~ fixed few overlays
~ reduced map size
~ repacked the cubemaps (rip 0.1mb)
~ fixed stun audio not matching the stun time.
+ particles re-packed (I don't remember packing them for a while.)
~ reduced map file
~ front upgrade station got pushed back and trigger is now smaller
~ nerfed adv1 wave 5
~ moved trees
- removed few trees

and other unnoticed changes
~ sentrybuster no longer get stunned (he was exploding after stun)
~ the first upgrade station closes only after point is capped.
~ reduced map file
~ increased stun time
~ changed the adv1 mission wave 1 and 2
~ decreased map file
~ updated the .pop files
~ others
~ mission got updated
~ reduced map file
~ expert mission is now called "challenge"
+ added menu photos

and many more unnoticed changes
+ added more snow
+ last point can be blocked
~ moved and fixed few trees
~ changed lightmapping a bit
~ reduced map size
~ changed/ updated almost every mission

~ updated screenshots on the site

and many other unlistened changes


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  • added snowy overlay on the front wood
  • added trigger push for robots spawn. incase when AI dies
  • added extension to robots right spawn.
  • added snow prop on storage roof
  • added intermediate mission
  • added nodraw on few faces
~ decreased the particles height on last point. more flakes are now visible
~ clipped right robot spawn correctly
~ overlays of ammo and healtkit are no longer cut.
~ fixed containers clipping
~ changed displacements a bit
~ one of displacements in robots right spawn no longer blocks robots
~ right barrier got pushed back
~ tree on the front middle mountain are no longer flying
~ moved some trees
~ fixed trees disappearing behind respawn and on the right mountain
~ fixed issue with front upgrade station not being able to be used
~ at spawn brush no longer hides upgrade station's right beam support.
~ added tags and behaviour to robots that missed it (adv2 and extra)
~ increased stun time from 6 to 7 seconds
~ changed the tags for func_nav_avoid
~ increased alarm time from 2 to 3 seconds
~ changed lightmap grid in few places
~ few textures are now bigger
~ fixed weird shadow under roof in storage
~ on servers with sigmod: fixed issue where melee scouts were holding scattergun
~ nerfed 4th wave on extra a bit.
~ fixed few robots that didn't drop money on extra
~ rotated few props.
~ adv1 on wave 5 the amount of credits has been decreased from 505 to 500
~ adv1 fixed brass beast heavies equipping stock
~ nerfed normal mission
  • cart prop added on red spawn
  • caution tape added on a ramp at red spawn
  • extended fence on red spawn by 30 units
  • added two missions extra and 666
  • upgrade station is closed since wavestart on mission extra and 666
  • clipped wall trims in storage
  • removed ctf hud
  • added bomb that does nothing
  • added bomb hud (sadly...)
  • skybox on storage roof has been moved and resized (grenades, etc. can be on roof)
~ fixed storage's roof not lighten up
~ changed advanced1 mission. now it's bit harder and longer.
~ clipped storage roof correctly
~ map no longer overrides particles/particles_manifest.txt
~ front upgrade station gate spawns now in closed stage (its pretend gate reopen bug)
- removed lamp collisions in the storage


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+added more details
+added wood extension on front to remove annoying slope
+added stun mechanic
+added cubemaps
+added soundscapes
+added lamps
~better optimizations
~Normal: giant mitten's hp has been buffed to 7500
~front upgrade station is now always open until robots won't touch the control point. upgrade station will manually re-open after point has been cleared or after end of the wave.
~ fixed normal wave 4 (last point was always the target)
- removed herobrine

and other unlisted changes.
added pictures to the site


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