
705 : "+duckstreaks active"
708 : "+panic_attack"
709 : "-panic_attack_negative"
710 : "-auto fires full clip penalty"
711 : "-auto fires when full"
712 : "+force weapon switch"
719 : "=weapon_uses_stattrak_module"
723 : "=is_operation_pass"
724 : "=weapon_stattrak_module_scale"
725 : "=set_item_texture_wear"
726 : "-cloak_consume_on_feign_death_activate"
727 : "+stickybomb_charge_damage_increase"
728 : "-NoCloakWhenCloaked"
729 : "-ReducedCloakFromAmmo"
730 : "+elevate to unusual if applicable"
731 : "=weapon_allow_inspect"
732 : "-metal_pickup_decreased"
733 : "-lose hype on take damage"
734 : "-healing received penalty"
735 : "+crit_vs_burning_FLARES_DISPLAY_ONLY"
736 : "+speed_boost_on_kill"
737 : "+speed_boost_on_hit"
738 : "+spunup_damage_resistance"
739 : "-ubercharge overheal rate penalty"
740 : "-reduced_healing_from_medics"
741 : "+health on radius damage"
742 : "=style changes on strange level"
743 : "=cannot restore"
744 : "=hide crate series number"
745 : "=has team color paintkit"
746 : "=cosmetic_allow_inspect"
747 : "=hat only unusual effect"
748 : "=items traded in for"
749 : "=texture_wear_default"
750 : "=taunt only unusual effect"
751 : "=deactive date"
752 : "=is giger counter"
753 : "=hide_strange_prefix"
754 : "=always_transmit_so"
760 : "=allow_halloween_offering"
762 : "=cannot_transmute"
772 : "-single wep holster time increased"
773 : "-single wep deploy time increased"
774 : "-charge time decreased"
775 : "-dmg penalty vs buildings"
776 : "-charge impact damage decreased"
777 : "=non economy"
778 : "+charge meter on hit"
779 : "+minicrit_boost_when_charged"
780 : "+minicrit_boost_charge_rate"
781 : "=is_a_sword"
782 : "+ammo gives charge"
783 : "+extinguish restores health"
784 : "+extinguish reduces cooldown"
785 : "=cannot giftwrap"
787 : "+fuse bonus"
788 : "+move speed bonus shield required"
789 : "+damage bonus vs sentry target"
790 : "+mod teleporter cost"
791 : "+damage blast push"
792 : "+move speed bonus resource level"
793 : "+hype on damage"
794 : "+dmg taken from fire reduced on active"
795 : "+damage bonus vs burning"
796 : "+min_viewmodel_offset"
797 : "+dmg pierces resists absorbs"
798 : "-energy buff dmg taken multiplier"
799 : "-lose revenge crits on death DISPLAY ONLY"
506 : "+medigun bullet resist deployed"
507 : "+medigun blast resist deployed"
508 : "+medigun fire resist deployed"
509 : "+medigun crit bullet percent bar deplete"
510 : "+medigun crit blast percent bar deplete"
511 : "+medigun crit fire percent bar deplete"
512 : "+throwable fire speed"
513 : "+throwable damage"
514 : "+throwable healing"
515 : "=throwable particle trail only"
516 : "-SET BONUS: dmg taken from bullets increased"
517 : "+SET BONUS: max health additive bonus"
518 : "+scattergun knockback mult"
519 : "+particle effect vertical offset"
520 : "+particle effect use head origin"
521 : "+use large smoke explosion"
522 : "+damage causes airblast"
524 : "+increased jump height from weapon"
525 : "-damage force increase"
526 : "+healing received bonus"
527 : "+afterburn immunity"
528 : "+decoded by itemdefindex"
532 : "-hype decays over time"
533 : "+SET BONUS: custom taunt particle attr"
534 : "-airblast vulnerability multiplier hidden"
535 : "-damage force increase hidden"
536 : "-damage force increase text"
537 : "+SET BONUS: calling card on kill"
538 : "=righthand pose parameter"
539 : "=set throwable type"
540 : "+add head on hit"
542 : "=item style override"
543 : "=paint decal enum"
544 : "=show paint description"
545 : "=bot medic uber health threshold"
546 : "=bot medic uber deploy delay duration"
547 : "+single wep deploy time decreased"
548 : "+halloween reload time decreased"
549 : "+halloween fire rate bonus"
550 : "+halloween increased jump height"
551 : "+special taunt"
554 : "+revive"
556 : "+taunt attack name"
557 : "+taunt attack time"
600 : "+taunt force move forward"
602 : "+taunt mimic"
606 : "+taunt success sound"
607 : "+taunt success sound offset"
608 : "+taunt success sound loop"
609 : "+taunt success sound loop offset"
610 : "+increased air control"
612 : "+rocket launch impulse"
613 : "+minicritboost on kill"
614 : "-no metal from dispensers while active"
615 : "+projectile entity name"
616 : "+is throwable primable"
617 : "+throwable detonation time"
618 : "+throwable recharge time"
619 : "+closerange backattack minicrits"
