Furnace Creek

CP Furnace Creek rc


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 5, 2009
Do a barrel roll!

...anyway, has anyone found any working sentry spots yet? I admit I haven't tried too hard, but Engineers never seemed to be very useful for Red in general, while Blu has a lot of spots to build forward bases in.

I have found awesome spots on A and C but not really on B [/quoteanswer]

Could you lower the windows at A (that are right side of the CP if you look from inside) so you can do a sneaky jump with normal speed classes as medics already can do the jump, so it seems a bit weird to me that you cant jump there with normal classes.

Other from jumps, I think B is clearly the weakest point of the map. Its boring and hard to defend, boring and easy to attack, and when you are on the CP as BLU you can easily get killed by random sticky spam fired from long distance just because of the ledge between the C-B passage and the CP.
Overally, B is a bit too unbalanced. I have no direct solution for fixing this. Maybe making some really nice Sentry spot or something there. By nice sentry spot i mean a place where it doesnt either get destroyed from miles away or from spam.

The above may have to do with that I always run to A both in attack and defend, and even when A is captured, I run though A->C->B so my experience of B is limited, but from that little experience, I've understood the bove about it.

I'm tired. English may suck


L420: High Member
Mar 15, 2009
Something to note quick: you can rocket jump high enough to see above the rock walls at the BLU exit into...B, I think? And you can even see into the BLU spawn area. Would be a bit bad during setup time.


L1: Registered
Mar 18, 2008
found 2 player clipping issue. plz fix in the next version.

The tunnel to A from blue respawn.

Another angle.

Need clip for these windows in a blue building.

They can walk in the sky using this window :p

sorry if it already knows.


L3: Member
Feb 19, 2009
One of the servers I frequent ran Beta 4 today, and we encountered a pretty major bug. It was overtime, but we had pretty much the entirety of BLU on A and were about 75% done capping it when we suddenly lost. None of us moved off the point, but even if we did it was far too fast to let it drain the whole way. (Unless you set overtime to automatically end and give RED the win after a certain time, in which case it was incredibly nonobvious that you did so.)

On the bright side, it was pretty much unanimous that the map was quite stunning visually.


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
Is it possible the timelimit just ran out all of a sudden Paranoid? Or did yall play another round after the bug?


L3: Member
Sep 18, 2008
I'm not sure why, but whenever I play RED I get the "prepare to attack the enemy's control points" message, instead of a defense one. This seems to have lasted through a couple of betas from what I remember and I'm surprised it has yet to be fixed.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
found 2 player clipping issue. plz fix in the next version.

sorry if it already knows.

We were aware of it, and it will definitely be fixed in the next version.

One of the servers I frequent ran Beta 4 today, and we encountered a pretty major bug. It was overtime, but we had pretty much the entirety of BLU on A and were about 75% done capping it when we suddenly lost. None of us moved off the point, but even if we did it was far too fast to let it drain the whole way. (Unless you set overtime to automatically end and give RED the win after a certain time, in which case it was incredibly nonobvious that you did so.)

On the bright side, it was pretty much unanimous that the map was quite stunning visually.

That's very weird. We've never seen that happen, and we haven't modified the system at all. Might have been a server bug. If it happens again, please tell us.

I'm not sure why, but whenever I play RED I get the "prepare to attack the enemy's control points" message, instead of a defense one. This seems to have lasted through a couple of betas from what I remember and I'm surprised it has yet to be fixed.
I just looked at the entity setup, and the messages are set up correctly. So I'm not sure what could be causing this to happen.


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Yeah, I also heard the "Prepare to attack the enemy's control points!" as RED twice in b4.
Hmmm... yeah, it is happening. I'll look into it harder, but as far as I can tell, everything is set up properly.

found a small visual thing
Outside the blue spawn Scouts can FaN triple jump up to the light pole on the right (facing the door) from the pile of concrete pipes. When they're up there they can see the end of the tracks that run along the top of the waiting area if they double jump.

Will fix this by some means.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
I get stuck up here. I cannot taunt, so I'm not ON anything, I just...get stuck. First picture shows you where I am floating, second picture shows you a better angle of where I am in the map. I dunno what could be wrong there.

Note that this happens throughout the whole map - I tend to get stuck in multiple places, but I am unable to actually stay up there. I jump up above a cliff, and hug it's playerclip, and I go down a short way, get stuck, fall again, get stuck, and fall all the way down the cliff. I dunno if it's just the combo of playerclip and cliff or what.

I can get on the C sign, as well as many other sides throughout the map.

This rock on C?
I can jump up. (Nice view, though :D)

It might be possible for it to be like that if it gets stuck on the other side of the cart, but it looks really weird to be floating like that.

Nothing big, but you should shove a nail into the wall there to hold up those lights - right now the lights are just floating there, really. That or people shoved them in the rock and the rock grew over them.

Outside BLU spawn,
I can jump up there. And if I go under the tunnel,
I can jump up there as well.

You seem to have playerclipped that red siren with a triangle. I can still sit up top. Make it nonsolid?
Oh, and I think you missed the very edge of it. From the previous screenshot, I slide down the siren's playerclip, and can sit happily here. Moving anymore results in me falling.

Top of that support in BLU Spawn,
Can be jumped on...
So can the opposite side...
And the tower-like part of it...
And I'm reminding you that I can rocket jump out of there to see the rubber ducky and such.
And I can get out the tower's window kind-of thing too.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 31, 2009
If one of you have time, a 'pro' version would be great for comp play. Have the B cap be equal to Gpit or even a little faster. Also C is still very hard to attack due to the small, spammy exits for blu. Make them bigger and wider and make it easier for blu to jump up to C. Just my thoughts, map is pretty much fine for pubs, those small changes could really open up the map for comp play. :)


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008


If one of you have time, a 'pro' version would be great for comp play. Have the B cap be equal to Gpit or even a little faster. Also C is still very hard to attack due to the small, spammy exits for blu. Make them bigger and wider and make it easier for blu to jump up to C. Just my thoughts, map is pretty much fine for pubs, those small changes could really open up the map for comp play. :)

We're not going to release multiple versions of the map, but we are willing to make changes to improve it for competitive play. We'll see what we can do.


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
by Nineaxis and Youme"

Update your first post. :p