The area of this hint ended up cutting off the side door of the player spawn, which cut off player's access to the front. It was also very close to the upper A point.
Moved hint 3
Covers more of the front area and gives the buildings some cover.
Robot sentries and teleporters are removed on gate capture.
Teleporters already have to be killed after capture due to the game still sending bots to the tele. And sentries bug out when they get disabled, so just killing all existing robot buildings is just the safe option.
Added sentry hint system.
Had to be manually created because of the lack of bombs. At the moment, engineers will only move to the middle of the map on point capture.
Updated Napalm material.
Fixed missing soundscapes.
Added wave_start_bomb_relay
Added wave_start_bomb_nopowerups_relay
Added wave_start_bomb_timed_relay
Added wave_start_bomb_timed_nopowerups_relay
Since engineer hints are activated based on bomb progress, the standard gd mode of the map uses a system to control which hints are active. Using the relays above will disable the gd bomb.
Added highway_enable
Added highway_disable
Controls highway activity with better accuracy. Tanks will now also call these when they spawn to control highway behavior. If you want highway behavior to persist during/through tank waves, send Disable to these relays.
Added engineer hints. Teleporters are not included.
Both points will switch to captured once one is captured to prevent confusion.
Fixed tank capture not doing anything (how did I miss this?).
Final point can now properly lock until any A point is captured.
Fixed missing nobuilds on rocks.
Added blockers to prevent bots from entering the powerup room.
All small health kits are now medium.
Possibly fixed bot spawn teleports teleporting the bots back.
Adjusted player clipping on point B hatch props to prevent stuck bots.
Increased size of lower path blocker to disuade bots from running to point B early.
Fixed bots trying to path through a fence near point B.
Fixed un-targeted A point not fully disabling.
Decreased size of point navs to make bots stay on.
Added wave_preset_normal_nopowerups_relay and wave_start_nopowerups_relay (and forced path variations).
Can be used to start waves with no powerups.
Properly set up outputs of the bomb capture zone.
Added bomb hatch alarm.
Added 30sec timed bomb.
A capture zone and bomb were included in b2, but left unused. I'm confident a decent mission could use the bomb properly. At the moment the gatebot and bomb path are the same path, and I am hesitant to change this. Bots run for the X on the ground next to point B.
The un-targeted A point will also have its base light disabled.
The hud will not show the lock icon, as equal points can not lock each other.
Fixed control point models being removed on map start.
Adjusted tank path to avoid clipping on props.
Removed light from over upper A point.
Fixed tiny nodraw block on point B.
Tesla Coil:
Slowdown raised to 80%
Damaged lowered to 22dps
Money Magnet:
Will collect excess cash after the wave ends before disabling
Time decreased by 15 seconds (60->45)
Mission (Delayed Delivery):
RespawnWaveTime set to 1.
Sentrybuster cooldown increased by 10 seconds (25->35).
Removed 1 giant pyro (3->2).
Removed 9 GRU heavies (36->27).
Removed 9 cola scouts (30->21).
Increased cola duration on cola scouts.
Decreased spy count by 1 (2->1).
Increased spy initialCooldown by 10 (20->30).
Increased ball scout count by 12 (24->36).
Decreased sunstick scout count by 3 (24->21).
Increased steel fist count by 2 (7->9).
Decreased giant soldier WaitBeforeStarting by 5 (11->6).
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