620 : "-torso scale"
621 : "+rocketjump attackrate bonus"
622 : "+is throwable chargeable"
630 : "+back headshot"
632 : "+rj air bombardment"
633 : "+projectile particle name"
634 : "+air jump on attack"
636 : "+sniper crit no scope"
637 : "+sniper independent zoom DISPLAY ONLY"
638 : "+axtinguisher properties"
639 : "+full charge turn control"
640 : "+parachute attribute"
641 : "+taunt force weapon slot"
642 : "+mini rockets"
643 : "+rocket jump damage reduction HIDDEN"
644 : "+clipsize increase on kill"
645 : "+breadgloves properties"
646 : "+taunt turn speed"
647 : "-sniper fires tracer HIDDEN"
651 : "+fire rate bonus with reduced health"
661 : "+tag__summer2014"
662 : "+crate generation code"
669 : "-stickybomb fizzle time"
670 : "+stickybomb charge rate"
671 : "+grenade no bounce"
674 : "+class select override vcd"
675 : "+custom projectile model"
676 : "-lose demo charge on damage when charging"
681 : "+grenade no spin"
684 : "-grenade detonation damage penalty"
687 : "+taunt turn acceleration time"
688 : "+taunt move acceleration time"
689 : "+taunt move speed"
690 : "+shuffle crate item def min"
691 : "+shuffle crate item def max"
692 : "=limited quantity item"
693 : "+SET BONUS: alien isolation xeno bonus pos"
694 : "-SET BONUS: alien isolation xeno bonus neg"
695 : "+SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus pos"
696 : "-SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus neg"
698 : "-disable weapon switch"
699 : "-hand scale"
700 : "+display duck leaderboard"
701 : "+duck rating"
702 : "+duck badge level"
703 : "+tag__eotlearlysupport"
704 : "+unlimited quantity hidden"
705 : "+duckstreaks active"
708 : "+panic_attack"
709 : "-panic_attack_negative"
710 : "-auto fires full clip penalty"
711 : "-auto fires when full"
712 : "+force weapon switch"
719 : "=weapon_uses_stattrak_module"
723 : "=is_operation_pass"
724 : "=weapon_stattrak_module_scale"
725 : "=set_item_texture_wear"
726 : "-cloak_consume_on_feign_death_activate"
727 : "+stickybomb_charge_damage_increase"
728 : "-NoCloakWhenCloaked"
729 : "-ReducedCloakFromAmmo"
730 : "+elevate to unusual if applicable"
731 : "=weapon_allow_inspect"
732 : "-metal_pickup_decreased"
733 : "-lose hype on take damage"
734 : "-healing received penalty"
735 : "+crit_vs_burning_FLARES_DISPLAY_ONLY"
736 : "+speed_boost_on_kill"
737 : "+speed_boost_on_hit"
738 : "+spunup_damage_resistance"
739 : "-ubercharge overheal rate penalty"
740 : "-reduced_healing_from_medics"
741 : "+health on radius damage"
742 : "=style changes on strange level"
743 : "=cannot restore"
744 : "=hide crate series number"
745 : "=has team color paintkit"
746 : "=cosmetic_allow_inspect"
747 : "=hat only unusual effect"
748 : "=items traded in for"
749 : "=texture_wear_default"
750 : "=taunt only unusual effect"
751 : "=deactive date"
752 : "=is giger counter"
753 : "=hide_strange_prefix"
754 : "=always_transmit_so"
760 : "=allow_halloween_offering"
762 : "=cannot_transmute"
772 : "-single wep holster time increased"
773 : "-single wep deploy time increased"
774 : "-charge time decreased"
775 : "-dmg penalty vs buildings"
776 : "-charge impact damage decreased"
777 : "=non economy"
778 : "+charge meter on hit"
779 : "+minicrit_boost_when_charged"
780 : "+minicrit_boost_charge_rate"
781 : "=is_a_sword"
782 : "+ammo gives charge"
783 : "+extinguish restores health"
784 : "+extinguish reduces cooldown"
785 : "=cannot giftwrap"
787 : "+fuse bonus"
788 : "+move speed bonus shield required"
789 : "+damage bonus vs sentry target"
790 : "+mod teleporter cost"
791 : "+damage blast push"
792 : "+move speed bonus resource level"
793 : "+hype on damage"
794 : "+dmg taken from fire reduced on active"
795 : "+damage bonus vs burning"
796 : "+min_viewmodel_offset"
797 : "+dmg pierces resists absorbs"
798 : "-energy buff dmg taken multiplier"
799 : "-lose revenge crits on death DISPLAY ONLY"
- New Entities List
- multisource (what)
- trigger_brush (what)
- light_glspot (Control every Brush,Props lighting)
- Removed list
- info_overlay_transition
- Every ABS icon
- Snow func_precipitation
- Improve list
- Added Underwater light mutation Appearance to all Lights
- Added Appearance,Custom Appearance,Toggle,TurnOn,TurnOff to light_environment (day/night cycle has born)
- Added Effects Flag to Every Point Entities
What's News?
- Added Icon for (almost) every TF2 Entities!

