
Winterstorm A23a

*simplified lights (made them less warm and more bleak ,removed some props associated with lighting)​

*made map less over scaled (made it smaller and changed layout a bit)​

*added push triggers on top of trees​

*made waterfall/lake cave thing no build zone so that engies can no longer build in water or inside of a waterfall​

*added a signs that point to the waterfalls to make it more clear that you can go through the waterfall​

*added more trees​

*removed/changed some routs a bit​

*Changed spawns (made them smaller and redesigned them a bit)

*added custom content (COMPILE PALL IS FIXED FINALLYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!)

*..... hopefully packed it properly (T.T)

*made waterfall better (acts more like water(puts out burning players),you can't build inside of waterfall anymore)

*reduced the sound of waterfall

*fixed doors

*changed spawn a bit

*changed one way door near mid into a normal door(2way)

*no more truck

*added arrows for better clarity
tweaked sky and fog settings a bit
yea packing still doesn't work for me ....bye custom skybox :(


* once again....... hopefully everything is packed this time​

* changed so that death pit kills you instantly now​

* added a new rout behind the waterfall to hopefully make spy's life easier a bit and​

sniper's a bit harder​

* THE NEW AREA !!!(I was a bit lazy so for now here are the screenshots from hammer. Will probably update the old screenshots in next version too tired now.....)​

Screenshot (69).png
Screenshot (70).png

Screenshot (71).png
Screenshot (72).png
Screenshot (73).png
made it ugly
packing the map isn't and option it doesn't work (I tried EVERYTHING)
hopefully packed everything this time........
Main changes
packed map properly
*changed layout a bit
*added a death pit