
pullsnake a16a

-changed respawn wave timer for red on b
-changed time added for each of the points
-added stairs to c
-changed some areas between A and B
-added a health kit to the flank at C
-fixed my skybox brushes finally (mostly), it was a mistake on my end
-changed routing at c & a
-changed respawn timers again
-changed pickup placement
-mitigated sightlines that seemed to have been causing issues
-opened up some chokes at point B
-modified some areas to be less zig zaggy / more intuitive (the flank at B)
-raised the height of certain objects at B to give blue team a better viewpoint of the red team's high ground
-changed respawn timers for A and B (reduced for A, increased for B)
-mitigated sightlines at C and A
-changed the flank at C to make it easier to get control of
-modified the lighting even further
-made changes to the flank routes at B
-capping B now adds more time
-changed the final point area to be more open for defenders, while adding a chokepoint with the intent to prevent them from escaping and pushing back too far
-removed most of the shielding from the balcony at c and changed the routing towards it
-shrunk red team's 2nd spawn to give them a better
-pushed the point for b back a tiny amount
-minor changes to points a b and c
-routes are more consolidated now, so defending should be easier.
-changed pickup locations
-changed respawn timers to reflect the changes to all of the points
-changed lighting to be less flat
-Modified routes and flanks on the final point
-Modified Geo to mitigate crack sightlines
-modified respawn wave timers
-red team respawns shortly after capping B to prevent annoying rolls on the final point

please be good please be good please be good
-Started work on the artpass, let me know if the color / texture choices are alright.
-Updated the initial blue spawn
-Modified Respawn Wave Timers on last even further
-Added an easy to attain flank route on the last point
-Modified an area on B to mitigate possible sightline issues
-updated respawn wave timers on last
-added a flank on last to give spies a purpose besides running to their death into the meatgrinder
-added sightline blockers and widened out an area on last
-Increased Respawn Wave Timers for RED on the C point
-Simplified track layout on the C point
-revitalized some brushwork
-modified C to give blue a stronger chance to regain some highground after it is lost