New Entities List.
  1. tf_logic_bonusround (not sure what this does.)
  2. item_sodacan (an error that give 1 hp)
  3. item_powerup_rune_temp (powerups base?)
  4. tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie (skull that spawn SKELETONS)
  5. tf_projectile_spellfireball (nice looking teamcolor fire)
  6. halloween_souls_pack (give it to moorasmus)
  7. entity_carrier (skybox tank carrier)
  8. entity_rocket (skybox grocket)
  9. entity_saucer (skybox ufo)
  10. entity_sign (invasion poster)
  11. bot_npc_archer (npc sniper?)
  12. bot_npc_decoy (npc spy?)

Added new spawnflags for all item_
  • OnTouch Kill
Added new Mode for the "Game Type" in item_teamflag
  • 6: Player Destruction (the pd beer)
Added new Team for the "Teamnum"
  • Halloween Souls
Added new physics
  • func_physbox_multiplayer
Added the new output to the tf_gamerules
  • OnTruceStart
  • OnTruceEnd
Rework icon for base_boss
  • i never touch tf_logic_boss_battle before but it's change icon itself to base_boss icon
Rework icon for tf_logic_holiday and tf_logic_on_holiday
Rework icon for game_forcerespawn

New icon:
halloween_zapper (stoopid)

passtime_ball Are now Model

Red - RED
Halloween NPC - Halloween Bots

and yep the SetMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight
  • Added icon for tf_logic_training_mode
  • Added icon for tf_logic_minigame,tf_halloween_minigame,tf_halloween_minigame_falling_platforms,tf_base_minigame
  • Added icon for tf_logic_mannpower
  • Fixed tf_logic_multiple_escort icon not show up
  • Update func_passtime_goal
  • TFTools are now use different vpk (Puddy_Mapping_Pack_TF_Tools.vpk)