- Improve All Entities!

More keyvalue and inputs to play with
- New Gamemodes Library

- Arena (1CP)
- Arena (2CP)
- Attack/Defend
- Attack/Defend (3 Stage)
- Attack/Defend (Medieval)
- Attack/Defend (End of the Line)
- Capture the Flag
- Capture the Flag (Mannpower)
- Capture the Flag (Special Delivery)
- Control Points (5CP)
- Control Points (3CP)
- Control Points (1CP)
- Control Points (Domination)
- Territorial Control
- Payload
- Payload (3 Stage)
- Payload (Frontier)
- Payload Race
- Payload Race (Hightower)
- King of the Hill
- PASS Time
- Training
- Robot Destruction
- Player Destruction

- Mann vs Machine

- item_currencypack_large
- item_currencypack_medium
- item_currencypack_small
- item_currencypack_custom
- item_healthammokit ( Small health+small ammo = this )
- prop_sphere ( Prop_soccer_ball_physics? )
- ghost
- tf_zombie
- merasmus
- headless_hatman
- eyeball_boss
- path_corner ( In valve maps )
- point_commentary_node ( Use input/output to enable )
- tf_ammo_pack ( Physic ammo box )
- generic_actor ( Alyx in tf2 )
- cycler_actor ( G-Man in TF2 )
- entity_bird ( BOMB BIRD from meet the medic update?)
- info_player_deathmatch ( anyone here decompile tf2classic's maps? )
- item_powerup_rune ( Strength Powerup. )
- passtime_ball
- pd_dispenser ( LVL4 Dispenser )
- point_hurt ( Don't put anything in Target Entity )
- point_push
- rd_robot_dispenser ( LVL 0.5 Dispenser )
- tf_bonus_duck_pickup ( End of the Ducks )
- tf_target_dummy (NaaN)
- trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes ( Customization Player Confirmed )
- tf_logic_bonusround ( not sure what this does. )
- item_sodacan ( an error that give 1 hp from hl1)
- item_powerup_rune_temp ( powerups base? )
- tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie (skull that spawn SKELETONS)
- tf_projectile_spellfireball nice looking teamcolor fire)
- halloween_souls_pack ( give it to moorasmus )
- entity_carrier ( skybox tank carrier )
- entity_rocket ( skybox grocket )
- entity_saucer ( skybox ufo )
- entity_sign ( invasion posters )
- entity_croc (The crocodile itself)
- entity_soldier_statue ( Rick May Statue )
- bot_npc_archer ( npc sniper )
- bot_npc_decoy ( unused decoy weapon npc )
- multisource
- trigger_brush
- light_glspot (Brush,Props lighting control)
- archer_proxy (insane arrows that will headshot players and bots)
- ai_script_conditions
- ai_changehintgroup
- ai_changetarget
- ai_goal_assault
- assault_assaultpoint
- assault_rallypoint
- ai_goal_standoff
- ai_goal_injured_follow
- ai_goal_follow
- ai_goal_lead
- ai_ally_manager
- ai_relationship
- func_train ( train.. )
- env_viewpunch ( shake player screen with angles )
- env_sporeexplosion ( bug bait particle )
- env_muzzleflash ( hl2 muzzle sprite )
- env_entity_dissolver
- env_detail_controller ( control detail sprites )
- env_movieexplosion ( bubble smoke )
- env_rockettrail ( hl2 rocket trail sprite )
- entity_croc (The crocodile itself)
- ai_script_conditions
- ai_changehintgroup
- ai_changetarget
- ai_goal_assault
- assault_assaultpoint
- assault_rallypoint
- ai_goal_standoff
- ai_goal_injured_follow
- ai_goal_follow
- ai_goal_lead
- ai_ally_manager
- ai_relationship
- tank_destruction ( mvm tank destruction animation with particles )
- env_gunfire
- func_water
- func_weight_button
- target_changegravity
- item_armor
- npc_handgrenade
- npc_concussiongrenade
Last edited: