Past 72hr Jam Entry koth_production B13
KOTH map set in an munitions factory
Welcome to koth_production. The map pits Red and Blu against each other for control of a munitions factory. The map follows a close design to viaduct with a few twists such as having the map use rotational symmetry instead of mirrored symmetry which is seen in most koth maps.
Resources used
ABS TF2 mapping resource pack
Frontline asset pack
To install drop it inside you're maps folder in your tf2 directory
default directory should be this
Resources used
ABS TF2 mapping resource pack
Frontline asset pack
To install drop it inside you're maps folder in your tf2 directory
default directory should be this
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps
- Steam Workshop Link