-Adjusted ceilings in the final point area to make the area feel less like a box. Society does enough of that already.

-Flipped the stairs at the start of the final area around again. Hopefully that is significant.

-Modified the front end of the red platform at the top of the interior zone so it is a little bit lower, which should hopefully be more interesting than it was before. Fingers crossed.

-Some black magic with hints. You have no proof that there isn't a tiny digital witch inside the hammer.exe who does all the visleaf stuff. Huh, that sounds like an anime...


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-The Bridge triggers that let RED pass back and forth between the two buildings now do not go away when the point flips. Though realistically you could just smash the glass and escape.

-The cart no longer rolls forward at the last point where it isn't supposed to. It has to wait for death like the rest of us.

-BLU's second spawn now has lights. Maybe Blutarch forgot to pay the electricity bill or something.


Strafe 3 has been enabled. I was flip-flopping on whether or not to include this, since when its up it blocks a sightline from the top of the fort to the third point, but when its down it gives BLU more cover to push out from. After flipping back and forth I've decided to enable it for testing purposes. So please, tell me what you think of it!
The map now has four control points!

That's really about it. Yep. No puns today.
-The gray part of the bridge path has been visually improved. I like 2/1 slopes and I cannot lie.

-The gray part has been widened a tiny bit at the second and third platforms where most of the fighting happened, so it is less precarious to traverse.

-Added guardrails to the gray part. Now you have even less chance for falling off like that. You know who you are.

-A great deal of attempts at optimization. Areaportals are a mite tricky.

-The B point fort is made entirely from brushes now as part of the above change. While much less pretty, it should run better.

-The skybox on the A arena has been moved so the skybox is not right next to walking paths as much as possible. No more confusing others into thinking it is a bottomless pit.

-Fixed the Frontline cart so that players cannot get stuck inside. No more giving the driver a high-five, sadly.

-One tank has been pushed off into the water, so if you, as red, fall between the two boxcars on the bridge blockade, you will no longer be trapped if you do not posses the power of U P.

-An extra flanking path From the second gray path platform to right next to the elevator. No more excessive choking at the orange hanging structure for pyros, even with the guardrails.

-Secret stuff not for public viewing yet. No, Yrrzy, it is not an I/O Boss.
-Made the debris created when the shipping container drops smaller. I can't think of a way to make that into a pun of "leave no stone unturned."

-The battlements Blue door now is less jank. It looks considerably more flimsy now though, but that's fine probably.

-All catwalks have had their texture scaled down and given a border so they're easier to see. Now you have no excuse for walking off the edge.

-The Red tanks have been clipped so they cannot be stood on. They're private property, you see.

-That one sightline form the bridge's right side has been culled. Hopefully.

-Added protective walls to the upper exits by A point, so Red can better defend themselves from angery snipers.
-The bridge has been redone, with props being used to block off the path instead of make a path. The main track instead curls underneath the bridge. It certainly looks janky, but anything is better than prop spam, right?

-Blue spawn has had some work done and should hopefully feel much less cramped than it did before. No more bopping your heads, unless you really try.

-All dead RED team members respawn instantly upon A being capped. Get out there and take your revenge!

-The pointless structures have been flipped around, so now they cannot watch the battle and are very bored.

-But then because I was feeling sorry for them I added spectator cameras around the map so they could still follow along at home.

-The mid zone of A point had some crates removed and replaced with a small structure. Why? No idea.

-Redirected air traffic to accommodate the new structure.

-Spawn timers have been adjusted, hopefully for the better.

-Other fiddly stuff no one cares about.
-Changed a lot of pickups, such as Orange Crane Building having a full on the top floor and medium on the bottom.

-Removed 3/4 of the blockades

-Cart no longer reverses when the crate drops

-Crate drop looks better

-Added a catwalk from behind B to midway from B to the Tunnel

-Cut off second Red Spawn to further limit sightlines

-Changed tunnel track to no longer go sideways

-Better indicated clips of houses

-Added a small doorway at the back of B's Fort.
-Compiled with entities. Thank goodness I checked.