I've had many people complain that the map feels quite large. I haven't actually compared the map to other 6s maps, however, I feel this is more a feeling of areas being large rather them actually being larger. So this update has mostly been a focus on second/choke. However, there are changes to other areas:
- Shacks size increased
- New ledge on the outside of quake room
- Moved health and ammo closer to choke
- Fortified the point
- Closed off sniper angles
- Opened up the high ground in lobby but cutting a platform out of the wall
- Moved med hp/ammo
- Added back routed, except in different spot and has a jump-pad
I'm hoping that these changes will make the choke fight and flank fight feel a bit more focused.
I'm also hoping that the choke gets reduced in size due to the change of placement of the medium hp pack and the placement of the jump pad.